Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko visited Hokkaido

Japanese Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko attended the opening ceremony of the Inter-High School Championships

Japanese Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko started a two-day visit to Hokkaido Prefecture to attend the 2023 National Inter-High School Championships. On July 22, 2023, Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko planted a tree in Atsuma City. Afterwards, the Crown couple attended the opening ceremony of the 2023 National Inter-High School Championships in Sapporo.

Japanese Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko attended the opening ceremony of the Inter-High School Championships

Japanese Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko attended the opening ceremony of the Inter-High School Championships

Japanese Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko attended the opening ceremony of the Inter-High School Championships

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  1. Pas de changement pour Kiko qui est vêtue d'un tailleur/jupe blanc qu'elle a su rehausser de perles tant au niveau de ses boucles d'oreilles, son collier que sa petite broche ; quelle agréable surprise sur la dernière photo de voir son époux portant un nouveau style de cravate en prévision de la cérémonie précitée !

  2. Anonymous23/7/23 16:08

    Everything seems so strict and robotic in this culture

    1. Anonymous24/7/23 12:53

      I hope you have the chance to visit Japan to learn a bit about the culture. Tradition and ceremony have been very important and still are. Not robotic, but ceremonial. Fascinating and beautiful, and in a world of globalisation and homogeneity to the point of loss of culture, Japan has managed to keep their own ways. - AnneLise

    2. Anonymous24/7/23 16:12

      I can see how the pictures look robotic. I lived there for a year and how it really is is just orderly. They are very clean, orderly people who put a good amount of effort into beauty. If you see pictures of prepared meals on a plate, you can see it it usually a visual work of art. They would say that Americans are sloppy bc their plate after eating was messy. Even after they eat they clean their plate well. We even saw stores in the Tokyo mopping and scrubbing the sidewalks outside of their stores. I didn't even understand what they were doing bc I knew it would get city dirty in an hour but that is their clean culture. It is a beautiful place to visit. Lots of people so definitely not robotic. The country runs very smoothly with extremely low crime despite lots and lots of people in cities and suburbs.

  3. Anonymous23/7/23 16:48

    Princess Kiko looks very lovely in this white suit well matched with a necklace of pearls and a brooch it seems of pearls and diamonds, however, in my opinion, Prince Akishino would benefit from changing his hairstyle, parted on one side instead of parted in the middle would suit him better.

  4. Anonymous23/7/23 18:40

    Pss Kiko looks lovely in the white outfit. css

    1. Anonymous24/7/23 00:35

      Anonymous,css: Sorry for the mistake, English is not my mother tongue, I was doing my best.

  5. This white two piece ensemble is beautiful, it looks very stylish and elegant. The fit is perfect, always wonderful tailoring. I like the addition of the black shoes. The pearl necklace is the perfect finishing touch. A very elegant and smart ensemble.

    1. Anonymous24/7/23 15:49

      Totally agree, very well said, the workmanship is exquisite.

  6. Nice to see that the ubiquitous hat didn't make it to the ceremony.

  7. Anonymous24/7/23 14:19

    So very elegant! Great tailoring and fits perfectly. No show off.


  8. Anonymous24/7/23 17:49

    The clothing choices seem rather boring, even for the Japanese.

  9. Anonymous25/7/23 16:47

    These people give me the creeps. I always have the impression that their smile is not natural or honest.
    @Anonymous 27/7 16:12
    The Japanese living in Japan are maybe clean, but the one that lived next door wasn't clean at all. He was very arrogant and showed no respect for the efforts of his neighbours. Putting his waste in the wrong bin, never heard of recycling. He didn't had a bin. Used my garden as a way to go in and out into the flat he rented. Stepped on the flowers and vegetables. Deliberately destroyed the fence between my garden and his. The day he left was of great relief. The owner of the flat needed a week to clean everything he left behind. He also broke several things in the flat. The owner had to spent a lot of money to repair everything and prepare the flat before it could be rent to someone else. In the meantime I installed a strong metallic fence. The new lady who is living alone in the flat takes the front door of the building to go in and out like it should.
    I think in every culture there are normal people that are doing what is right and other that have no respect for other people or the laws of the country they are living in.

  10. Can't win them all, you know.


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