Queen Maxima visited the Wood and Furniture College in Rotterdam

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

On September 21, 2023, Queen Maxima paid a working visit to the Wood and Furniture College (HMC) in Rotterdam. The visit focused on practical entrepreneurship and sustainability within education. Since 1929, the HMC has been the only vocational school where all courses are about interior design, furniture, wood technology and professional specialization. The HMC has two locations, in Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

On September 20, Queen Maxima attended a dinner held for the winners of the King Willem I Prizes in Amsterdam. The dinner is traditionally organized by the King Willem Foundation for the winners of the last edition and marks the start of the registration for the biennial business awards. The Queen is honorary president of the King Willem I Foundation.

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

Queen Maxima wore a Noria silk organza embroidered with sequins skirt by Natan. Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

Queen Maxima wore Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar
Massimo Dutti long dress with shirt collar

Queen Maxima wore Natan Noria silk organza skirt, fully embroidered with sequins
Natan Noria silk organza skirt

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  1. Anonymous21/9/23 17:58

    Nice white dress, nice blouse, nice skirt and shoes. If we look from the neck down to the heels, we see a very nice outfit. But then we look up and see the mess again - unkempt messy hair and those horrible earrings.

  2. Anonymous21/9/23 18:38

    The Queen looks lovely and polished in the white chamise dress! MR

  3. Anonymous21/9/23 18:41

    Nice Nice Nice Maxima well done

  4. Anonymous21/9/23 18:48

    Very nice dress.
    Terrible hair. Can not understand...

    1. Anonymous21/9/23 21:07

      Her hair always looks over processed. I wish I could tell her to dump her colorist and try an Aveda Master colorist with Aveda protein hair treatments after each color session. I’m 10 yrs older than Maxima and color every 6 weeks but have shiny, glossy hair. I’ve been with my colorist for 8 years and my hair was a dry mess before then. I also take Nordic Natural Ultimate Omega capsules twice daily. MR

    2. Anonymous22/9/23 17:34

      @ MR. What works for you doesn't necessary works for someone else. Everybody has different reactions on different products. I am sure Q Maxima is well aware of what hair products exist and her hairdresser is probably one of the best. I think Q Maxima has difficult hair to treat, maybe if she was a commoner and she could let her hair rest and only use prescription products by a dermatologist it would cure and help a lot. But with her work as a busy Queen she, or her hairdresser, must do something with her hair almost every day. Maybe that's the reason why her hair often does not look not very good. On important occasions she uses hair extensions and/or false
      hair pieces to create an updo. Then her hair looks good, but is it healthy ? I don't think so. I have always heard that the use of hair extensions damage the hair. I hope that one day she finds the solution that she needs. Rose

  5. Anonymous21/9/23 19:18

    Encore une très belle robe blanche

  6. Anonymous21/9/23 19:53

    Nice outfit except for the earrings that look like they are trying to consume her.

  7. Le blanc combiné à la couleur camel ou rouille donne une allure élégante à Maxima ; petit déception au niveau de ses cheveux car récemment, il m'avait semblé voir un léger changement dans leur coupe ; j'avais espéré que cela allait continuer !

  8. Anonymous21/9/23 20:11

    After the Prinsjesdag colour explosion, this is a lovely palette cleanser. I especially love the first outfit. I'm always amazed how Maxima can pull of sleek and simple designs like this as well as all the feather-ruffle-paintpot-combos in her wardrobe. She looks great!

    1. Anonymous22/9/23 05:11

      @Nika: Fully agree with your comments and assessment.
      Maxima can literally wear anything and make it look good, from simple elegance to outrageous styles. Few women can pull off these types of fashion extremes, making her somewhat of a designers dream, and to me, she's all the more lovable for it.
      - Anon 9:13

  9. Anonymous21/9/23 20:37

    Nice dress and imo the belt actually enhances it coated to the photo of the model. The dress and skirt combo is okay but not as smart and elegant as the dress. The white blouse looks like a school shirt perhaps if it was dressier, the outfit would work better

    1. Anonymous22/9/23 09:27

      I like the combo with this shirt. She would be overdressed with a too girly blouse.

  10. Anonymous21/9/23 21:01

    Nice, obviously having a white period after her green period. I thought her hair was ok tbh. Km

  11. Anonymous21/9/23 21:46

    Nice outfits, but why always such heavy eye make-up in daytime ??

  12. Anonymous21/9/23 22:43

    The white dress is very nice, would wear it myself. Now the NATAN skirt is something else again. What does anyone else think about it? css

    1. Anonymous22/9/23 09:28

      I loooove it!

    2. It is ok for her to wear, (not for myself).

  13. Virginia Dogwood21/9/23 22:58

    The dress appears to be a winter white and I love the camel accessories of belt and shoes that were chosen. A great outfit. Tasteful jewelry. Messy hair, but I'd give this a 9!

  14. Anonymous21/9/23 23:08

    Love both the outfits.
    Both the dress (a re-wear I think) and the skirt have a dash of interesting styles.
    - Anon 9:13

  15. Anonymous21/9/23 23:18

    Both outfits are polished, excellent fit, and very flattering. My favorite is the white dress--its exactly what I think make QM look her best--clean lines, simple style, and avoids too much pattern and color. Its is very elegant she looks wonderful. Love the belt she added too. The skirt is perfect for the evening event--kind of surprised she chose a simple, white men's style blouse but I like it. As for her hair--I have given up. Apparently she is OK with it and is not going to change.


  16. Anonymous21/9/23 23:35

    White really goes with Maxima! And I love the fringy skirt!! Ac

  17. The white dress and belt looks great.
    The fringe skirt is dreadful!

  18. Lovely dress, from Massimo Dutti, every detail is elegant, and the shiny skirt with the white blouse are very classy, shoes and earrings perfect, too.

  19. She looks great except for her hair. Wouldn’t it be nice if she could find someone to do her hair?

    1. Dear Mary.
      I'll stick to my opinion about Maxima’s hair.
      It belongs to the “shaggy-chic” category of hairstyles.
      Or shag haircuts.
      A quick shower and shampoo, a quick hairdry, a cup of strong coffee, a bit of lippy and bingo, you’re ready to hit the street running.
      BUT I don’t think it’s a good style for a Queen.
      Plenty of photos on the net. Just google Shaggy-chic hairstyles 2023.

    2. Anonymous22/9/23 17:07

      One day I read something in a Dutch article on the internet : it was one of the chauffeurs responsible to bring Q Maxima in time where she has a visit to do. He said she regularly does her make-up while in the car and that she is very handy in doing it in no time.

  20. Anonymous22/9/23 03:44

    Love both outfits! Beautifully made dress with lux accessories for day and a fabulous skirt (and shoes) paired with a totally modern white button down for evening. Sharon Stone once wore that same shirt with a silk skirt to the Oscars and it was fabulous!


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