The Princely Family of Monaco took part in the Saint John's Eve 2023 celebrations

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, and their children Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

On the evening of June 23, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, and their children Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella took part in the Saint John celebrations held at the Palace Square. Resulting from a very old custom which is based on the birth of Saint John the Baptist fixed by the Church for June 24, Saint John is the feast dedicated to fire and light.⁣

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, and their children Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Saint John's Eve starts at sunset on June 23, and is the eve of celebrations for the Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist.

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, and their children Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene, and their children Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella

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  1. Charmantes photos de famille.Trop craquante Gabriella avec son petit chignon dont elle n'a pas l'habitude car elle vĂŠrifie s'il est toujours lĂ  hi, hi, hi !

  2. I like Charlene's top, I have something quite similar. Isn't Jacques too often formally dressed, for his age ? Yes he has to get used to his future duties.

  3. A bit hard to see what Charlene is actually wearing.
    Gabriella looks very cute with her hair up.

  4. Anonymous24/6/23 13:52

    I love Princess Gabriella's hairstyle.

    1. Anonymous29/6/23 17:25

      Me too,isn't she simply simply lovely 🥰

  5. Anonymous24/6/23 15:28

    Not much to say fashion-wise. It's a very casual top that fits well. Wish she'd worn something more vibrant as it's in the exact same shade as the wall behind her and I suppose people would like to SEE their princess, but oh well. Love the hair, though and I'm glad the blonde is history (for now).

  6. Anonymous24/6/23 16:20

    Cute that Gabriella’s hair is up like the little girls in the dance troupe. Charlene looks very nice, and Jaques isn’t necessarily uncomfortable in his outfit, always a pleasure to see a little boy dressed up.

  7. Princess Charlene looks lovely - the darker hair suits her. I love the color of her blouse. Princess Gabriella's hair is so cute 😍

  8. Anonymous24/6/23 19:19

    Charlène porte un joli haut pour le peu que l on aperçoit.
    Mignon le chignon de Gabriella ornĂŠ de perles.

  9. Albert looks a lot better lately. The whole family seem to enjoy the festivities.

  10. Its difficult to see what Pss Charlene is wearing, but the top appears lovely Its wonderful to see the children.

  11. Anonymous25/6/23 02:14

    Very nice look for the whole family. I like Charlene's outfit. The children are super cute. I like the bun on top of Gabriella's head. css

  12. Anonymous26/6/23 11:31

    How nice it would be to see a natural smile and not such a forced one. Only she can make herself happy … but we’ll done Charlene for actually being by your husband’s side! That is what it is about … supporting each other!!!!


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