Danish Crown Prince and Crown Princess attended Christiansfeld's 400th anniversary

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

On August 13, 2023, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary arrived in Christiansfeld in order to attend celebration events relating to the 250th anniversary of the establishment of Christiansfeld. Christiansfeld is a town in Kolding Municipality. The town was founded in 1773 by the Moravian Church and named after King Christian VII. Since July 2015 it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore a red Armonia silk georgette dress by Raquel Diniz. Crown Prince Frederik

Crown Princess Mary wore Raquel Diniz Armonia red silk georgette dress
Raquel Diniz Armonia silk georgette dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous13/8/23 13:50

    The hat and the dress are beautiful in themselves but I don't think they compliment each other well here. Color problem maybe ? Or are the shoes wrong, the hat flower oversized ?

    1. I agree, that hat especially does not work with the dress

    2. i agree. the dress and shoes are simple but the hat is over the top, like Maxima's, she should have opted for her usual simple head piece

    3. Anonymous13/8/23 17:36

      I agree. Mismatch. The shoes are informal, the dress is formal, the hat is best reserved for some a royal wedding or something - it looks costume-y here. Colourwise, I see no issues, other than the flowers clashing. I like the red and beige together.

    4. Anonymous14/8/23 05:08

      I agree! I think the color of the flower on the hat doesn’t go with red. I think it would look great with pastels or off white linen dress. It’s too fussy for the simple and streamlined style of the dress. Mary looks beautiful regardless. MR

  2. Quelle superbe silhouette dans cette robe rouge qu'elle a su associer avec des chaussures à lanières et une pochette de couleur crême ; pas du tout fan de ce chapeau à grosse fleur mais les boucles d'oreilles sont tout à fait à mon goût !

    1. Anonymous14/8/23 03:18

      Il me semble bien reconnaître Tulipe ci-haut. J’ai raison?

    2. à Anonyme 14/8/23 03:18
      Vous avez tout à fait raison car je l'ai confirmé précédemment ;
      j'aimerais bien savoir qui se cache derrière votre anonymat ?!

    3. Anonymous14/8/23 14:20

      Je me suis fait la même réflexion qu'Anonymous 14/8/23 03:18.
      Tulip se serait-elle rebaptisée Achard62 ?

    4. OK I also thought of the ressemblance between Achard62 and Tulipe33, so we keep you !

  3. Anonymous13/8/23 14:17

    Back to work again. They spent their holidays (or a part of) at the Ile of Ibiza (Spain). They do not have a dark tan. I saw a picture were CP Mary was wearing a wet suit to go swimming. They probably didn't take any risk with the high temperatures this year in Spain. Last Friday on Costa Adeje in Tenerife (Spain) it was 41,1 ° Celsius.
    I love Mary in this red dress. Maybe the hat is making her a bit overdressed. Rose

    1. Lucky Tenerife and those in southern Spain. In parts of Scotland last week it was 15 degrees Celsius. Schools go back next week and it's been a miserable summer.

    2. Anonymous14/8/23 07:03

      People in Tenerife are not very lucky with the hot weather. It is an island and there is always wind but it is so extremely hot that most of the locals don't remember such temperatures in the past. Normally in Tenerife it is the whole year around 26° Celsius. In the summer normal t° are around 30° Celsius. Rose

  4. Anonymous13/8/23 14:21

    The dress is very elegant and red suits the crown prinsess. I am not a hat person and I have never liked this one. I think the flower is too big. The purple flowers in her bouquet look very good with the red dress.

  5. Anonymous13/8/23 14:39

    Love the dress, hat is awful and peek a bunion shoes are yuck

    1. Anonymous13/8/23 17:10

      Mary looks fantastic and natural and beautifully coordinated. I think her shoes are lovely - colour and style. Still high heels but not nearly as high as her usual very high shoes. My taste in fashion finds this height is much more attractive. (And I think it’s unkind to say Mary’s shoes/feet look yuck, referencing her bunions. Bunions will develop in many from too tight pointed shoes, especially high, and each lady I know with them already feels embarrassed about them and any out-loud criticism even worse.) - AnneLise

    2. Looks like Princess Mary has been babysitting Maxima’s hat cupboard whilst Maxima has been away on holiday. 😁

    3. Anonymous13/8/23 19:05

      Mary looks good but with with her face fillers she is hardly natural.

    4. P. the original14/8/23 09:43

      Hello, Deadeggs.
      You know, when I first read the designer's name- Rachel Diniz- I googled for more information and here is what I found.

      There are many more related articles on the Internet as well.

      Rachel began her career as a model so I am sure that her experience on catwalks is at the very basis of her creations.
      If you look at her pieces, you can find different leading concepts.
      Some pieces are more edgy and modern, some others have classical features.
      I think that Pss Mary's dress belongs to the latter, given her role as a Crown Princess, of course.

      Rachel Diniz- is a beautiful woman hersel, and , as far as I can see in pics of her on the net , she wants other women to feel beautiful in her creations.
      She was successful with Mary!
      It must have been quite easy to choose a perfect piece for such a gorgeous Princess.
      The dark red colour is astonishing, I love the drop neck, very feminine and classy.
      The shoes are my minor quibble..
      I would have opted for a closed- pointed- toe pair of slingback pumps.

      Yes, her hat is unusual, looks like Mary occasionally goes shopping in Maxima's closet !
      As to her make- up, I see that Mary righteously went in for a classic well balanced make-up , whereas she looks to be wearing the so- called milk make-up on the post where she is relaxing with her dog Grace.

    5. P. the original14/8/23 12:24

      Sorry, it is meant to be Raquel Diniz-.

    6. Thanks P.the original for the link on Raquel Diniz.
      Sounds like another rags to riches story in the rag trade.
      Don’t think there are many mannequins who find it to the big time as a creator in the fashion industry.
      One commentator on her work said “easy elegance with subtle feminine sensuality”.
      I think this would apply to Princess Mary's dress.

    7. P. the original16/8/23 10:29

      You are welcome, Deadeggs.
      Yes, I very much agree with what the commentator said.
      Looks like the perfect match, P.Mary- R.Diniz, something like Q.Letizia- C Herrera 👍👍

    8. ad anon19:05, incorrigible opinion. Whatever she did, it is a success, and don't see why a form of disapproval should be introduced.
      "easy elegance with subtle feminine sensuality” is a bit long for an easy concept, but I agree.

  6. Anonymous13/8/23 16:51

    The hat is pretty stupid. The dress is okay. I’ve noticed the heels of shoes are getting a little lower. Am I wrong? It’s about time. Most women cannot walk comfortably in these shoes and therefore look bad.

    1. P. the original16/8/23 18:45

      Yes, you are wrong.
      I mean that it is quite obvious that you do not know have a sharp eye for heel height as far as I can see from your words.
      I'd say Mary Is wearing around 8-9 cm heels in these pics and this Is not exactly what it is usually considered as a low or medium heel height.
      Of course, she Is used to wearing 12 cm pumps but I think this Is just an exception.
      Why is it about time to use lower heels in your view?
      She Is no old frump
      She has a good posture, she is svelte and she perfectly knows how to get a steady pace on heels.
      Maybe that is your wish but I can't see why Mary's heels should bother you.
      You just see bunions and surgery everywhere but Is Is not the case here.
      She can wear high heels.
      That's all.

      Then , thank you for pointing out that a hat can be stupid.
      Do you see a soul or a mind in hats?
      A hat is requested by royal protocol to daytime events and Mary has to adjust to it.
      A fascinator would have been out of place or maybe would it have been c'lever' to you?

  7. Anonymous13/8/23 17:06

    Terrible, terrible hat.

  8. Anonymous13/8/23 17:07

    The hat, definitely too fussy with the oversized flower on one side, the casual saucer rattan part on the other side. The color does not fit with the dress which is ok. The sandals are supposed to go with the colors in the hat, but they look far to casual to go with the overly fussy hat and then a red dress in between. Janice

  9. Hat and clutch are matching, shoes are not. That's a little disappointing.

  10. I like very much the dress as well, but not the hat ; "not a hat person" applies to me as well.

  11. Anonymous13/8/23 17:49

    Mary looks wonderful--red is a great color for her. Love her dress--simple and elegant. Unlike other posters I love her choice of accessories. So glad to see her back!


    1. Anonymous13/8/23 18:42

      This hat, which Mary has had even before the twins were born and worn several times, is one of my favorites. It compliments the lovely color of her dress. The shoes are to die for./Grace

    2. Like Grace, I like the idea of rewear, even more with hats.

    3. @MaryT and @Grac. In my mother’s era, an average woman only had one hat. At least twice a year it had to be re-decorated according to the seasons. For example, flowers in summer/spring and feathers and ribbons in winter/autumn.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Beautiful red dress which suits CP Mary perfectly. I love hats and think they really make a formal outfit but this one is a wee bit OTT even for me. As suggested by others, I think the flower is probably too big. I confess I rarely notice the standard of the gentlemen's suits but CP Frederik's jacket looks on the tight side to me. Good to see them again

    1. Anonymous14/8/23 22:27

      I to thought Frederick's suits were a little tight too like Prince Carl Phillip wears and sometimes The Prince of Wales. The last couple of suits I bought the salesman says this is the trend because it makes your chest look bigger and shows you work out! Fitzhugh

  13. Anonymous13/8/23 18:18

    Très belle robe , le chapeau j aime moins

  14. Anonymous13/8/23 18:58

    For the first time, regarding Mary, I don’t understand what she has put on her head. Neither do I understand the dress and shoes…..She’s pretty anyway but she’s always so beautifully dressed. Ac

  15. Anonymous13/8/23 19:03

    Red is a good color for Mary but the hat just doesn’t go with it. Too fussy in my opinion. The bouquet is beautiful…love the purple flowers.

  16. Anonymous13/8/23 19:27

    Great look for CP Mary. Lovely color dress. I don't think the hat is fitting to the dress. css

  17. Anonymous13/8/23 19:34

    The red dress is georgeous The little hat is not that nice,but I think it fits anyway.

  18. Anonymous13/8/23 20:12

    The first moment I saw the first picture I thought it was Kate.
    I dont understand the negative comments. I think Mary looks very beautiful and chique here!

    1. Anonymous14/8/23 00:16

      Because people have different opinions perhaps? Most of the time I think Mary gets it right and looks wonderful but there is something about that hat that doesn’t work…seems many commenters feel the same way!

  19. Anonymous13/8/23 20:38

    Are bunions the new focus now? This is a fashion blog, not a body blog. It is continually disappointing that some people must find a flaw, even if it is with the person and not the fashion.

    I am another person that does not appreciate the adornment on hats. Feathers and fake flowers don't do anything for me, so I cannot claim to have anything too educated to say on the subject. It looks garish to me.

  20. Anonymous13/8/23 20:41

    I really love that gorgeous red dress in combination with the beige hat and shoes. I’m not a hatperson either but I really like this one: sofisticated and fun. Don’t like her shoes. Overall CPM looks great !

    1. Anonymous13/8/23 22:53

      I agree with you! She looks great. There are alot of critical comments which really aren't warranted. Fred looks wonderful too!

    2. Anonymous14/8/23 00:31

      I don’t understand why negative comments about Mary’s outfit are unwarranted…this is a fashion blog after all and people do have different opinions on outfits. Mary has wonderful fashion sense and looks great 99% of the time in my opinion but not everyone is going to agree 100%. It’s not a personal attack on Mary not to like her hat, etc. as it seems some of her most ardent fans seem to believe!

  21. Anonymous13/8/23 22:41

    Beautiful red color and like the pairing with tan for the accessories. I’m in the same camp as many on the hat, specifically that the flower is too large in proportion. The flower is all I see instead of her beautiful face and hair. The shoes are good but too casual with this dress.

  22. Awfull hat in any case and too low cut dress.

  23. This red dress looks exquisite, gorgeous silk. Very elegant dress. I am surprised at the choice of shoes CP Mary choose, a bit casual. The hat is outrageously wonderful, but I don't like it with this dress. Regardless, of my tastes she looks beautiful as always. CP Frederik looks well groomed and handsome.

    1. P. the original14/8/23 10:14

      Hello, Ava.
      If you want, you can Google for information about the designer of this exquisite dress, Rachel Diniz-.


      She looks to be a very beautiful woman and she worked as a model at the beginning of her career.
      I understand why she Is so able to make other beautiful women feel confident in her creations!

    2. P. the original. Thank you so much for the link, I will look tonight and learn about Rachel. To be honest, I haven't heard of her before. Hugs.

    3. P the original16/8/23 09:58

      Dear Ava,
      I hadn't heard about Raquel Diniz-before either.
      I googled for information just out of curiosity.
      You are welcome.
      Thank you and hugs for you too.

  24. Anonymous14/8/23 10:50

    Isn't it strange ? Not so long ago all the princesses and noble ladies belonging more or less to the British Royal Family walked around in these hats and everybody found it beautiful. Now that CP Mary is wearing probably one of her older hats, most of the bloggers find it ugly. So no need to refer always to Queen Maxima, there were other ladies wearing this type of hats long time before Queen Maxima did. Rose

    1. Anonymous15/8/23 18:11

      I never ever liked this kind of hats, it looks rediculous and I find that one any person. I am not a hat person anyways.

  25. Gdyby upiąć włosy i założyć zakryte buty wszystko razem zagra. Ale i tak wygląda pięknie.

  26. Anonymous14/8/23 12:53

    Mary has a copycat in Kate, The Princess of Wales! /Eva Säfström

  27. Anonymous14/8/23 14:01

    This is a rare miss for CP Mary, all because of the shoes. The shoes would have changed the overall look if they had been more formal. She seems to be a big fan of the "slit" at the chest/neck with button closure - I cannot recall the name of that feature, but I've never felt it appropriate for more formal events. It's still just a glorified deep v-neck down a woman's chest.

    Her hair looks amazing!


  28. Anonymous14/8/23 15:25

    Dear No Name 3:18, If you read the Achard 62 contribution properly, you will notice that the writing style is completely different from that of Tulipe. Furthermore, why would Tulipe, if it were her, hide behind a different name? Rubbish.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous14/8/23 19:34

      On the contrary I find the writing style exactly the same as Tulipe. Since French is my second language, I am almost sure it is the same person as Tulipe. If it is not her, how come that since "Achard 62" is on this blog, we don't receive comments of Tulipe anymore ? I think Achard is a family name, it could be the family name of Tulipe, which I'm sure is a nick name. Rose

    2. Sorry Virginia. I think Tulipe33 has changed her nickname.
      @Achard62 Her writing style is exactly the same as Tulipe33
      If she has done so, then that’s her business and for whatever reason, again, that’s her business.
      Tulipe33 or @Achard62 gives nice, calm, well balanced and informative comments.
      Even in a disaster, she can always find something positive to say.
      Plus as a bonus, lots of information on jewelry.

    3. à oeufs morts 14/8/23 21:03
      Je suis ravie de votre commentaire qui reconfirme mon changement de pseudo que vous avez été la seule à avoir remarqué ; j'ai pris le nom d'un quartier où j'habite avec un numéro de rue ; cela peut donner des idées à certaines !

    4. Thank you ex Tulipe33 for clearing up the question mark.
      I liked your nickname of Tulipe33 but why not a change from time to time.😁
      Please continue to give us your in depth comments under the nickname of ‘Achard62’ which I hope will always include a positive point and for your learned information on jewelry.
      And please continue to stay out of the cat fights that some of us bloggers get ourselves caught up in at times.
      Bonne journée à chère ex Tulipe33 and bienvenu à Achard62
      p.s. 'oeufs morts' translated into English is Dead eggs.

  29. Anonymous15/8/23 16:40

    Many seem to blame the hat. I don't. I think it's rather the shoes!
    However Mary is as beautiful as ever, and a mere rare miss won't change how elegant and classy this princess is.

  30. Anonymous15/8/23 23:33

    I really don't think that hat goes with that dress (or vice versa). I've seen her wear this hat before and it works best with a smart, fitted suit *and* with her hair neatly pinned up or back off her shoulders. I don't really know what she was thinking here when she decided to put this outfit together. Hmm. This is a miss.


  31. Anonymous18/8/23 15:56

    If you google Mary and Frederik Vordingborg 2019 you will see Mary wearing the same outfit except for the shoes. However the face looks ten years younger.

  32. Anonymous18/8/23 18:41

    She has had the same combination before. I think it is her tribute to Denmark and the Danish flag on bigger royal events. The colors are playing with the red and white in the flag.


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