Queen Letizia and Infanta Sofia attended the Women's World Cup final

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia of Spain and her daughter Infanta Sofia went to Sydney, Australia and attended FIFA Women's World Cup Final 2023 played between Spain and England to support their national team. The match was played at Stadium Australia in Sydney on August 20, 2023. Spain won the match by 1-0.

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia wore a new Jaline red blazer suit by Hugo Boss. Infanta Sofia wore a cashmere coat and stripe sweater

Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Jaline Red Blazer
Hugo Boss Jaline Blazer

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  1. Anonymous20/8/23 13:46

    How nice she can go to see the World Cup final with her other daughter Sofia. While it is still summer in Europe they must wear already woolen clothes down under. I wonder if they are thinking about the impact such a trip by air plane has on the climate? But for the rich and famous apparently there are other rules than for the common people. Harry is flying from LA to Germany for the Invictus games, Princess Madeleine is flying from Florida to Sweden for her holidays, while her husband who can't decide where he wish to live flies up and down from Sweden to the States or to London. And than we also have all the shorter trips in Europe from Schiphol to Greece, from Greece back to the Netherlands to resolve government problems, from the Netherlands back to Greece, from Brussels to France, from France to Motril (Spain), from Spain back to France, etc... In fact from all these trips one could ask ourselves, is it really necessary to travel that much as all the scientists are talking about how fast this negative impact (among other of course) on the climate is going forwards. Rose

    1. Difficult to define ideal choices in climate change time. Does it really mean, not flying at all ? not driving at all ? Unconcievable, but rather no private flies. I hope Qn Letizia and daugther have been travelling with regular schedule flights. For the future cleaner airplanes or even looking further away airplanes using solar energy or at least hybrid. Among your examples, do you know where Motril is ? In the very South of Spain. I see also royals accepting to compromise in their travelling plans, and not only giving lessons to citizens. I am among those who believe citizens should consider carefully what sort of cars they should purchase, does everyone need a (big) SUV car ?

    2. Hear what you say Rose.
      But we should clean up our own doorstep first by cutting down on clothing wastage which is being done under the name of fashion, trends etc.
      We’ve got quite a bit of egg on our faces
      Or how do you say ....."the pot calling the kettle black".
      NOTE: It's full winter in Australia. August is one of their coldest months.

    3. While I agree with you on the damaging aspects of so many planes in the sky in respect to the environment, are you saying that except for emergencies (like to visit a dying relative) we should cease all travel.
      That's what it sounds like. .

    4. Oh come on now. I really hope that your mini essay is tongue in cheek. It is not only the rich who travel by air. Business gets completed by people traveling to.other countries. How do you think the different teams got to australia. If you have to travel somewhere are you going to use a sailboat

    5. I really have to agree with you here. Everyone is flying around as if there is no (climate) crisis. These people should be role models and lead by example. If for state affairs maybe but all these holidays, vacation and pleasure trips … It is lovely to see people out and about (we would have little to talk about if not) but a little more consideration for the climate but also the millions who are struggling to keep their heads above the water in the economic crisis (so to speak).

    6. Anonymous20/8/23 21:14

      At least she supports ‘her’ team ! I don’t think this is the place to moan about rich people or other taking flights … And it’s a problem for sure ! I hope you go on foot or by bike everywhere you need to be and lead by example! Good on you đź‘Ťđź‘Ť!! But there’s a time and place for everything. Here we like to speak about fashion. The queen looks nice in red ! Cheers to the team from Spain and weldone to the English team as well.

    7. This is why I applaud Prince William for not flying to Australia for this match. He chose to watch from home instead. Although, to be fair, he will be flying a few times soon, too. At first to the USA for something regarding Earthshot Prize - oh, the irony! - and then again later this year to Singapore for the Award Ceremony. So, it is good that he skipped the flight to Sydney for this final. But this is a fashion blog, and I just expected QL to show up in something red, and that's what she did. Lovely that she brought Infanta Sofia along. With her sister Princess Leonor now in military training, she must have liked the long distance trip to Australia together with her mother, I think.

    8. Anonymous21/8/23 00:41

      Thx Anna. At least someone who thinks on the same level as me.
      I could answer to everyone here in particular but it would lead us in endless discussions.
      I live next to an international air-port, I know what I am talking about. I know also where Motril is, I passed there a long time ago when I was in Andalucia. You could be surprised what common people are doing every day to reduce waste and to do their shopping by walking, so don't talk to me to clean my own doorstep. Lucky a lot of business is done through the Internet and employees are still working for 3/4 from home since the covid crisis. A lot of fashion brands are using recycled polyester (and other) fibers. I will stop now although I could still continue to describe what I hear and see every day. Rose

    9. Anonymous21/8/23 09:56

      How much co2 as a percentage is released by humans, compared to how much toxic gasses are emited by volcanoes - I say : BAN ALL VOLCANOES

    10. P. the original21/8/23 10:01

      You know, if I were you, I would take a very long time to think before writing down comments.
      While it Is indisputabile that air traffic does have a major impact on climate changes, I would also take into consideration that cargo ( goods/ products)transport Is a remarkable part of it.
      I mean: have you ever asked yourself how the great bulk of mass production fashion is produced, the industrial processes involved and what means of transport to/from Middle Eastern countries it entails?
      Air traffic is not to be restricted to passengers' flights only.
      What about the enourmous quantities of goods being moved across continents, many of which I am sure you yourself are a consumer of?
      Do you think that these products are solely shipped by train, lorries/ trucks, vans and ships?
      No, they aren' t.
      If you buy a dress even at your local market place, you will see a tag which reads" made in...( a far away country)"..
      Don' t you think it was air- shipped before being purchased by you?
      Same applies to plenty of high- end fashion ...raw materials are shipped to Middle Eastern countries where they are manufactured.
      The royals' flights are the minor niggle, believe me.
      Even more strangely, you seem to applaud the Ukranian premier' s.visits to Sweden and Denmark.
      Have you ever asked yourself why the President Is there and the goal of his visits?
      Lastly , I want to remind you that I am all for Ukraine and its right to defend its sovereignity as an indipendent country but this defense involves also the use of air force units.
      I'm trying to be as a clear as possibile to give you explanations using a basic vocabulary, lest you misinterpret once again my words.

    11. Anonymous21/8/23 10:07

      "Climate activists" Charles and William are some of the most polluting royals out there. They fly around the UK in a helicopter on a weekly basis, never heard of any of the European royals doing that. They don't take commercial plane flights, except when William goes on an Earthshot trip and it would look even worse...

    12. P. the original21/8/23 16:18

      It was meant to be: Asian countries (not Middle Eastern countries).

    13. Anonymous21/8/23 17:15

      @ P. the original I have already been thinking where is she perhaps on a late holiday. Next time before starting to write your long attacks, you'd better read carefully what I wrote.
      I talked about the climate not about the visits of President and First Lady Zelensky. I just talked about the outfits of the ladies. Of course I know he can't come by sail boat. I also said I lived next to an airport and the cargo airport is even closer. Don't you think the habitants of my village know how many goods are arriving every night and how many goods are departing. I know that kind of transport is indispensable for the economy and jobs. I just do not understand that people can take an air plane just for pleasure or a helicopter to arrive were they can easily go by train.
      About clothes: I only buy those which are made in Europe, Italy, France, Spain... I never buy something which is made in China but that has little to do with the climate.
      Your are not misinterpreting my words you simply are not reading them carefully. What is even worse you think I cannot read or that I am not aware what is going on in the world. I know why the Ukrainian president is in Europe. I didn't talk about this because I do not wish to mix too many different subjects. Good evening. Rose

    14. Anonymous21/8/23 18:21

      Some silly comments here, of course Queen Letizia and daughter should be there to support Spain. Its not t every day they win the World Cup. Delighted they travelled.

  2. Congratulations to Spain on a fantastic win.
    I hope your Queen and her daughter enjoyed their time in my country.

    1. Anonymous21/8/23 02:25

      I agree I hope they had a couple of days in Sydney, to see something of our beautiful country. Congratulations 🇪🇸. The Queen looked fabulous in her red pants suit. I am not going to stop my travelling.

  3. Anonymous20/8/23 14:32

    Excellent outfits. Even more remarkable their willingness to support their team at the expense of personal vacation. Unlike the other nation’s royal who just recorded a message.

    Red seems the best colour on Letizia. Perhaps because of its standout shade, generally it her red outfits have simpler, cleaner lines and I believe she looks best in less fussy clothes. This is a perfect example of how a great cut and a quality fabric is all that’s needed to have a gorgeous look.


  4. Anonymous20/8/23 15:31

    Nicely coordinated mother and daughter. I feel Prince William made the correct choice in a recorded message, travelling an unnecessary huge expense to watch a sports game, especially to a country that wants to be independent of the monarchy.

    1. Anonymous20/8/23 23:08

      Not everyone in Australia is against the monarchy, but the thing is, if they never visit, then yes, in that case it is certain that the monarchy will be abolished...

    2. Anonymous21/8/23 08:24

      Here we go again … William is perfect in whatever he does 🙄@DSC and co. There are other royals doing better job.
      Mother and daughter look great, red suits Q Letizia well. Infanta Sofia is a beautiful young lady.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous20/8/23 15:46

    Mother and daughter make a great Team of support. They are looking very good as always - classy and elegant that is their style.
    Supporting the Spanish team in the final is an honour and a special occasion. It is not as if the Spanish royal family lives a life of pomp and circumstance. The Spanish, like their people, are very Spanish and in no way comparable. They are in a class of their own.

  7. Toujours merveilleuse Letizia dans cette couleur rouge même si le noir de son haut se retrouve dans les boutons de son blazer ; ravie que l'Espagne ait remporté le match quoique par 1-0 !!!

  8. Anonymous20/8/23 18:23

    Congratulations to Spain for winning the world cup, it reminds me 2010 FIFA world cup here at South Africa. I think the presence of the Queen also played a role in Winning the world cup.... Thanks Australia and New Zealand for hosting a beautiful and a successful tournament....

  9. Easy to criticize Prince William as you have chosen to do. Would be criticized regardless of what he did. Many considerations for William. As immediate heir to the throne, he has to travel with multiple security teams so they can be rotated. Hotel and meal expenses for all. I see that the King of Spain did not attend. Letizia requires security, but to a far lesser degree.

    1. Anonymous20/8/23 23:14

      That is not the reason the King did not attend, it's because a new government is being formed and he has to be there. But William would have been welcome to likewise send Catherine if she requires less security...

  10. Anonymous20/8/23 19:22

    Great looking outfits. Letizia always looks good in red. This is a good color for her. Sofias red scarf looks good on her, maybe she should wear red as well, more often. Congrats for the Spanish team win. css

  11. Toujours merveilleuse Letizia dans cette couleur rouge même si le noir de son haut se retrouve dans les boutons de son blazer ; ravie que l'Espagne ait remporté le match quoique par 1-0 !!!

  12. How wonderful to welcome Queen Letizia and her daughter to our country. Its marvellous they supported their team. Congratulations to Spain. They were well rugged up, last night the temperatures dropped so they were well attired for the weather. The Hugo Boss red pantsuit looks fabulous.

  13. Anonymous20/8/23 20:54

    Yes, red is a good colour for her. I am definitely a lady trouser suit fan, but I don't like this special one, not without her in it and not on her and also not on the model. My main impression is hardness, and at the same time it is somehow quite boring. It is a classic cut, but that would allow for pleasant features. I don't find any. - I also tend to be bored by all the long hair ... yes, nice, but a nice pony tail here and there, especially after a long flight, could be very refreshing.

    1. Anonymous21/8/23 03:03

      The colors chosen for her outfit match the uniform of the team. as a show of solidarity. 'Lovely ' flair with language to post that she looks hard and should follow your decree and wear a ponytail after a long trip. Fail!

    2. Anonymous21/8/23 10:11

      @Anon 03:03: How about tolerating opinions you don't share? This is the basis of a civilized discussion so please try to take care of your style and also, don't "cite" me with something I never wrote. (GM)

    3. Anonymous21/8/23 20:11

      Sorry your tone reads as mean spirited. You have inserted your taste into a discussion on a red suit worn for an obviously specific reason and inserted a 'hardness' and 'a lack of pleasant features ' as shall we say....garnish! We will leave it there.

  14. Anonymous20/8/23 21:00

    That looks like so much fun!!! How incredible for the Spanish team to have their Queen celebrating with them. Congratulations Spain.

  15. Anonymous20/8/23 22:05

    Queen Letizia & infantana Sophia both look great & what an honour to have them come to our country Australia. If anyone is wondering we are at the tail end of winter. So rugging up a little in winter clothing is necessary as it does get cold. I hope the Spanish royals can visit again. Maey

  16. Anonymous20/8/23 23:23

    Ignoring all the virtue signalling
    about the rights and wrongs of flying, both the Queen and Infanta Sofia look good. Queen Letizia always suits red and this trouser suit is great on her.

  17. Anonymous21/8/23 00:19

    What a fun memory for mother and daughter to share. I’m sure Letizia appreciated spending some one on one time with Sofia before she goes to school. The celebration photos made me think of the pictures from when Leonor and Sofia were little with the winning men’s team.

  18. Anonymous21/8/23 01:14

    Congrats to spain on there win it was great to see there queen and her daughter celebrating with there team there was plenty of royals show there loyalty to the England team and for all the female players all over the world and congrats to all the teams that played in 2023 wold cup

  19. Anonymous21/8/23 02:55

    I'm late with my comment, fashion wise they both look great and of course perfect color for the match. Congratulations to the team, well done.
    On the pollution note, I do like traveling and travel as much as possible, I think there are plenty actions we all can take, not only the rich and famous, which btw they represent the minority of the population, to help our planet, stop traveling won't stop the problems.
    But this discussion is for another blog.

    1. Anonymous21/8/23 12:19

      Glad to hear it. Absolutely agree with you though also agree that this is not the place for this discussion.

    2. Anonymous21/8/23 12:20

      I do not agree with you. In March 2020 due to the pandemic air planes were forbidden to fly, there were no cars or buses in the streets. Trains were allowed. The sky was so blue more like violet blue, the air we respired was so pure. The same sensations one can have in the mountains when the sun is shining and the sky is so blue it hurts the eyes. When the weather services took samples and analyzed them there were no bad chemicals like CO2 in the air anymore and this only after less than 5 days. Less traveling WILL make a difference, not only the climate will benefit from it but also people's health. Think about all kind of lung diseases not only cancer. There are plenty of actions we all can do but are they done in every country ? I don't think so. If there is only a small minority who feels responsible it won't stop the problems. Rose

    3. Anonymous21/8/23 17:40

      Here i have to agree to rose, and yes it does belong to this blog.

    4. P. the original21/8/23 17:58

      Sorry, anon.Rose 12:20
      What are you talking aboiut?
      I think you're referring to the particular situation in your country.
      Reality was different and not so poetic n other corners of the world.
      It is true that MANY jet plans were grounded since March 2020 but not all airplanes.
      In addition, access was forbidden to SOME countries
      Please, check your sources

    5. Anonymous21/8/23 20:34

      Ptheoriginal, what is the problem, why (again) so agressive, when it comes to personal opinions? Sara

    6. Anonymous21/8/23 23:01

      @Sara 20:34. Oh dear, what have you done? Now we have another Gospel according to P. the original coming. We will hear about her superiority and our inferiority in great detail.
      Just a gentle reminder: This blog is about fashion. FASHION. Your hogging it for your personal agenda is quite disrespectful. As Luna said, this discussion about climate, pollution and whatnot is not for this blog. Why don't you keyboard-crusaders air your grievances elsewhere?
      I'm grateful to Miss Helen for running this blog, it is supposed to be fun. Some of you ruin the fun, show some respect to her. Katrina

    7. P. the original22/8/23 07:36

      @Anon..as Katrina
      What can I say?
      Ok, just believe what pleases you most.
      You skipped fashion and focused on totally different topics describing weird things.
      Then, you got my replies accordingly.
      There were no attacks on my part, I just tried to open your eyes on reality.using very Easy words bit I failed again with you.
      You brought in my holidays (people do work and I' ll be back to the job within hours), you started the air pollution subject and the pandemic report according to your personal views, you totally reversed the clear meaning of what I wrote at 10:01, so there's nothing left to say.
      What gospel, agenda and superiority are you talking about now?
      Basically, there two ways of living: one can choose to live in an abstract world of one's own like you do or live in the real world and elaborate reality through one's own REAL experience like I do.
      As simple as that.
      Ok, carry on depicting or Imagining things the way you like and writing baseless monologues.
      Bye, cherieđź‘‹

    8. Anonymous22/8/23 08:15

      @Katrina, cc:to Sara. You used the right words "her superiority" and "our inferiority". Expressions I have to put in my mind, to remember next time she is attacking me. But I hope there will be no next time. I always tried to stay polite what cannot be said of her At first I thought I was the only one with whom she had problems. But now I hear there are already several bloggers who are on the same level as I am. I will do the best I can to avoid every discussion with her in the future. Rose

    9. Anonymous22/8/23 19:51

      Whats wrong with p., hope she is ok

  20. Anonymous21/8/23 08:17

    Ok it’s winter time in Australia but Is it that cold ?

    1. Anonymous21/8/23 11:48

      Google it, ... easy!

    2. Anonymous21/8/23 22:15

      I think it's what your acclimatise to. In our part of Australia our winter, nights are zero to 10 or 12 in the day. Sydney for us feels hot when we visit, usually the winter nights are 10 and the days in the 20s.our family that live in Sydney are rugged up while we are in t-shirt. The Spanish Royals probably would have felt abit cool, Spain has been very hot lately. They both looked great.

  21. Anonymous21/8/23 19:43

    Letizia looks simply smashing in red. So simple, so elegant - I LOVE it! It's funny how in the 3rd picture she automatically goes into what I call "reporter's stance" when being interviewed - I guess her media career has left quite an imprint. She's stunning!

  22. Anonymous22/8/23 17:30

    In that first photo they look like they are at the International Car Show.


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