Dutch Royal Family attended the F1 Netherlands Grand Prix 2023

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

On August 27, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia, Princess Annette and Countess Luana attended the F1 Grand Prix of the Netherlands at Circuit Zandvoort in Zandvoort. The 2023 Dutch Grand Prix is officially known as the Formula 1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix 2023 and it is a Formula One motor race.

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

Queen Maxima, Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Annette. Maxima in leather jacket

Queen Maxima wore Massimo Dutti Nappa leather biker jacket
Massimo Dutti Nappa leather biker jacket

Queen Maxima wore MAX MARA STUDIO Jumpsuit

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. ok Alexia that denim is very flattering, Maxima is looking wonderfully casual. Amalia is covered up, winter coat in summer and holding a jumper, I hope she finds her confidence.

    1. Anonymous28/8/23 06:04

      It was not very warm yesterday. The wind was cold. Probably a big difference with Greece.

    2. Anonymous28/8/23 15:49

      I don't think Amalia's mental disposition is a proper subject on this blog - even if we knew anything about it, which is not the case. As for coats, long coats are not necessarily winter coats. (GM)

    3. Anonymous28/8/23 21:31

      Amalia , i think the long coat was unnecessary, most people were in summer clothing

    4. Anonymous29/8/23 07:26

      @Jill. Are you blind ? Most people hat a rain coat over the arm (King WA), or another coat (red coat Princess Alexia), short rain coat (Countess Luana). If there are regularly rain showers and you don't wish to get wet, you wear or take something with you before going out. The sun was shining just in time to take pictures. Look at picture N° 5 and you see a dark sky.

    5. Anonymous29/8/23 20:38

      yes am looking at picture No.5 and the lady next to Amalia is wearing a short sleeved black blouse.
      Amalia's jacket is not waterproof

  2. Anonymous27/8/23 20:34

    Lovely BG !
    (Beautiful Ginger)

  3. The Royal ladies all look lovely and appropriately dressed. I particularly like Princess Alexia's Demin outfit, very stylish.

  4. Has Maxima gained a pound or two?

    1. Anonymous28/8/23 05:56

      Come now deadeggs, an unfair comment on a public blog. - AnneLise

    2. Anonymous28/8/23 07:34

      Dear, dear...

    3. Anonymous28/8/23 07:53

      STOP! Just STOP!

    4. Just a simple question; nothing else. 😒
      Sorry girls (and boys) if I hit a sensible note.

    5. Anonymous28/8/23 11:03

      What! That's not relevant in any cases. It's not at all a simple question, never, anywhere, at all. C

    6. Opps, sorry - a sensitive note. 😮

    7. Anonymous28/8/23 15:22

      and I just thought: wonderful figure - long legs, hight and slim waist - good shape. No need to write you are feeling sorry, because you are not. Make hubby some food! Siv

    8. Anonymous28/8/23 16:20

      Not a simple question at all but certainly a catty one. Everyone looks fine and are having a fun time. That’s what’s important!

    9. Anonymous28/8/23 19:36

      Dear Deadeggs, you’ve offended the sensitivity police 😂😂. Seems to be a pretty easy thing to do these days. 😢 I personally don’t think Queen Max looks any heavier but would defend your right to ask the question 🙋‍♀️

    10. Anonymous29/8/23 00:49

      Yet deadeggs gets offended and is sensitive if someone does not worship her beloved Princess Mary.

    11. Anonymous29/8/23 01:18

      Dear Deadeggs, you are a regular in this blog, we should know by now that your comments, in this case question, are not offensive, rude, or out of place. So yes apparently you offended some, but I also eco @anonymous comment on your well deserve right to ask.
      I'm having coffee with Max next week, I will check about that with her and report back, sounds good?

    12. Thanks Luna and Anon19:36 for your comments.
      You know where I come from, it’s quite natural to comment on someone putting on a couple of pounds after a holiday or after the big Christmas blow out. It’s a sign that they’ve had a good time, relaxed and eaten well. Quite a normal question to ask in my part of the world. Nothing to do with body-shaming, overweight criticisms etc.
      Again, looks like it is a situation of normal in one part of the world and offensive in another part of the world. AMEN.
      p.s. When you have your coffee with Max, could you please tell her that my card still hasn’t arrived. The Greek postal service seems to be slow.

    13. Anonymous29/8/23 20:41

      nothing wrong with what @deadeggs said. People forget this is an international blog, gaining a pound or two is flattering is most cultures around the world.

  5. Welcome back, Queen Maxima. We've missed you! The trousers/jumpsuit looks crushed but I like the jacket. Someone please take away Princess Alexia's phone when she's on royal duty.

    1. Anonymous28/8/23 06:06

      Didn't we said it enough, linen wrinkles.

    2. Anonymous28/8/23 06:09

      What if she is making pictures for her sister Princess Ariane who is starting her new school in Italy ?

    3. Anonymous28/8/23 06:41

      Hardly “royal duty” here, more an informal visit, where Luana is the winner ( and the Queen too glamorous)

    4. She is not on duty.


    5. Anonymous28/8/23 09:38

      I like her jacket too and I have the same. When I need to wear it, I put my arms in. I tried walking around the house yesterday with it on my shoulders and it is very uncomfortable. Keeps slipping off.

    6. Anonymous28/8/23 11:36

      @Annie M. You missed Queen Maxima ? To do what ? They just returned from holiday and you even can't leave it to send critics on Maxima's wrinkled clothes and on Alexia her daughter, who is taking pictures with her smart phone. Rose

    7. Anonymous28/8/23 13:38

      @ Lisa. The RF were indeed not on duty, more a family gathering I suppose. Prins Bernard Jr. being the co-owner of the Zandvoort Circuit received all his cousins and nephews and nieces there: the Royal Family, Countess Luana the daughter of Princess Mabel and the late Prince Johan Friso, Prince Maurits and one of his sons and 2 of his brothers, maybe their wifes were there too but I didn't found pictures of them on the Dutch websites. I just spotted Princess Anette (in black & white) with CP Amalia here on the blog. I am sure it was a nice family day out.

    8. Anonymous28/8/23 15:23

      LOL - that's a good one - Annie Troll:-)) Siv

    9. @Rose I love Queen Maxima. She always looks as if she is enjoying herself on her visits. It doesn't mean that one shouldn't comment on her clothes--I thought that was the purpose of the blog. Still think the phone wasn't appropriate although I'll amend "royal duty" to a public outing" if that helps

    10. Anonymous28/8/23 20:36

      @Ladyofthemanor Many of your comments suggest that you are an older woman. If not, you are quite stuck in your ways and don't have a very worldly view of fashion. It is ironic because fashion is always evolving and cyclical. I'm so sorry you don't have the coordination to keep your coat over your shoulders while you walk without putting your arms in the sleeves. Many fashionable women do. It is a choice. Drape your coat over your shoulders or don't. It is not a fashion faux pas. Women who are (and were) more beautiful and glamorous than you or I could ever dream of being have been doing it for ages and ages.

    11. Anonymous29/8/23 01:28

      Anon 20 36, while you are entitled to your opinion, your statement seems rude and offensive. ‘stuck in your ways’ and ‘lack of coordination’ are an attack on a person, not a discussion of views on fashion

    12. I am quite down the list here but would very much like to support the comment of anon 06:09 ! Yes Alexia took a picture for Ariane !

  6. Anonymous27/8/23 21:39

    Who is Princess Annette? Could this be Luana, Mable‘s daughter?

    1. That's who I thought it was too. It's nothing like Princess Annette (wife of Prince Bernard, Princess Margriet's son) Looked it up elsewhere and it is Luana. Lovely to see her with her uncle and family

    2. Anonymous28/8/23 05:20

      Si, mi sembra proprio lei.

    3. Anonymous28/8/23 06:00

      It is Countess Luana, daughter of Princess Mable.
      Princess Annette is one of Princess Margriet's daughters in law.

    4. Anonymous28/8/23 06:22

      I think Princess Annette is with CP Amalia on the 5th picture, in a black and white outfit. Rose

    5. Anonymous28/8/23 06:37

      You are right , she is

    6. Anonymous28/8/23 07:29

      It is Luana indeed.

    7. Anonymous28/8/23 07:57

      Yes, this is not Princess Annette is the wife of Prince Bernhard of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven which is 51 years old, but Prince Johan's daughter Countess Luana.

    8. Anonymous28/8/23 17:14

      Princess Annette IS in one of the pictures: In the black shirt with Amalia. Her husband Prince Bernhard jr. is one of the owners of the race track and organiser of the Dutch GP.

  7. Anonymous28/8/23 04:04

    Sorry but they always look a bit on the sloppy side to me.

    1. Anonymous28/8/23 11:06

      And? Relaxed, casual, comfortable, they are humans, not perfect AI people. C

  8. C'est un plaisir de les voir de retour pour assister à ce Grand Prix F1 ; j'envie la veste/blouson de Maxima que je pourrais aussi bien porter avec une robe qu'une jupe ; Alexia a une superbe silhouette dans cet ensemble denim !

  9. Anonymous28/8/23 10:40

    Würde doch Marina Rinaldi die Kronprinzessin mal einladen, das genialste was mir einfällt - so eine junge und wunderschöne Frau, sie würde sich sicher wie befreit fühlen, Rinaldi kann einfach Kleidung nähen, witzig und elegant - und die Raffinesse in Qualität und Detail! Hatte das schon vor längerem auch mal für HRH Stephanie Luxemburg so gedacht - manchmal ist es echt schade um das Geld mancher Kleidungsstücke -Dorothe-

    1. Anonymous28/8/23 11:47

      @ Dorothe. Leave the CP alone. She is smart and intelligent enough to look after herself and find her way to develop into an adult woman. Rose

    2. Anonymous28/8/23 15:28

      Hä? Siv

    3. I agree with you Dorothe. And you have the right to say this.

  10. Anonymous28/8/23 12:01

    They are just back from holidays and the usual critics are already there. It surprises me nobody said already something on Maxima's hair.

  11. Anonymous28/8/23 12:54

    @Anonymous 28/8 06:41 about Queen Maxima "too glamorous"
    @Kim 04:04 about they "looking on the sloppy side"
    These are not normal reactions any more. If I read al this from one extreme reaction to another, I must think of what kind of people are on this blog ?. At least the Dutch Royal Family are normal people. They do not hide they love each other like normal people are doing. They give their children the opportunity to develop themselves an if not everyone agrees with how they are dressed, on what occasion, so be it. I like them. Rose

  12. Alexia's hair is like her moms. They all seem having fun. Not crazy about their outfits, probably Natan.

    1. Can't see any Natan features here. Be careful about easy criticism.

    2. Anonymous28/8/23 21:35

      Maxima is a natural brunette, she has been bleaching her hair blonde for a long time

    3. Anonymous29/8/23 07:06

      Maxima's outfit is (partly) by Max Mara. Before writing critics you could consult the Dutch websites (which you probably can't read) to find out what brands she is wearing. Rose

  13. Anonymous28/8/23 20:30

    Everyone has their own style. But one thing is certain they all had fun. Good for them. css

    1. Anonymous29/8/23 18:24

      I agree! I love how natural and affectionate they are with each other. They are more relatable than some other royal families.

  14. Are interior coatstraps a "thing" in Europe yet? They're great on those coat/no coat days. Saw them for the first time last year and I think they're brilliant. With the right coat they aren't just practical, they look good. Wondered if Amalia might have one with her coat.

    1. Anonymous29/8/23 23:01

      What do you mean with "interior coatstraps"? I googled this but I don't think the results are what you mean ;-) Can you give an example?

    2. https://images.app.goo.gl/si1a7MyNmBkb2QAe9

      You can wear coat like a knapsack or let it hang off shoulders without worrying about it slipping. Keeps hands free, and keeps coat nearby for when it cools off. Don't want to add a marketing link so hope this one demonstrates the use

  15. ACHARD 62, vous êtes TULIPE 33 ?


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