Prince Albert and Princess Charlene attended the launch of a new vessel

Princess Charlene and Charlotte Casiraghi attended the official launch of new rapid intervention vessel

On September 27, 2023, Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene and Charlotte Casiraghi, Patron of the Police Department, attended the official launch of new rapid intervention vessel of the Maritime and Airport Police Division, in Port Hercule in Monaco.

Princess Charlene and Charlotte Casiraghi attended the official launch of new rapid intervention vessel

The Maritime and Airport Police Division deals with safety and security for marine infrastructures, particularly in Port Hercule and the Port of Fontvieille, and airports in Monaco. The new vessel named Saint-Georges will replace the ageing vessel Libecciu.

Princess Charlene and Charlotte Casiraghi attended the official launch of new rapid intervention vessel

Princess Charlene and Charlotte Casiraghi attended the official launch of new rapid intervention vessel

Princess Charlene and Charlotte Casiraghi attended the official launch of new rapid intervention vessel

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  1. Anonymous28/9/23 12:07

    Love Charlotte's outfit. I cannot say it happens often but this time I like her Chanel jacket, the trousers and her Chanel shoes. Princess Charlene is beautiful too, simple but beautiful. The ship has been baptized by a bishop and dedicate to Saint-Georges. Rose

  2. Ladyofthemanor28/9/23 15:00

    Both ladies look very good. Charlotte Chanel outfit is very classy. Albert is urgent need of new and better fitting pants.

    1. Anonymous28/9/23 16:47

      Agree. The untidiness of his trousers compared to the stylishness of the two ladies was the first thing I noticed in these pics

    2. Yes I agree, high time Pr Albert invests in better trousers, and it is not the first time.

  3. Anonymous28/9/23 16:54

    Charlène toujours élégante dans la sobriété. Beau tailleur Chanel mais mémérise une jeune femme à mon goût

  4. Anonymous28/9/23 17:12

    Mettre du chanel quand on est sur un bateau, il faut le faire qd même, au bord de la plage, j'ose espérer que son maillot n'est pas chanel !!! et toujours trop de noir. je regardais l'autre jour La Duchesse d'Anjou étant avec le Duc d'Anjou, Louis XX, à une journée commémorative, elle et sa fille portaient deux merveilleuses robes fleurie, la classe et la beauté !!!

  5. Très élégante la tenue Chanel de Charlotte mais à mon humble avis, les chaussures auraient mieux finaliser son look en blanc/noir ; superbe Charlène dans son tailleur bleu avec un haut blanc ; c'est parfait avec ses cheveux dont elle a éclairci la couleur en plus blond ; Albert devrait revoir ses pantalons qui tire-bouchonnent ! !

  6. Anonymous28/9/23 20:12

    Charlene looks fantastic. I love it that she is allowing her hair to go back to blond. For once, Charlotte is wearing a Chanel outfit that looks good on her! Jacqueline

  7. Anonymous28/9/23 20:31

    It seems Charlene's pants is too long and Charlottes to short, not a good style for her. The short jacket looks very nice. css

    1. Anonymous29/9/23 11:05

      Not everyone likes to wear always pants with the classic length. Charlotte is young she tries other styles which are fashion, besides when queen Letizia wears pants in that length everybody likes it. The same with the shoes, it just this color of Chanel shoe that is fashion among young woman, not the white and blue or white and black but the beige with a black nose. It is considered chic if you wear it with black or cream or white clothes. Rose

  8. Both ladies look lovely.

    1. Yes, I think so too.
      I feel rather concerned about the negative effect of dying products for so frequent color changes. I remember having heard a hairdresser's comments to a desperate lady about her hair. I cannot see the point about all those changes.

    2. P. the original29/9/23 09:11

      Agreed, Ava.
      They both are simply beautiful.
      Well done to them.

    3. Anonymous29/9/23 14:33

      @ MaryT. Your are right about the hair. The worst product is the one that you need if you wish to go from dark hair (even natural dark hair) to platina blond. It contains ammonium salts which is very bad for all sorts of hair. I never used it, just since 2 years during summer for a few highlights. I do this 2 x in the summer with a pause of 6 weeks even then I loose more hair than usual. Next summer I won't do it again. I'll stick to my basic color where I don't need ammonium treatment. Rose

  9. Anonymous29/9/23 01:53

    Charlotte in her classic Chanel and Charlene in her navy suit--both reflecting a nautical theme for occasion--look smashing! Charlene looks very elegant and I do love her new hair color.


  10. Anonymous29/9/23 03:24

    Les cheveux de Charlène pâlissent à chacune de ses sorties. Elle est tellement plus jolie en blond.

  11. Charlotte looks so much like her mother that it is almost like having the younger P. Caroline at the event!! She is so pretty!! P. Charlene looks very "OK" in this suit. But I love her blonde hair!!


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