King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visited Gelderland Valley

Queen Maxima wore a new green midi dress by Natan, and beige trench coat by Max Mara. Green earrings

On August 31, 2023, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands paid a regional visit to the Gelderse Vallei (Gelderland Valley) in the province of Gelderland. The King and Queen visited the municipalities of Nijkerk, Barneveld, Scherpenzeel, Ede en Wageningen. During the visit, the royal couple reviewed the transformations the region is undergoing. The Gelderse Valley is a leading agriculture valley.

Queen Maxima wore a new green midi dress by Natan, and beige trench coat by Max Mara. Green earrings

Queen Maxima wore a new green midi dress by Natan, and beige trench coat by Max Mara. Green earrings

Queen Maxima wore a new green midi dress by Natan, and beige trench coat by Max Mara. Green earrings

Queen Maxima wore a new green midi dress by Natan, and beige trench coat by Max Mara. Green earrings

Queen Maxima wore a new green midi dress by Natan, and beige trench coat by Max Mara. Green earrings

Queen Maxima wore a new green midi dress by Natan, and beige trench coat by Max Mara. Green earrings

Queen Maxima wore a new green midi dress by Natan, and beige trench coat by Max Mara. Green earrings

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  1. Anonymous31/8/23 15:57

    From head to toe.......not a good look.

    1. Anonymous1/9/23 01:33

      I completely agree! Janet

    2. maxima is back, from head to toe 😃

  2. Anonymous31/8/23 16:00

    The skirt is enveloping her, too much material; I hope she’s not wearing pantyhose with open toe shoes. Not a good look, but the color is pretty.

  3. I don't like it, from head to toe, as Renée says. I don't even like the bright color for such a big surface.

  4. Anonymous31/8/23 17:07

    Totally hideous!

  5. Anonymous31/8/23 17:09

    What in the world? This whole look needs to be burned (the trench coat can stay). From that wad of fabric of a hat to the orthopedic looking shoes, just no. I'm not even touching that dress.

  6. Anonymous31/8/23 17:41

    Whose nightmare was chosen to take shape as a green skirt? It might distract from the headpiece but that's all I can say about it if I try to be nice and neutral. (GM)

  7. Anonymous31/8/23 17:58

    Who invents such a strange “ skirt”.
    The short raincoat makes it even worse, and I didnot even mention the shoes!

  8. Anonymous31/8/23 18:06

    Now this green dress has way too much fabric in the skirt and the pleats on the hip are pulling and seams are puckering. I would expect better quality tailoring for the Queen. Love the color.

  9. Anonymous31/8/23 18:16

    O dear... No! No to the colour, the style, the hat... Everything. Why is Maxima getting it wrong?

  10. Anonymous31/8/23 19:41

    The top is nice as is the colour. The quirky hat is okay since it keeps her hair in place, and shows off her earrings. I personally don’t like that style shoe, too closed in, nor the skirt too much uneven hem.

  11. Anonymous31/8/23 19:45

    Oh no. This isn't good. I was just commenting on her other recent green look and how much I liked it, but this is... a mess from head to toe. Is that a t-shirt? With a satin bedsheet wrapped around her waist? I don't understand. And normally I'm more than willing to give wrinkled fabric a pass, but this looks like it was never fully straight. The shoes are awful, too. I'm okay with the headband/hat thingy, but wish it was paired with a different outfit altogether - it acutally looks decent with the trenchcoat. I hope the rest never sees the light of day again.

  12. The hat is great, the top of the dress is nice but there's too much material in the skirt, the shoes are okay. I'd give the whole outfit a pass overall, around 60% as a mark!

  13. Anonymous31/8/23 19:55

    Have you noticed Maxima suddenly looks much younger? No usual many wrinkles we’ve seen ….
    Not fan of this outfit but typically her 🤗

    1. Anonymous1/9/23 07:54

      Wrinkles in forehead all gone. But maybe more camouflage make-up?

    2. But why not go the whole hog and say it's from Botox ☹

    3. P. the original1/9/23 21:41

      How come you couldn't find any bunions or why didn't you mention the need to wear flats, sneakers, nurses' s shoes this time, @Anonymous?
      About the wrinkles you see everywhere:
      maybe Maxima benefited from some excellent cosmetic products from a Greek brand.
      Do you know what having a regular skin care routine means?
      Have you ever gone that way or it's just all about bashing other women?
      Fashion wise: It could have been a winning combo, white and green, but unfortunately the pieces Maxima chose do not work well together.
      She Is a beautiful charming lady regardless.
      Very strange the way you go through and record all the comments chronology, this seems to be your only concern and activity during the day.

  14. Anonymous31/8/23 19:58

    I don't like the dress: cut, color and wrinkled material. I don't like the hat (it looks like a torn pancake). The earrings are circus style-- I'm surprised that a woman who has access to royal jewels wears such jewelry, which lacks elegance - in my opinion.
    A trench coat is good, but suitable for a completely different, more informal outfit.
    I'm probably too critical according to some, but Queen Maxima - unlike most women - has a lot of options and since she represents the royal family and the country, she could make more efforts.

    1. Anonymous1/9/23 06:10

      @Stephanie. In The Netherlands they have no problems with this outfit. They like her in any outfit.

    2. Anonymous1/9/23 07:15

      Anonymus 6:10:
      is your remark says nothing about the clothes and is certainly not true anyway: there are many critical views on Maxima in her position as Queen.

    3. Anonymous1/9/23 11:43

      I believe you, Anon 6:10
      I don't really care how the Queen of the Netherlands dresses either. Her dress - her choice. On the other hand, I allow myself to freely express my opinion about her outfit (or about another public figure).

    4. Anonymous2/9/23 10:58

      @Anonymous 1/9/23 07:15
      I made my remarks about her clothes on Kingsday last April. The critical views I read come perhaps from other websites than the one you read. I can only judge on what people send to "Modekoningin Maxima", the website of Ms. Droogendijk and what is published in the Magazine "Nouveau". The majority of these critics are positive and if not, they are expressed at least in a humoristic way or in a polite way. Of course in my country like in any country with a monarchy, there are people who are against it, but I doubt they are reading blogs about royal fashion.

  15. Ce vert tendre lui va superbement bien mais je trouve que la longueur de la robe ne l'avantage pas ainsi que ce style de coiffe ; j'aime beaucoup ses chaussures à bout ouvert mais je ne pense pas qu'elles soient idéales par ce temps pluvieux !

  16. Anonymous31/8/23 20:12

    Color is pretty but the dress is horrid!

  17. Anonymous31/8/23 20:29

    The photos of the Queen in her hat and trench coat standing outside with her King are adorable. - AnnaLise

  18. Anonymous31/8/23 20:36

    A huge NO from hat, dress, shoes etc. Even the colour is outrageous, always a "look at ME" type of thing with this woman. Rachel

  19. Anonymous31/8/23 22:53

    The top is not bad , but this neon green, from head to toe is a bit too much OMO. Maxima likes loud colors, maybe she feels without it she is not seen? She is entitled to a mistake, just like everyone else. css

  20. Anonymous1/9/23 00:34

    Oh well, my short in vocabulary and all the terms I want to use haven been used, do let's say I agree with you all!

  21. Oh Max. I can defend most anything you wear but there's no defense for those shoes. Just heinous. The rest of your look, let's just say keep the trench coat on.

    1. Well the shoes are not to my personal taste, but are trendy and surely acceptable to some people, here and there, in the NL

  22. Anonymous1/9/23 01:36

    I can say without hesitation that this dress is THE WORST.
    Mrs C

  23. Anonymous1/9/23 01:49

    I'm at a loss on this mess. I have several times that I hate these shoes--they make QM's feet look like blocks. As for the dress--in addition to too much fabric it is also too long. The hat and the raincoat are yet another level of unfortunate choices with this whole outfit.


  24. Anonymous1/9/23 06:19

    The only problem I see is that Queen Maxima has chosen the wrong outfit according to the weather. The dress became wet and wrinkled. The trench coat does not match the rest. She should have worn one of her many pant suits in this weather. It is difficult to choose the right outfit because we have all kind of weather in the same day. Rain, sunshine, cold in the morning, not too cold in the afternoon.

  25. I don't mind the bodice of the dress, but that is where it ends. The skirt has way too much fabric. The hemline seems ? The shoes definitely a no.

  26. Anonymous1/9/23 06:45

    Imo the taffeta skirt is too much for the occasion. The linen top and its color is nice. Shoes horrendous and inappropriate. The same outfit but with linen trousers would have been lovely

  27. Anonymous1/9/23 07:46

    I remember this dress on Kingsday ( a sunny day) in Rotterdam last year and we all liked the dress with then a small hat in the same colour as the dress. It looked festive. But for a drizzling day at a working visit it's not a suitable dress

  28. Anonymous1/9/23 08:37

    The shoes look like a Eunice would wear them in the 1940's!!!

  29. Anonymous1/9/23 08:43

    Just awful: the dress, her shoes and that hideous turban. It looks like something Q Juliana would have worn.

  30. Anonymous1/9/23 09:05

    How amusing to notice that most reactions are completely different from when the queen wore this outfit during King's day in April last

    1. Anonymous1/9/23 16:55

      @ Anonymous 1/9 09:05 I thought exactly the same. Did you also noticed that if one blogger start to break down an outfit all the others follow and are doing the same. The majority didn't even got it that this outfit was a repeat from King's day this year.

    2. Anonymous1/9/23 19:29

      Anonymous1/9/23 16:55, I'm not too sure about people not having an opinion of their own, but I'm convinced that some who act as if they saw this outfit for the first time today, were very positive about it on April 27th, 2023

  31. P. the original1/9/23 09:20

    My dearest Maxima,....words fail me...why, Maxima?

  32. I’d thought that as there was no mention of the designer I’d do a quick trip around on the net to see if any designer or fashion house was brave enough to put his/her name to the green ???? Didn’t have to go far and found the info on a Dutch site.
    It’s from Natan but he seems to be laying low with his name being associated to it.
    Plus it is said that it is a re-ware. Apparently Q. Maxima wore it on King’s Day in Rotterdam.(what year ??)

    1. Anonymous1/9/23 19:23

      This year, Deadeggs, so you'd better check what you've written at that time .... (27/4 or 28/4).

    2. The dress would be ok for a King's day celebration, where some sensation choices are welcome.

    3. Dear @Anon 19:23
      I checked back on the 2022 report and apparently I didn't make a comment.
      I must have been sleeping.

    4. Anonymous2/9/23 19:46

      It was this year 2023 in April not last year. I think you are still sleeping.

    5. Anonymous2/9/23 20:10

      deadeggs, we're talking about 27/04/2023 or 28/04/2023 and not 2022

    6. Yep, you are right. My comment remains the same, but it should have read 2023. And again I have to confirm that I must have been sleeping as I didn't make any comment at the time when it was published on the net. Or maybe I was too occupied looking at the photo of a handsome prince (eye candy) and no time to comment on Maxima.

  33. I’d been hoping that Maxima would present us with some new outfits from Greek fashion designers and fashion houses.
    For example Bulgari, Zeus+Dione, MI-RŌ and Celia Kritharioti just to mention a few.
    Greece is loaded with top name designers and accessory products.
    To me, their designs/colours/products fit in well with Maxima’s bright personality.
    Maybe it’s a surprise yet to come.

    1. Anonymous1/9/23 16:40

      Deadeggs you are always so positive and that is what I like about you. Would you be willing to share with us where you get the name Deadeggs. I have always been curious!!!

    2. Dear @Anon 16:40
      Thanks for asking about my name.
      It’s from an old, noble, European family called AdeGgs
      And to show that it’s from a noble family, traditionally you put a DE before the name.
      Then you get De AdeGgs.
      But over the generations the family went from riches to rags. The chateaux were sold and most of the family treasures finished up in auction rooms.😌
      And people now just refer to the family in a kind way as “the family Deadeggs”.
      But then @Tulip33 (Achard62) gives it a French translation which is “œufs morts” (dead eggs)
      I now live in a working class street and I’m referred to as Mrs “smelly eggs”.
      Life has its ups and downs, you know.
      I could write a book with the title ….. “Life from a Chateau to a working class street with a hubby obsessed with fishing.
      But I continue to hold my head up high and never complain and never explain.

    3. P. the original2/9/23 11:26

      Dear @ Deadeggs,
      your comment yesterday at 21:20...well, it's a work of art, indeed!
      It will take me some time before I can recover from laughing like crazy...
      You' re great, well done!

    4. Dear P. the original.
      I'm so happy to have had the occasion to "share" some of my family history.with you.

    5. Anonymous2/9/23 13:47

      Dear Deadeggs, i thought I added my name about how you got your name. Thank you! Fitzhugh

  34. Anonymous1/9/23 13:53

    What I also noticed is that the shoes she is wearing are exactly the same as yesterday but in another color. Yesterday it was in the new color "terra cotta" just like her pants. On Kings day in Rotterdam the reactions concerning the shoes were bad too. But the green combo silky skirt + linen T-shirt received not so much bad comments as today. Although it is(was) fashion this spring and summer, many people have something against green. All kind of green are fashion. The color is not something exclusive for Natan, other designers use it too. Maybe not everyone can wear it but for Maxima with her blond hair and bronzed skin I see no problem. Rose

  35. Maxima loves her “bandage” hats but she hasn’t yet convinced me of their merits. I think she can carry this vibrant green; it certainly suits her joyous and enthusiastic personality.

    The skirt - as several others have commented - is overly voluminous but I think the volume could work if the top was more fitted. The batwing sleeves give the whole look no real breathing space. It’s more pleasing to the eye for one half of an outfit to be full/ voluminous and the other half to be more fitted.

    Pairing the green, bat winged top with a straight skirt or sleek trousers would be far better than teaming it with this very full and uneven skirt.

  36. Anonymous2/9/23 16:14

    The colour is a beautiful green . The design of dress, shoes and hat a very big no.


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