Princess Gabriella and Crown Prince Jacques started new school year

Princess Charlene wore palazzo trousers by Etro. Princess Gabriella wore denim pants

Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella returned to their school this Monday. They arrived at the school accompanied by their parents Prince Albert and Princess Charlene. Jacques and Gabriella will continue to receive education at Institution François d'Assise-Nicolas Barré (FANB), and for the first time, they will not be in the same class this year.

Princess Charlene wore palazzo trousers by Etro. Princess Gabriella wore denim pants

On the occasion of the start of the new school year, Princess Charlene of Monaco gave an interview to Monaco-Matin, in which she spoke at length about her children, as well as her projects in the humanitarian fields.

Princess Charlene wore palazzo trousers by Etro. Princess Gabriella wore denim pants

Princess Charlene wore ETRO crepe de chine palazzo trousers
ETRO Palazzo Trousers

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous12/9/23 12:47

    The children look good in their red polo-shirts with the marks of their school.
    Charlene's palazzo trousers by ETRO are very beautiful. It is a good idea to pair them with a black top. Rose

    1. Anonymous12/9/23 16:28

      yes black everyday

    2. P. the original13/9/23 18:49

      Hello, Anonymous at 16:28
      Breaking news for you on the fashion front: there is a new, almost overwhelming, fashion trend going on just now which sounds like: back to black and other dark colours.
      It applies to anybody, both people in mourning and also people living a satisfying life with no dead dear ones to mourn.
      It is called black revival and it goes along with other revival trends from the 70s and 80s.
      If you are interested in dressing and styling your hair according to the newest fashion vibes, you can phone the most elegant royal ladies on this blog for an update.

  2. Anonymous12/9/23 12:51

    i wish she had worn the same top as the model, to neutralise the black spell.

    1. Anonymous12/9/23 15:29

      I prefer the black top. Charlene made the right choice.

    2. Here comes the other part of Etro, still not a fan of it. I hope she will soon turn the Etro page.

  3. nice school uniform, as long as you wear the school T-shirt, you can wear anything you like at the bottom, so Gabriella wears jeans

  4. Anonymous12/9/23 13:39

    I think that this is a beautiful outfit for Charlene. Few could wear those trousers with the broad pattern at the cuff, but she has the required long leg length and height that are perfect to pull it off. I think she looks beautiful here.

    The kids look cute and this will be an adjustment being in different classes, but also an important one encouraging self independence amongst other things. Wishing them and millions of kids a great school year.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. Je peux penser que les jumeaux ont l'air ravis de prendre le chemin de l'Ă©cole vĂŞtus d'un T-shirt rouge mĂŞme s'ils ne seront pas dans la mĂŞme classe ; ils vont avoir le plaisir de revoir leurs copains et mĂŞme s'en faire d'autres !

  6. Anonymous12/9/23 15:41

    Bravo pour l uniforme, on devrait le remettre pour tous les enfants, mais ce n est que mon avis
    J aime la tenue de Charlène

  7. Anonymous12/9/23 15:58

    I love how casual she looks.

  8. Anonymous12/9/23 17:34

    I can't put my finger on it.But Princesses Charlene seems more relaxed/contented/happy of late. It's lovely to see. I hope it continues for her. She looks great in the Etro casual trouser.
    The kiddies are so cute in their red school shirts.Let's hope their school year is full of discoveries! Bea

    1. Anonymous12/9/23 22:24

      I agree re Princess Charlene looking more relaxed and cheerful recently. The twins are lovely. I like the red t shirts

  9. Anonymous12/9/23 20:34

    These two are getting cuter by the day. 1st day of school, fun is over, hard work ahead. css

  10. Anonymous12/9/23 20:57

    All the best for the two lovely school starters.

  11. I am not often that enthusiastic about Monegasque fashion choices, but this time I have to say that the trousers are to die for. I wish I could wear stuff like that. Alas, it would look terribly silly on me.

  12. Anonymous12/9/23 21:49

    How come Charlene's now taller than Albert? It's not the shoes. In other photos she's several inches shorter. Is this the same couple? What's going on? |Melanie|

    1. Anonymous13/9/23 07:33

      Charlene height is 1,77 cm and Albert is 1,81 cm. As we grow older our spine make us shorter. PS how do you know it's not the shoes? We also have to take into account how they stand on photos. If one person stands slightly a bit in front of the other, they will appear taller. If they straightens their back they will look longer. Optical illusions.

    2. Anonymous13/9/23 15:14

      It must be the shoes. I looked at the other recent pictures and on those she wears flats she is shorter than him, on those where she is wearing high heels she is taller than him. And then of course like Anon. 07:33 says you have the optical illusions. When someone is walking on a street that is going down the person behind him, automatically will look taller. Rose

    3. P. the original13/9/23 18:57

      I think you are reading too much into things, @ Anonymous.
      P.Charlene is a bit taller ( I mean her real height) than you say.
      Moreover, if you look more carefully, you can see that P.Charlene is wearing high heeled pumps with platforms, which is another fashion revival in the shoe territory.

  13. Anonymous12/9/23 22:04

    Good to see Charlene all smiles lately. The kids are growing up fast!

  14. Anonymous12/9/23 23:31

    Love this look from Charlene! While I was not a fan of the Etro top I love the trousers. She looks great here--simple and chic for those 1st day of school photos. The twins are cute--and getting so big. Wishing Jacques and Gabriella a wonderful school year and hope they have lots of fun while learning.


  15. Anonymous13/9/23 18:05

    I agree with all those that commented that Charlene is looking more relaxed, happy and at ease. The twins are adorable and I think that, even though at first they will feel lost without one another; but they will both have the opportunity to make new friends and they will have more to talk about when they arrive home. Wishing them all the best not only at school but in their lives.


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