Queen Maxima paid a working visit to the province of Groningen

Queen Maxima wore an orange midi dress by Natan. Earrings and Gianvito Rossi suede pumps. Mind Us Foundation

On September 5, 2023, Dutch Queen Maxima, as honorary president of MIND Us Foundation, paid a working visit to Groningen province in the context of the mental health of young people. MIND Us Foundation wants young people to get a grip on their mental health, develop resilience and find help when needed.

Queen Maxima wore an orange midi dress by Natan. Earrings and Gianvito Rossi suede pumps. Mind Us Foundation

Queen Maxima wore an orange midi dress by Natan. Earrings and Gianvito Rossi suede pumps. Mind Us Foundation

Queen Maxima wore an orange midi dress by Natan. Earrings and Gianvito Rossi suede pumps. Mind Us Foundation

During the visit, Queen Maxima attended part of a STORM teacher training. STORM stands for Strong Teens and Resilient Minds, and focuses on young people in secondary and secondary vocational education. In addition to teacher training, training for young people with early complaints is part of the STORM approach.

Queen Maxima wore an orange midi dress by Natan. Earrings and Gianvito Rossi suede pumps. Mind Us Foundation

Queen Maxima wore an orange midi dress by Natan. Earrings and Gianvito Rossi suede pumps. Mind Us Foundation

Queen Maxima wore an orange midi dress by Natan. Earrings and Gianvito Rossi suede pumps. Mind Us Foundation

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  1. Anonymous5/9/23 16:09

    This is an interesting dress and it looks good on the queen. Anyone know the designer?

    1. Anonymous5/9/23 18:52

      It's Natan and it fits and suits QM very well in my opinion.

    2. The dress is from your favorite label Natan. She wore it 4 times before. The first time in September 2020

  2. Anonymous5/9/23 16:13

    That she doesnot use so much eyeliner anymore is an improvement: she has a lovely face.
    Clothes: as bad as ever.

    1. Anonymous5/9/23 20:34

      Perche? These dress is lovely

    2. Anonymous6/9/23 10:50

      @Anon. 16:13
      You are one of the few people who don't like this dress. It is lovely on Queen Maxima. It is an up-to-date cut and the color suits her, I've always loved this dress. Rose

  3. De la fluidité dans la robe de Maxima pour laquelle elle a su choisir une ceinture moins large que d'habitude ; je serais curieuse de connaître le nom du couturier peut-être Natan mais je n'en suis pas sûre ?!

    1. But you just have to take one look and you know it's from Natan.
      Are we ever going to see what's in her shopping basket from her holiday in Greece?

  4. I like very much the dress and jewelry.

  5. Anonymous5/9/23 17:20

    J aime la sobriété de cette robe lumineuse

  6. Anonymous5/9/23 17:22

    Love the orange dress! Suits her very well!! Hair nice 💃

  7. Anonymous5/9/23 18:19

    Finally! While QM is still wearing a dress with some extra drapey fabric at least this dress is 1) flattering and 2) much better fitted so that it looks nice on her. If that extra fabric were to be removed this dress would be a perfect, simple daytime look for QM.


  8. She still hasn't learned how to sit down nicely or to comb her hair. Her dress actually fits her pretty well.

    1. Well yes. To sit down nicely ? But then that's just Maxima.

    2. Anonymous6/9/23 11:04

      @Kteach. Surprised no comments this time on Natan ? Then we will write critics on her hair and the way she sits. She did comb her hair, but her hair is damaged. When she was a young woman just married her hair was much thicker and she didn't use much hair extensions at that time. During the years she became blonder and blonder. I think that is the reason her hair looks unkempt to you. "She still hasn't learned how to sit down nicely" well maybe she can't sit like you wish her to sit. I think Princess Anne still hasn't learned how to stand up nicely : not very elegant for a lady and a princess to put your hands behind your back and stand with your legs open just like some men do. But from Princess Anne nobody can say such things or you have the whole UK + the Commonwealth against you.

    3. Dear @Anon11:04 Re: Princess Anne. You said " you would have the whole UK + the Commonwealth against you"
      I would add - plus a public flogging in front of Buckingham Palace.😁😁

  9. Anonymous5/9/23 19:29

    That dress made me happy and it suits Maxima perfectly! Different. Very pretty and beautiful at the same time! C

  10. Anonymous5/9/23 19:34

    Nice dress, suits the queen well. Have we seen a similar dress to this one with the floaty fabric ruffle down one side, in a floral fabric. Queen Maltilde maybe?

    1. Anonymous6/9/23 07:48

      @Anonymous 19:34. Queen Maxima's dress is a re-wear and much older than Queen Mathilde's floral dress which is totally different. On the other hand Queen Mathilde has the same dress as Queen Maxima's but in pink and a bit shorter and less wide.

  11. The dress suits the Queen well, she wears this color wonderfully. Love the color of her accessories.

  12. Anonymous5/9/23 20:07

    I think Maxima looks really well here. Good colour and fit of the dress is flattering for her. Can’t help but see a striking resemblance to her late sister in picture 6. Good to see her lending support to these mental health causes. JJ

  13. That´s an interesting cut. I like it.

  14. Anonymous5/9/23 21:50

    Q Maxima looks very nice. The color looks good on her. Always cheerful. josebabe

  15. Anonymous5/9/23 21:50

    The Queen of the House of Orange wears the colour namesake very well! The style and fit looks good on her.
    - Anon 9:13

  16. @Anonymous6/9/23 11:04 - Maybe I should comment as anonymous, just like you, and pick on people you don't agree with. What a cowardly thing to do. I'm curious why the moderator lets you do this.

    1. Anonymous7/9/23 10:56

      @Kteach 19:08
      You pick on royals who don't dress or do their hair like you wish them to do or when you cannot say anything on the dress you start picking on the way they sit. That's is showing no respect and has nothing to do with fashion. Who is the coward here ?


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