Queen Maxima and Princess Beatrix held a reception for craftsmen

The silk curtains are machine embroidered in the TextielLab, the professional workshop of the Textiel Museum

On the morning of September 20, Dutch Queen Maxima and Princess Beatrix held a reception for the craftsmen who helped embroider the new curtains of the Chinese Hall in Huis ten Bosch Palace in The Hague. More than 150 craftsmen were received at the palace by the Queen and the Princess Beatrix.

The silk curtains are machine embroidered in the TextielLab, the professional workshop of the Textiel Museum

The silk curtains are machine embroidered in the TextielLab, the professional workshop of the Textiel Museum

Making the curtains started in January 2022. The curtains are machine embroidered in the TextielLab, the professional workshop of the TextielMuseum. The embroidery project focused on craft and machine embroidery. The new curtains are a contemporary remake of the 18th-century silk curtains that had been placed in the Chinese Hall of Huis ten Bosch Palace.

The silk curtains are machine embroidered in the TextielLab, the professional workshop of the Textiel Museum

The silk curtains are machine embroidered in the TextielLab, the professional workshop of the Textiel Museum

The silk curtains are machine embroidered in the TextielLab, the professional workshop of the Textiel Museum

The design focused on the Netherlands as a country of many cultures, where bridges are built and population groups are connected. The Chinese Hall is one of the rooms used for receptions and official events. In 2020, the Christmas speech was recorded in this room.

The silk curtains are machine embroidered in the TextielLab, the professional workshop of the Textiel Museum

Queen Maxima wore Tory Burch Linen Lace Cropped Blouse and Lace Skirt
Tory Burch Linen Lace Cropped Blouse and Lace Skirt

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  1. Anonymous20/9/23 19:55

    Oh my goodness, these curtains are just glorious!

    And the Queen’s dress is very pretty, if a bit summery looking. It’s something I would wear myself if I could afford it.


  2. Anonymous20/9/23 20:02

    What a beautiful outfit for Queen Maxima today. I thought it was a pale blue dress from the first pics but no matter. It’s just lovely

  3. Anonymous20/9/23 20:13

    Absolutely love this skirt and top outfit on Maxima. She looks so good in it. A refreshing change from the frou-frou when she needs to be formal (though I like her in that too).

    I love the new curtains as well. Anything handmade with artistry and patience deserves praise in these days of the forgotten arts and crafts. Congratulations to everyone who was involved in this project.
    - Anon 9:13

  4. Queen Maxima looks lovely in this two piece ensemble, feminine and elegant. Princess Beatrix looks fabulous, lovely to see her.

  5. Anonymous20/9/23 20:18

    Maxima has never looked better! Simple but subtly detailed dress and pretty jewelry that isn’t garish and does not detract from her face. Makeup seems calmer, which also allows focus on her nice face instead of hard colors.

  6. Anonymous20/9/23 20:22

    Maxima is looking fantastic! This looks like the same outfit as the beach photoshoot this summer, but it looks so much better here. The movement of the skirt seems marvellous. She looks radiant with hair and jewellery. Princess Beatrix is looking great too, always a pleasure to see her. Damsel Dragonfly

  7. Anonymous20/9/23 20:27

    Princess Beatrix should accompany Maxima more often, this is the most respectable she has looked in a while, no dramatic styles!

    1. Anonymous21/9/23 07:35

      Haha, yes!
      It is a fairytale dress,

  8. I really love this combo of delicate blouse and skirt in natural colour and made from natural materials. The blouse is specially beautiful!

  9. Anonymous20/9/23 21:00

    Yes! Full points to Queen Maxima on this outfit. A lovely outfit (10/10) for the former Queen of the Netherlands as well - always a pleasure to see princess Beatrix.


  10. Anonymous20/9/23 21:07

    I realky like the summery blouse and skirt combo. It is very becoming on her. On the last photo my first thought was she cut off her hair at chin lengths, which had also uit her. Frieda

  11. Ladyofthemanor20/9/23 21:25

    Not a fan of puffed sleeves on adults but otherwise this is a very lovely dress and the Queen looks great in it. I would love to get a closer look at the curtains. Impressive work

  12. Trรจs joli look de Maxima avec cette blouse courte associรฉe ร  une jupe estivale, le tout en dentelle ; il me semble que ses cheveux ont eu droit ร  une lรฉgรจre coupe au carrรฉ ; ce serait bien qu'elle continue sur sa lancรฉe !

  13. Anonymous20/9/23 22:30

    Both royal ladies look at their best here and how lucky The Netherlands is to have these two power houses working for them! Beautiful textiles, wish we could all see them in person.

  14. Maxima looks great in the white outfit, even her hair looks fine. She looks so much better with a simple dress, younger, softer, with just the right amount of jewelry and accessories. Bravo.

  15. Anonymous21/9/23 01:13

    Maxima looks fabulous here! I would love to see her in more this type of simple style and solid color as this is so flattering to her. When she chooses some of her more flamboyant ensembles I feel that we are seeing just outfit--everything else kinda fades away because the outfit is overwhelming. Princess Beatrix looks elegant as always--so happy to see her here. The curtains are spectacular. I can only imagine how much more amazing they look in person.


  16. Anonymous21/9/23 02:31

    i think Maxima looks great, not over the top, only im puzzled about the pashmina she has, when at home, why would you need one? so many other times people have asked about the same thing, and i always thought well she might get cold easily, although she does not appear to do so, as she never seem to use them, but at home?

    1. Anonymous21/9/23 06:31

      It was not exactly warm yesterday. In the afternoon around 20 degrees C. And there was a lot of cold wind in the Netherlands, Belgium, France... (look at the video when Queen Camilla stepped down the plane in Paris). Rose

  17. Anonymous21/9/23 02:33

    yeah!!!! finally I'm back! I was unable to publish anything for the longest time, it was great to read your comments, specially the constructing ones, but is even better to be able to participate ;)

  18. Wow, she looks really good!

  19. Anonymous21/9/23 11:00

    After some of Maxima's horrible fashion choices, this white ensamble looks tons better. Lovely and feminine look.

  20. Anonymous21/9/23 11:26

    Maxima est superbe dans cette magnifique robe blanche

  21. Ah, how easy on the eye they both are on this occasion. That's such a fresh, good look on QM. The only thing I do not care much about are the puffed sleeves. Apart from that - perfetto! Well done.

  22. P. the original21/9/23 16:31

    The Tory Burch combo is ine of the most striking outfit I have ever seen on her.
    There is something different around Maxima this time and whatever it may be, I just hope it will never end (even though I know it will).
    Absolutely well done.
    Please Maxima, more of this spell about you.

  23. If we get much more of this from Maxima, she’ll be getting a visit from the “boring” police. Maxima without the OTT is not Maxima.
    Anyway, it’ll give Princess Kate a break from their visits.
    Always nice to see Princess Beatrix.

    When I looked at those curtains, a little bell was ringing in my ear and when I listened to it, it was singing the old adage “a stitch in time saves nine”
    I seem to remember that the meaning is “A stitch in time” is simply the prompt sewing up of a small hole or tear in a piece of material, so saving the need for more stitching at a later date when the hole has become larger.

    1. P. the original22/9/23 06:52

      @ Deadeggs
      Totally agreed about Princess Kate needing a break from the ' police'' s nasty comments.
      Moreover, a break from feet diagnoses would be advisable๐Ÿ˜
      Good strong cuppas tea are highly recommended for someone badly in need of a shoulder to cry on but, please, Mrs Someone, leave all of these beautiful royal ladies alone.
      Thank you.

    2. But P. the original,
      We need Maxima with all her lumps and bumps, creases, hair, OTT and all.
      Otherwise, our keyboards will go cold and it’s difficult to type with gloves on, you know ๐Ÿ˜

    3. P. the original23/9/23 08:36

      Yes, @ Deadeggs, I' d say hair in particular ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜
      "Better take one's aim at her hair than cry alone in despair"
      (and this is my rhyme for today)!
      Other options available:
      P. Catherine's 'boring' outfits, the royals' budgets, royal ladies' feet and various imaginary body issues, heels height treatises, black colour everywhere (it's no funeral, folk!), the 70s and 80s trends (oh, my gosh!) and so on.
      Please, Mrs Someone, play your game and people, hold tight, please!

  24. Anonymous21/9/23 22:58

    Love this white dress. Great look for Maxima. Pss Beatrix always look nice. css


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