King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia attended the Salzburg Festival 2023

Queen Silvia wore a royal blue lace gown and navy suede pumps. Diamond earrings. Princess Madeleine and Princess Adrienne

On August 4, 2023, King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia attended the Salzburg Festival 2023, in Salzburg, Austria. The festival is one of the world's most important festivals for opera, music and drama. It is held each summer, for five weeks starting in late July, in Salzburg, the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Queen Silvia wore a royal blue lace gown and navy suede pumps. Diamond earrings. Princess Madeleine and Princess Adrienne

Queen Silvia wore a royal blue lace gown and navy suede pumps. Diamond earrings. Princess Madeleine and Princess Adrienne

Queen Silvia wore a royal blue lace gown and navy suede pumps. Diamond earrings. Princess Madeleine and Princess Adrienne

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  1. Anonymous4/8/23 22:20

    Queen Sylvia looks amazing! Love the style and color of her dress on her. They make such a handsome couple! MR

    1. MR: I agree. Queen Sylvia looks beautiful, and years younger. Her hair looks a bit lighter and it is a looser style. My only quibble is her mauve colored lipstick that she wears often. I think a pink or red color would be better. The King is his dapper self.

    2. Anonymous5/8/23 00:48

      Agreed, she looks stunning.

    3. Anonymous5/8/23 12:07

      beautiful. i can see Madeline's whole face and her daughters chin

    4. Anonymous7/8/23 02:23

      Beautiful look .From the UK.

  2. Anonymous4/8/23 22:27

    The woman greeting them looks like she's wrapped in a red bed sheet.


    1. Anonymous5/8/23 11:58

      The lady in red is the Festspielpräsidentin! anna e.

  3. Would love to see a full length pic of this dress but I really like what I see. Great colour and style. Although it may just be the lights, the Queen's hair looks lighter which is more flattering, imo, than the darker shade she usually has.

    1. This is a long gown she wore it again on November 2022 during a dinner for the members of parliament

    2. Eugenie 08.32 Thank you for the link. Well spotted, its a beautiful gown, the color is gorgeous.

  4. Anonymous5/8/23 00:04

    How lovely QS looks! I love her blue lace gown. She is such an elegant lady.


  5. The Queen looks fabulous, this is a beautiful shade of blue. I love the design of the bodice of her gown. I think I can see a Sapphire ring on her left hand, nice! Her hair coloring and makeup look especially good. Her pearl necklace and brooch, earrings are the perfect addition. The lady in the red gown, this looks interesting, it would be lovely to see another photo of this gown, looks unusual.

    1. P. the original5/8/23 08:49

      Agreed, Ava.
      The Queen is simply fabulous in this
      cobalt blue dress.
      Could it be a rewear?
      I must have seen it already.
      Pity, I can't t spot her sapphires ring on my mobile.
      I adore sapphires!
      The other lady looks gorgeous too in her trendy gown, even though I would like to see it on the front.
      It looks like a satin cowl neck deep red( pillarbox red) gown.
      Very flattering.
      As to the ' location ' of this event, I personally know Salzburg and hope I'll be able to get back there and tour this superb town again.
      Of course, you can breathe Mozart everywhere in Salzburg.
      I especially liked touring his Geburtshaus- the house where he was born- and his Wohnhaus- the house where he lived.
      There are wonderful pieces inside these houses and I also remember an impressive 'Klavier'( piano) where Mozart used to play his Immortal music.
      I remember an outstanding fountain with a horse in the centre of the Town as well and a fortress known as " die Festung".
      The fortress can be reached solely by a sort of cable train as it is placed higher as compared to the ground level of the town.

    2. P the original. I could be wrong, it may not be Sapphire, looked to be on my computer screen. Oh yes, I adore Sapphires!
      I did a search be it brief, but couldn't find a photo of a frontal photo of the trendy gown~
      Salzburg sounds marvellous!

    3. P. the original6/8/23 18:10

      Hello, Ava.
      Thank you so much for your search.
      I'll attach a link as soon as I find something more about the ring and the red dress.
      Yes, sapphires are to die for!
      The blonde lady looks like she Is wearing a ruched midi or long dress.
      I love satin dresses/ gowns, any length is welcome to me as well as all the colours but red, green, azure blue and champagne top my list.
      Orange satin dresses are intriguing too.
      I noticed that there is an overload of hot pink/ rose satin dresses in the latest collections ,probably due to the Barbie movie phenomenon.
      Some of them are fine.
      Love cowl and halter necks in particular but also strapless satin dresses are nice.
      What I find kinda of overkill are some designs with weird cut outs on them .
      Yes, Salzburg stole my heart.
      You know, I went there in August some years ago and it was rainy almost all the time and rather nippy too.
      I was all rugged up as if I was going skiing!
      Anyway, it's not so surprising in northern Europe even in summer.
      I remember that I got soaked to the skin but so happy to be there!
      I travelled from Wien to Salzburg by train, what a breathtaking landscape!
      There are amazing pastry shops in Salzburg, I would include them among the most important landmarks of this incredibile town LOL!
      I d say...if you do not enter a bakery in Salzburg, you' ll miss the best in life folks!
      (Same goes for the the Danish pastry shops especially in Copenhagen).

    4. Hello P. the original. if your search is successful that sounds great, thank you.
      Yes, I am partial to Satin gowns. Particularly champagne color, divine!
      Your travels sound marvellous.

    5. P. the original7/8/23 09:04

      Yes, champagne satin dresses/ gowns are terrific!
      I tend to like white satin gowns as well but I would not wear one myself because it gives me too many bridal vibes.
      As to Austria/ Oesterreich: it is a great country, all of it is simply fascinating and worth visiting.
      Wien/ Vienna is a jewel and Prague- it is situated in another nation but not so far away from Wien- is mesmerizing too.
      I particularly like Malastrana and sunsets in Prague are just spectacular and romantic.

    6. P. the original7/8/23 09:04

      Hugs for you too, Ava.

    7. P. the original7/8/23 09:06

      * Mala Strana

  6. Anonymous5/8/23 03:24

    Beautiful Queen Silvia! Love her new hair color and new hair style. Ana

    1. Hello Ana.
      Me too. The colour and style of her new hairdo suits her well.
      Would be nice to see a full length photo of her gown.
      I'll get my internet search dogs out to see what they can sniff out by way of a full length photo😉

  7. Anonymous5/8/23 08:07

    She is wearing a wig, and it shows with the hairline being all over the place, and her own dark hair just pulled under on the right. I am not surprised that she wears wigs, because hair naturally grows thinner when we grow older. - Ellie

    1. Anonymous6/8/23 10:38

      she wears her wig well, most people have never noticed till you mentioned it

    2. Anonymous6/8/23 12:19

      She is definitely not wearing a wig !!

    3. Anonymous6/8/23 15:43

      If you think it’s a wig because the roots have a different colour, you are mistaken. Unless one has very recently had hair colour applied, the roots (including at the forehead) will always show gray or even close to white. It’s not a reason to presume it’s a wig.

      It is a wonderful dress. Silvia repeats her outfits a lot, I admire her.


    4. I fully agree with anon12:19. ! Not a wig !!

    5. Anonymous8/8/23 20:03

      That is absolutely not a wig!!!

  8. Silvia - wonderful!

  9. Anonymous5/8/23 12:29

    This looks like a great dress! The colour is stunning on her and the extra sparkle saves the lace from looking dated. The hair is lovely! As always, not a big fan of the icy-purple-mauve lipsticks, I think it looks a bit sickly.

  10. Cette longueur de cheveux lui permet d'avoir cette nouvelle coiffure surtout avec leur couleur plus claire et le ton de bleu de la dentelle la rajeunit ; est-ce que je vois des perles dans son collier jusque dans ses boucles d'oreilles pendantes ?!

  11. Anonymous5/8/23 14:58

    Queen Silvia is still a beautiful woman. She looks relaxed and radiant. Love the highlights in her hair. Although she is wearing an old dress she looks so stylish and elegant. The king needs a haircut especially in his neck. Rose

  12. Anonymous6/8/23 11:18

    Queen Silvia's new hair style and color makes her look great.

  13. Anonymous6/8/23 19:23

    Q Silvia looks great. css

  14. Anonymous10/8/23 17:49

    Going blonder. So much better hair color.


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