Crown Princess Mary received French Education Minister Gabriel Attal

Crown Princess Mary wore a Bowery ivory stretch silk blouse by The Fold London. Princess Mary wore blue wide-leg pants

Crown Princess Mary received France's Minister of National Education and Youth, Gabriel Attal at Frederik VIII’s Palace in Copenhagen. The French minister came to Denmark to receive information about the work carried out in Denmark to combat bullying at schools.

Crown Princess Mary wore a Bowery ivory stretch silk blouse by The Fold London. Princess Mary wore blue wide-leg pants

At the meeting, they talked about the Danish approach to bullying and how The Mary Foundation works to support communities to prevent bullying and support well-being of children. Another topic was the initiative Free for Bullying, which the Foundation has developed and run together with the organization Save the Children.

Crown Princess Mary wore a Bowery ivory stretch silk blouse by The Fold London. Princess Mary wore blue wide-leg pants

Crown Princess Mary wore The Fold Bowery Blouse Ivory Stretch Silk
The Fold Bowery Blouse

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  1. Anonymous23/9/23 13:33

    I don’t like her pants…too large and overwhelming though the color is pretty. She looks best in more tailored outfits like the lady next to her is wearing.

    1. Princess Mary looks great in her blue and white combo.
      Like @,Anon 13:33, I’m not a fan of baggy pants. But Princess Mary can turn the trick and give what I think is an ugly style, class and elegance.
      Princess Mary and France's Minister of National Education make a handsome couple.
      But hang on girls, this 34 year old piece of eye candy is already married.
      His married partner is a man from the French political world known as Stéphane Séjourné. They are married under a civil union agreement known in France as PACS.
      Their marriage situation is publicly known.
      p.s. The work they are both doing is urgent There are more and more suicides from bullying in schools

    2. Anonymous24/9/23 08:12

      @ deadeggs Before his partnership, he was with a relationship with french singer Joyce Jonathan.

    3. Anonymous24/9/23 08:14

      @ dead eggs, Would you have written this, if he was in aa relationship with a woman ?

    4. Dear @Anon 08:14 (no nickname)
      The answer to your question is NO.
      In a “relationship” with a woman? - no.
      Married to a woman ? - yes.
      I gave a brief Curriculum-Vitae on the young man.
      That is, age, profession, marital status.
      In a “relationship”?, that’s his business and doesn’t get included in a Curriculum-Vitae. It’s also getting into the area of “gossip”.
      Also I thought it was a nice light-hearted way to include his marital status in case us girls start dreaming too much about this handsome, young, talented, Frenchy politician.
      I’m sure you’ve heard said “hands off girls, he’s already been taken”.
      Hope I’ve been clear with all the ‘yes’s and no’s’ and answered your question in an understandable way.

    5. Anonymous24/9/23 19:15

      Deadeggs - if you are French or know this ‘handsome politician’ better, you would not find him nor talented, nor handsome but indeed a very arrogant kid.

    6. @Anon 19:15 (no nickname)
      Are you saying that because Mr. Attal looks like an arrogant kid that he is “zero” and perhaps shouldn’t be a minister in the French parliament?
      Fashion note. He could do with a slightly larger suit jacket…. no?
      p.s. I am not French, but Francophile or if you wish Gallophile,.

    7. @Anon 08:12 (no nickname)
      Yes “it is said” that for a period, Joyce Jonathan, the French singer, was Mr. Attal’s girlfriend.
      “It is also said” that they have remained very good friends.
      BUT time to finish with the gossip and get back to fashion.

  2. Anonymous23/9/23 13:35

    Very nice. The white shirt has the perfect trim silhouette to complement the wider trousers. (V.M.)

    1. Anonymous25/9/23 14:31

      @deadeggs, In a word, you didn't know him at all. I know him and his situation but do not consider it usefull to detail his private life that I know even I think he is a very beautiful man. I read this very rarely. Previously, he was in a relationship with French singer Joyce Jonathan but you didn't mention that. Do you understand what I simply implying ? There is no longer a heart to be taken. I am heterosexual but why this difference between the others men or women in this site ? You contradict yourself regarding the C.V.

    2. @Anon 14:31 (no nickname). Re: Mr Gabriel Attal.
      With all respect, I did mention his ex-girlfriend by confirming what another blogger had said.
      I didn’t dwell on this point as, to me, it is in the realm of “gossip”.
      See Deadeggs 25/9/23 09:03.

  3. Anonymous23/9/23 14:51

    Love the top but wish the trousers were not so wide. Mary pulls off this outfit because she's Mary and she does look marvelous here but I wish she'd have the trousers tailored to be more slim. Cannot wait until this super wide trouser style is over.


  4. Ladyofthemanor23/9/23 14:55

    I have always loved this collarless blouse that I find super elegant. CP Mary wears these wide pants well. They fall nicely and the belt is great.

  5. Anonymous23/9/23 15:12

    Mary likes from time to time these sort of trousers, nice tailoring.
    Looks like an imitating of CC ( Charlie Chaplin not Coco Chanel).
    Wondering what Mr. Mary ( Prince Frederik) thinks)):

  6. Anonymous23/9/23 17:11

    First time ever I have to say:
    I dont like Marys outfit.
    Her blouse is lovely but her trousers: big NO!
    Mary is so tiny women these trousers makes her all shape disappear.

  7. La silhouette de Mary supporte à merveille cette belle chemise blanche combinée à ce pantalon aux jambes larges bien coupées ; pour finaliser le tout, le style de la ceinture a été très bien choisi !

  8. That´s a very young French minister. He looks like 20.

    1. Anonymous23/9/23 23:19

      He's 34 I believe!

    2. Confirm 34 years old.
      Young, talented, handsome and married.

  9. Beautiful blouse (I love that brand), and the belt is pretty too but those pants overwhelm her. They make her look shortwaisted and much wider on bottom than she is. Mary has an enviable figure but these pants don’t compliment it.

  10. Anonymous23/9/23 19:05

    Nice outfit especially the pants and colour!

    1. I agree, very nice outfit FOR HER, for many women these nice trousers would mean "stay away from it".

  11. Anonymous23/9/23 21:46

    Lovely combination. I am happy about wide trousers and I don't quite get why they are so often felt to overwhelm a woman, while wide skirts are feminine and do not overwhelm anybody. - I am not a fan of the collar solution of the blouse, could it be the case that it overwhelms Mary's neck? :-)

    1. Anonymous24/9/23 06:57

      I love the pants too but not many look good in them. QM does !

    2. Ladyofthemanor24/9/23 10:28

      I like them too especially when they fit so nicely as the do CP Mary. I do not understand why some commentators call them baggy. They fall perfectly and probably look very good in movement. Nothing baggy about this.

    3. Anonymous26/9/23 14:17

      Mary has a solid neck.

  12. Anonymous23/9/23 23:50

    Beautiful outfit! Love the color on the pants and, although the really wide style is not my favorite, I bet they look much better in motion.

  13. Anonymous24/9/23 00:11

    Love both the colour and style of CP Mary’s trousers. I’m another fan of wide trousers who was delighted to see the dreaded ‘skinnies’ move out of vogue. They didn’t look good on anyone who wasn’t stick thin ( I know they’ll be back before long since that’s how fashion works!)

  14. The blouse is beautiful, I love the collar very elegant. The pants are a no, I don't like the bagginess.

  15. Anonymous24/9/23 10:06

    The pants are a nice colour.

  16. Deadeggs, thank you for mentioning the urgency of Mary's cause. Suicide from bullying among LGBTQ teenagers is the single highest cause among so many beautiful teenagers for feeling they are outcasts in todays world!

    1. Thanks to Princess Mary and others, the Danes are addressing the problem of school bullying at full speed.
      The French government has sent their Minister of Education, M. Attal, to study how the problem is being dealt with in Denmark and to bring back ideas and information related to this growing problem in France.

    2. Good idea to exchange information among countries on a sensitive and urgent subject. So many parents are worried about bullying of their children at school.

  17. Anonymous25/9/23 10:16

    Not a fan of this outfit.

  18. Anonymous25/9/23 14:04

    Nä, byxorna var fan inte fina!

  19. Anonymous25/9/23 20:37

    CP Mary never disappoints. Lovely color. css


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