The Princely Family of Monaco attended the naming ceremony of Rainier III School

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

On July 1, 2023, the Technical and Hotel School in Monaco was renamed as Rainier III School. During the naming ceremony, a bust of Prince Rainier III created by sculptor Kees Verkade was unveiled in the lobby of the institution. The event took place in the presence of Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb.

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

The renaming was decided on the occasion of tthe 100th anniversary celebrations of Prince Rainier III's birth taking place this year.

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover, Princess Stephanie, and her children Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb

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  1. Anonymous2/7/23 10:25

    Caroline looks lovely. Camille please learn from aunt Caroline's dressing style.

    1. Anonymous2/7/23 19:23

      Agree, Caroline looks elegant, but her shoes seem to be too small. e.

    2. Anonymous2/7/23 20:24

      What is wrong with Camille?

    3. Anonymous3/7/23 02:32

      She’s dressed just like her mother-in-law.

  2. The royal ladies obviously got a memo to dress in either beige or white.I love Caroline's white summery dress with the belt setting it off nicely.
    Stephanie's outfit looks smart but I think the jacket appears one size too big.

    1. Anonymous3/7/23 04:47


    2. They are Serene ladies of Monaco. Caroline always stylish

  3. Anonymous2/7/23 11:56

    They all look very nice in their white/cream clothes and light suit colours. The common colour unifies all of them as family members, and as a group.
    - Anon 9:13

  4. Anonymous2/7/23 14:58

    Very coordinated outfits in the family, whites and beige, very smart and with a summer feeling! Fun to see them all out and about!

    Love Caroline’s dress and the colorful belt.
    Don’t know about Stephanie, she seems to want to escape femininity and hide herself behind bangs and glasses.


    1. Anonymous2/7/23 16:09

      @//AA. If you need glasses you have to wear them. It has nothing to do with femininity. @ Cate. Jackets are worn like this, one size too big. Just like the trousers with wider legs. You like it or you don't like it. But one cannot say that the wearer is not fashionable. Rose

  5. Beaucoup de coordination dans la famille princière qui est très chic vêtue de blanc avec une touche de beige ; Caroline quant à elle, est élégante dans sa robe rehaussée par la couleur de sa ceinture qui se retrouve également dans sa pochette et ses chaussures !

  6. Anonymous2/7/23 18:39

    Nice turnout for this event. I like the dress of Pss Caroline a lot. the other family members are color coordinated. Really nice today. css

  7. Pss Caroline looks lovely, very pretty and feminine in this dress. Pss Stephanie's outfit, I realize baggy is in but the jacket is too baggy, the pants are not so bad.

  8. Anonymous3/7/23 23:13

    I love her and she had a God like giving and love and that’s why people swarmed around her

  9. Anonymous4/7/23 01:30

    Can't really see who's who and it wasn't clear who the other people are with them. What was the reason for the get together anyway?

  10. Anonymous4/7/23 07:13

    Title of the post: The Princely Family of Monaco attended the naming ceremony of Rainier III School

  11. Anonymous8/7/23 19:32

    Guess I'm the odd woman out. I don't see this family as fashionable and well dressed. I see ill-fitting trousers and jackets. Strange choice in shoes on a couple of the women. Overall, the images from these events strike me as a fractured family.

    1. Anonymous15/7/23 13:27

      seems someone is projecting own lack of style with such negative comnents

    2. Agreed

    3. Ungainly so called fashion🙋‍♀️

  12. Anonymous30/7/23 12:13

    Thank goodness Andrew is finally wearing jackets that fit him!


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