The Belgian royal family took part in the 2023 National Day celebrations

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

On July 21, 2023, King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel, Prince Emmanuel, Princess Eleonore, King Albert II and Queen Paola attended the Te Deum mass held on the occasion of the Belgian National Day 2023 at Saint Michael's and Saint Gudula's Cathedral (Cathedrale des Saints Michel et Gudule) in Brussels.

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

Princess Eleonore wore a ruffled midi dress by Maje. Princess Elisabeth wore a yellow dress. Queen Mathilde wore a red dress

In the afternoon, King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, Princess Eleonore, Prince Emmanuel, Prince Laurent, Princess Claire, Princess Delphine and Jim O'Hare attended the military parade at the Palace Square in Brussels. Belgium’s National Day is usually celebrated with a Te Deum (or Thanksgiving Service) and a military parade.

Queen Mathilde, Princess Eleonore, Prince Emmanuel, Prince Laurent, Princess Claire, Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Princess Eleonore, Prince Emmanuel, Prince Laurent, Princess Claire, Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Princess Eleonore, Prince Emmanuel, Prince Laurent, Princess Claire, Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Princess Eleonore, Prince Emmanuel, Prince Laurent, Princess Claire, Princess Delphine

Princess Eleonore wore Maje Shimmer short sleeves ruffled midi dress
Maje ruffled midi dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous21/7/23 13:30

    What an elegant family. Always dressed so very stylish and suitable for all occasions. For me, being not Belgian, it's so strange that this friendly and modest family that works hard, got recently such low ratings

    1. Anonymous21/7/23 18:23

      @ Anonymous 21/7 13:30 What ratings do you talk about ?

    2. Anonymous21/7/23 20:42

      They got a rating of 5,9/10 from the Belgians. But as a Belgian, I believe it's this low because there are a lot of people who want to abolish the monarchy. Most people I know either are against them or think they are doing a great job.

    3. Anonymous22/7/23 06:58

      @Anon. 21/7 20:42
      Ik ben ook Belgische en ik heb nooit over deze cijfers gelezen of gehoord. In tegendeel een paar dagen geleden las ik nog dat Walen én Vlamingen zeer enthousiast waren over Koning Phillippe omdat hij de afgelopen 10 jaar zo goed heeft gepresteerd en gemoderniseerd. Toch maar oppassen met alle cijfers die worden verspreid door allerlei kranten en tijdschriften.

    4. I fully agree with anon20:42, that was exactly my interpretation

  2. Superbes toutes les trois ; Mathilde et Elisabeth ont belle allure avec leur capeline qui peaufine leur look ; Eleonore est toujours aussi adorable quand elle aime se vêtir de ce genre de robe à volants mais je remarque que cela manque de couleur et peut-être d'une pochette !

    1. Anonymous22/7/23 08:38

      La modiste qui a réalisé le chapeau d'Elisabeth aurait dû l'essayer au préalable. Elle doit pencher la tête vers l'arrière pour y voir.

  3. All ladies are nicely dressed and appropriately for the occasion. I don't like Elisabeth's hat obviuously too big for her. She will have little time to get ready and involved in the military parade, as planned for her. Nice to see former Ling Albert II & Qn Paola. He was recently in hospital.

  4. Princess Elisabeth's hat is too big for her, suitable for the sea side but not for a church service. Elenore seems to wear the same ruffle dress for all engagements this past year, but looks very beautiful young lady.

    1. Anonymous21/7/23 16:19

      Big hats work for her mother and Maxima, but Elisabeth is a petit size so this hat is wearing her and a distraction for her view.

    2. Anonymous21/7/23 16:29

      I love the hat! - superbly elegant and suits her beautifully. Great for church and for a sunny day!

    3. Anonymous21/7/23 18:27

      @ Missy
      Princess Eléonore wears the brand she prefers "Maje". Her dress is new. Rose

    4. Anonymous22/7/23 08:39


    5. @:16.19, you cannot say Elisabeth is petite, she has the same height as her father, but her two brothers are very tall. I wonder whether she needed a hat, I also see this one more as a beach hat.

  5. Anonymous21/7/23 14:31

    I love the dresses on the two girls - the soft, ruffled layers on P. Eleanor and the bold minimal look on CP Elisabeth. I’m happy to see CPE wearing some good quality earrings and a dramatic hat. I think they both look splendid. Q. Mathilde’s dress is a great colour and good silhouette for her but I see some fit issues with the sleeves at the shoulder line. Overall though she looks wonderful. What a fabulous picture of her with her two daughters.

  6. Anonymous21/7/23 14:38

    The hat of Elisabeth is to big! The dress of Eleonore is great and perfekt

  7. Anonymous21/7/23 14:51

    Elisabeth... the hat !

  8. Anonymous21/7/23 15:04

    I think HM the Queen and HRH the Duchess of Brabant look good. The red dress fits the Queen beautifully and that color is great on her. I might have chosen a contrasting color for some of the accessories to break up some of the red, but she looks good overall and the hat is nice. HRH P Elisabeth looks fantastic in that dress - the horizontal layers of the skirt add so much interest without the bulk of tiers. Not everyone could wear this dress and this color, but the princess owns it! The hat is a different matter. The brim seems way too large - the princess is having to tilt her head back at an unnatural angle to see! If the brim were narrower (2-3 inches / 5-7.5 CM) it would look better and be easier to wear. I will say I’m glad to see she’s not afraid to experiment with different looks.
    (I’m not going to comment on HRH P Eleonore’s outfit since she’s still a teenager.)

    1. Anonymous21/7/23 18:04

      Anya - Agreed. Would love to see some contrast in the Queen’s outfit and absolutely love the yellow dress on Elizabeth! The hat brim needs to be smaller and have more structure, but she was the star today IMO!

    2. Anonymous22/7/23 16:35

      @Anya Well done regarding Eleonore! There is plenty of time ahead to critique her clothes. Thanks for setting the example.

  9. Anonymous21/7/23 15:52

    Prinsess Elisabeth - WOW! Such a gorgeous look with very elegant dress and hat. Beautiful earrings. Not a great fan of P Eleonore´s dress but it looks a lot better on her than on the model and her shoes are also much better. The only thing I like about the Queens dress is the color. Beautiful hat, shoes and bag but the gloves seem superfluous.

    1. Anonymous23/7/23 12:46

      In Belgium when a queen goes to church she is doing formal dressing which means hat + gloves. The gloves are made of fine leather. At least they are looking much better than the horrible black ones worn by Princesse Anne, even when she visitis a zoo she is wearing gloves.

  10. Anonymous21/7/23 16:07

    Eleonore is so pretty, she is growing taller than her sister. Elisabeth's hat is too wide and is blocking her view, overall everyone's wearing thematically.

  11. Anonymous21/7/23 17:00

    I love a huge hat, but Elisabeth has to lift her head to be able to see - and also, to be seen. So a bit less would be more. The yellow dress is really very elegant. Eleonore is sweet looking and pretty, her continued young-girl-pastels-with-ruffles make me wish though for something - well, different?, just for a change. (GM)

  12. Anonymous21/7/23 17:20

    Really lovely looks all around from the ladies of the Belgian Royal Family!!! Mathilde looks marvelous in her red ensemble--still hate those shoes with plastic inserts though. Elisabeth looks lovely in her bright yellow dress--beautifully fitted for her. Sadly that hat is a mess--way too big, causing her to crane her head and neck upward to show her face. Had the hat been properly fitted and with a bit smaller brim it would have been a perfect look for her. Eleonore!!! Simply gorgeous!!! She is stunning--and I am so glad to see her finally wearing a bit of heel given she is now 15. I like her dress and her hairstyle is very pretty for her.


  13. Anonymous21/7/23 17:23

    What a stylish showing by the whole family. I like how they have their own styles here. I love that color on Queen Mathilde. Princess Elisabeth looks beautiful in her look, I happen to like the oversized hat, it works with the minimalist gown. Princess Eleonore looks lovely in her ruffled gown, that neutral color is perfect for the ruffles. All the gentlemen look quite handsome.

  14. Anonymous21/7/23 18:12

    They all look lovely except for 2 things: the much too large hat of Elisabeth, really rediculous, she has to lift her head to see something and the second thing is the red gloves of Mathilde, a bug yuk, better no gloves at all.

  15. Anonymous21/7/23 18:21

    Extremely bad hat on Elisabeth, she has to hold her head at an awkward angle to even see. Eléonore was smart not to wear one & she's a beautiful young lady. |Melanie|

  16. Too much le chapeau d'Elisabeth, ne lui va pas du tout. Eleanor est en train de devenir une très jolie jeune fille/ Le grand fils est très beau. Bien sûr Paola n'est plus ce qu'elle a été mais c'est le sort de toutes les femmes. Elle qui a été une vraie beauté dans les années 60 cela doit être difficile mais c'est la vie. Regret de l'absence de Laurent et sa famille sans oublier Delphine et la sienne ????

    1. Anonymous23/7/23 06:58

      @Lina. Le prince Laurent et la princesse Claire ont assisté au "Te Deum" à Louvain et la princesse Astrid et le prince Lorenz à Wavre. La princesse Delphine et son époux Jim O'Hare ont assisté au Défilé (militaire) l'après-midi, ainsi que le prince Laurent et la princesse Claire. Le soir le prince Laurent et ses enfants ont assisté au concert final et feu d'artifice. La princesse Delphine, son époux et sa fille ont également assisté aux festivités finales. Rose

  17. Anonymous21/7/23 21:10

    Princess Claire seems to wear the Sorting Hat from the Harry Potter books !!

  18. Anonymous21/7/23 21:20

    Great look for everyone. Stylish and elegant. Don't care much for the oversized hats, but then I am not wearing them. I also like Delphine's dress and hat, but the shoes are horrible. css

  19. Seems we are in "huge hat territory" today. I find both hats, the one Princess Elisabeth, DoB, was wearing, and the one Princess Claire had on, just a bit too much of a good thing. I actually liked the hat of Princess Delphine this time. And I am beginning to tire of the strictly monochromatic looks by now, sorry QM.

  20. What absolutely gorgeous photos. I love the Queen and her two daughters together, all their dresses are lovely, and the grandparents greeting their grandchildren but my favourite is the family arm in arm descending the cathedral steps. They are such a good looking group. I love Princess Elisabeth's hat. It's young and fun. Do you think she and Princess Claire got a 'Buy one, get one free' deal? Great photos.

    1. I had a good laugh reading your last sentence.

  21. When the one without a silly big hat is the most gracious one. Well done beautiful Princess Eléonore!

  22. Anonymous22/7/23 01:06

    My favorite part is Queen Mathilda and Crown Princess Elizabeth are wearing the colors of the Belgium flag. If only Princess Eleanore would have worn black it would have completed the look. Simply Marvelous

    1. Anonymous22/7/23 07:10

      @ Anon. 22/7 1:06 Princess Eléonore in black ? She is only 15, why would she wear black ? There was already flag dressing yesterday and today.

    2. Yes but who would have dared asking the young Eleonore to wear black for a sunny day ??

  23. Anonymous22/7/23 06:42

    Both Princesses look lovely in their beautiful dresses. They look so classy but still youthful without the need of a glaring décolletage. Both are graceful and carry themselves with such natural elegance. I like the colors of the Queen’s dress but find the belted waistline aging on her. Beautiful family! MR

    1. Anonymous23/7/23 07:06

      @ MR 22/7 06:42 Where do you see a belt ? Queen Mathilde does not wear a belt in the red dress. Rose

  24. P. the original22/7/23 09:17

    All the ladies look beautiful but there is too much of hats array going on.
    Love Q.Mathilde' s and Pss Elisabeth 's ensembles in particular.
    I must have seen this kind of red pumps Mathilde is wearing already, maybe also Q.Maxima wore the same design a couple times.

  25. The royal ladies all look divine. Pss Elisabeth's diamond and pearl earrings are simply stunning as is her diamond bracelet. Her yellow dress fits well, she looks lovely.


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