Monaco's Princely family attended the screening of the documentary 'Rainier III'

Princess Stephanie wore a suit blazer by Sandro. Camille Gottlieb wore a pink suit by Mango. Princess Caroline

Prince Albert, Princess Caroline, Princess Stephanie, Princess Alexandra, Ben-Sylvester Strautman, Andrea Casiraghi, Tatiana Casiraghi, Camille Gottlieb, Louis Ducruet and Marie Ducruet attended the screening of the documentary 'Rainier III by himself' (Rainier III par lui-mĂŞme) at Salle des Princes of the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco.

Princess Stephanie wore a suit blazer by Sandro. Camille Gottlieb wore a pink suit by Mango. Princess Caroline

Princess Stephanie wore a suit blazer by Sandro. Camille Gottlieb wore a pink suit by Mango. Princess Caroline

The documentary film was directed by Yann-Anthony Noghes with the historical advice of Thomas Fouilleron and Vincent Vatrican, and makes a political and private life portrait of Prince Rainier III of Monaco based on his interviews, his speeches and what he himself said about his career and his reign.

Princess Stephanie wore a suit blazer by Sandro. Camille Gottlieb wore a pink suit by Mango. Princess Caroline

Princess Stephanie wore SANDRO Harper single-breasted woven blazer
SANDRO Harper Single-breasted Blazer and Trousers

Camille Gottlieb wore MANGO Striped Suit Blazer and Trousers in pink
MANGO Striped Blazer and Trousers

Tatiana Casiraghi wore Miu Miu ruffle-detail silk dress in red
Miu Miu ruffle-detail silk dress


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  1. Charlene is conspicuous by her absence at this significant event.

    1. Anonymous6/7/23 16:51

      I certainly agree.


    2. Anonymous7/7/23 07:30

      C’est un des nombreux Ă©vĂ©nement du centenaire du Prince Rainier, Rappel Charlène n’a pas connu le Prince. Elle a assistĂ© Ă  2 ou 3 Ă©vĂ©nement, et vous en aurez beaucoup d’autre d’ici la fin de l’annĂ©e. C’est normal que se soit les enfants et petits-enfants ayant connu le Prince qui lui rendent hommage.

    3. Agree with Cate.

    4. Anonymous9/7/23 20:57

      Yes strange that Charlene does not make an effort to be present. Even though she knew or not Prince Rainier, this is an important event in Monaco and especially for the Grimaldi family.

  2. Anonymous6/7/23 14:03

    Camille looks lovely in pink. But where are Charlene with the twins? This is a family event...

    1. Anonymous7/7/23 15:04

      Are you serious? You'd take a pair of 8yo to see a movie like this? They'd be bored out of their minds in less than 5 minutes. It pays to be practical...
      - Anon 9:13

  3. Anonymous6/7/23 14:45

    interesting how a mother's style influences her daughters & in-laws. Alex and Tatiana look well dressed for the event. on the other hand Stephanie n Camille...

  4. Anonymous6/7/23 16:28

    Pr.Caroline and Alexandra stand out, the rest of the family, donot know a good English word, but I think a bit shabby,

    1. Anonymous7/7/23 01:22

      I agree.

    2. Anonymous7/7/23 04:50

      Princess Alex is looking very beautiful and her Mum either they stand out agree and -
      the family looks have quite improved to classy and elegant - love this.

  5. Anonymous6/7/23 17:06

    Caroline, Tatiana, and Alexandra look wonderful. Caroline looks so elegant! Marie looks nice. Camille would have greatly improved her look had she chosen a dressier sandal. While think the color is a good choice for Camille, the style of this suit is not flattering to her--her shoulders look too wide. She has other suits that don't have that visual effect so not sure what's happening here. Stephanie--what an awful color! And tennis shoes--I usually try to defend her choices but cannot with this choice. In the group photo I am also saddened to see how she is holding her bouquet--like she didn't care. I understand I am perhaps reading too much into that look but all the other ladies took care with pose.


    1. Anonymous6/7/23 20:21

      Look at the other photo she is holding the bouquet differently.

    2. Anonymous7/7/23 10:52

      Is true

  6. Cela fait deux fois que je vois en titre "la famille princière de Monaco" ; j'ai été surprise de l'absence de Charlène avec les jumeaux ?!

  7. Love Camille's pink suit!

  8. Anonymous6/7/23 20:20

    They are all dressed nicely in comfortable clothes for a documentary film. Important for Rainier’s 3 children to be present, and as we see not all the adult grandchildren are, therefore okay for Charlene and the young children not to attend..imo

  9. Anonymous6/7/23 20:46

    Wow, to miss this event honouring your husband is pretty strange. The children should also have been there. I have always been an avid supporter and admirer of Charlene - this lack of support on her behalf is quite disappointing. Sadly it provides much food for plenty of thought and evaluation of previous comments & criticisms.

    1. Anonymous6/7/23 21:30

      Why? Firstly, this is not an event honoring her husband. Rainier III was Albert's father, Charlene's father-in-law. Secondly, unless something has come out that I am unaware of, we don't know why she isn't there. She is a mother. There may be something more important going on with one or both of her children. She could be ill or have another engagement. Lastly, Jacques and Gabriella not attending is no worse than the rest of Rainier's other grandchildren and great-grandchildren not attending. For all the comments in the past about how bored the children must be at various events they do attend, why don't they get a pass this time?

      Rainier's children are there, along with extended family. I have a feeling he and Grace are looking down and feeling blessed, not judging who showed up for the premier or what they are wearing.

    2. Anonymous6/7/23 23:39

      While I think Charlene should have attended the event, the event was to honor Prince Ranier, Albert's father and Charlene's father-in-law.

    3. Anonymous7/7/23 05:20

      Seriously...get real. Charlene certainly doesn't have to attend every event. The family seems to divide events very evenly.

    4. Anonymous7/7/23 07:24

      Ce n’est pas un Ă©vĂ©nement en l’honneur de son mari, mais du Prince Rainier, ce sont ses 3 enfants qui lui rendent hommage…Le Prince Albert est l’un de ses 3 enfants, mĂŞme si c’est lui maintenant le Prince souverain. Charlène n’a pas connu le Prince Rainier.

    5. Recently, Princess Charlene didn’t attend one of the family events for the anniversary of Prince Rainier as it came to light later that she was hosting another event at the same time.
      Any chance we can get back to fashion?

  10. Anonymous6/7/23 22:00

    It is about her father in law not her husband

  11. Anonymous7/7/23 02:10

    Rainier was not Charlene’s husband. He was Albert’s Father. Marie Ducruet looks lovely here—very good choice to frame her beautiful face and dark hair.

  12. Pss Caroline and Alexandra look lovely. Tatiana's red dress from what I can see looks very nice.

  13. Anonymous7/7/23 11:32

    None of the outfits of the ladies looks lovely to me. Princess Caroline can wear as much jewelry as she wants to pimp her dress, it remains a shapeless dress and her sandals look awful. The rest I don't even bother to write what I don't like.
    The days Prince Rainier and Princess Grace were alive are definitely over. That were the days one could admire all the glitter and glamour so typical for the "Principauté de Monaco". Rose

  14. Anonymous7/7/23 13:48

    Princess Alexandra wins, she looks very chic.

  15. Anonymous7/7/23 14:11

    I hope the family is doing well. Sharon

  16. Anonymous7/7/23 21:09

    Not everyone looks great. But I would say Caroline and Alexandra are the winners here. css

  17. Anonymous7/7/23 21:54

    I can only imagine it must be very emotional,even hard,for Stephanie,especially with her trauma, and Caroline and Albert.They loved their parents so much and their parents them and each other.

  18. Anonymous7/7/23 21:56

    Caroline looks amazing. I never know what it is, but the way she carries herself is so elegant and timeless. Love her outfit from head to toe, it's a classic little black dress, but with such an interesting twist due to the jewellery. The rest of the family continues to be an odd bunch. No terrible fashion fails this time, but also not much to comment on. Alexandra looks very pretty and Tatiana's dress is one I'd like to have in my own wardrobe.

  19. Anonymous8/7/23 16:26

    Someone knows the designer of the black dress of Princess Alexandra?

  20. Anonymous9/7/23 21:00

    I must say Caroline is the winner this time. I love her ‘simple’ black dress that jewelleries make out the most of it. Quite class!


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