The Swedish Crown Princess Family visited Gripsholm Castle

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar visited Gripsholm Castle

On the eve of National Day 2023 celebrations, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar visited Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred. This year is the 500th anniversary of Gustav Vasa's accession to the throne.

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar visited Gripsholm Castle

In 1983, in remembrance of the election of Gustav as Swedish king on June 6, that date was declared the National Day of Sweden. Gripsholm Castle is known as Gustav Vasa's castle, as it was he, who built the castle there in 1537.

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar visited Gripsholm Castle

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  1. Quelle belle famille.. Trop craquante la première photo où nous voyons que la princesse Estelle a bien grandi ; Oscar me fait penser à mini Daniel !

  2. Anonymous6/6/23 11:47

    What beautiful boys! Oscar has a sly smile and two smiling eyes. I like the second photo. Irene

  3. I simply adore national costumes, Swedens costumes are very beautiful. But it looks somehow strange that Victoria and Estelle weare them but men are in classic look.

  4. Anonymous6/6/23 11:57

    Cuteness overload 😍 Estelle is almost as tall as mommy

  5. Anonymous6/6/23 12:01

    Lovely family portrait. Princess Estelle is beautiful and Prince Oscar is too cute.MJT

  6. Lovely family. Both pictures of Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar are wonderful, especially the one showing Oscar looking up at big sister. I do not understand why the ladies wear traditional costumes and the men do not. The family photo is very nice too.

    1. Anonymous6/6/23 14:14

      This costume, Sverigedräkten, was constructed early 19 hundreds for women who did not have a clear geographical connection to parishes and other areas with centuries old folk costumes. It was ment to be a low budget alternative to folk costumes and give every woman an opportunity to make one. Sweden has beautiful folk costumes for both men and women from different geographical areas, jus like Norway. The Swedish royals have chosen to wear this as a "neutral" costume. Personally I don't like it at all.

    2. Anonymous7/6/23 17:38

      @Ladyofthemanor I couldn't agree more, it's really ugly and I cringe everytime I see it. It's a blessing that there is no male costume to go with it :-D Although even if there had been one I'm pretty sure the King would never be caught on film wearing one, he's got style and taste.

  7. Anonymous6/6/23 13:48

    Oskar and Estelle are still two cutipies.

  8. Beautiful children!

  9. Anonymous6/6/23 14:19

    Beautiful family!!! Estelle and Oscar are really growing up. Speaking of Oscar--his dimples are adorable!


  10. Anonymous6/6/23 15:05

    What a beautiful family.

  11. Aw, beautiful photos. The national costumes are divine. Estelle is growing up, little Oscar is a real cutie.

  12. Anonymous7/6/23 02:04

    Lovely children. css


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