Queen Maxima visited a community center for Burendag 2023 launch

Queen Maxima wore a multicolor paisley print skirt by Etro, and white silk shirt. Coral earrings. Stichting Schets community center

On June 13, Dutch Queen Maxima visited Stichting Schets community center in The Hague to launch Burendag 2023. Burendag (Neighbours Day) is organized every year by the Oranje Fonds and Douwe Egberts with the aim of celebrating and promoting contact between neighbours. Queen Maxima is the patron of the Oranje Fonds.

Queen Maxima wore a multicolor paisley print skirt by Etro, and white silk shirt. Coral earrings. Stichting Schets community center

Queen Maxima wore a multicolor paisley print skirt by Etro, and white silk shirt. Coral earrings. Stichting Schets community center

Neighbors Day is celebrated every year on the 4th Saturday in September. During Neighbours Day, residents organize activities which bring the neighbourhood together. Burendag also gives neighbours the opportunity to get to know each other and to join forces to tackle local issues, which ultimately results in a safer, more friendly neighbourhood.

Queen Maxima wore a multicolor paisley print skirt by Etro, and white silk shirt. Coral earrings. Stichting Schets community center

Queen Maxima wore a multicolor paisley print skirt by Etro, and white silk shirt. Coral earrings. Stichting Schets community center

Queen Maxima wore a multicolor paisley print skirt by Etro, and white silk shirt. Coral earrings. Stichting Schets community center

Queen Maxima wore a multicolor paisley print skirt by Etro, and white silk shirt. Coral earrings. Stichting Schets community center

Queen Maxima wore an Etro Multicolor Paisley Print Skirt
Etro Multicolor Paisley Print Skirt

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  1. Anonymous13/6/23 21:05

    Maxima looks very nice today. The skirt matched up with a white blouse looks very nice, better than the matching top. css

    1. Anonymous14/6/23 03:29

      I agree completely! MR

  2. Anonymous13/6/23 21:06

    Great look! I love this skirt and its matching top but this white/cream blouse also works nicely. I'm also pleased to see she is still limiting the jewelry and the bronzer. Her earrings are very pretty. Her hair is a lost cause. I like the choice of sandals and belt colors--perfectly coordinating with the colors of her skirt.


  3. Anonymous13/6/23 21:08

    Ok look for Maxima. It was so hot in The Netherlands (here visiting family) that it was also very appropriated for the visit.

  4. Anonymous13/6/23 21:15

    I loved this set when Q. Max wore it earlier, and I think the skirt is equally good worn with the white shirt. The whole outfit is lovely - earrings, hair, shoes and belt. (V.M.)

  5. Anonymous13/6/23 21:20

    I like this skirt and it looks very good paired with a white shirt.

  6. Anonymous13/6/23 22:06

    Isn't this the same skirt that CP Mary or someone else has?
    I like it just as much now on Maxima as then. That centre pleat has pros for adding movement to the skirt, but also cons for where it draws the eye. Maxima's white blouse is nice, but I also like the matching top, which turns it all into a more complete outfit.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous14/6/23 08:27

      @Anon 9:13. You are right. CP Mary has exactly the same skirt and wears it with a white similar top. I also agree with you other comments.

    2. Exactly my thoughts when I saw the pictures in this blog. Maybe Royal dress-sharing ;-) or the same stylist who suggests the same outfits. It is quite often in recent months to see royal ladies wearing the same dress.

  7. This is a pretty outfit. The skirt is soft and flowing, very feminine. I love the pattern on the fabric and colors. Her white shirt looks well combined.

  8. Nice outfit, good for hot weather and suits Queen Maxima's figure. Good choice.

  9. Anonymous14/6/23 07:16

    What a lovely, flowy and colorful skirt. White blouse matches well with it. Hair up would made this look even more better but overall what a lovely look.

  10. Nice, smart combo for a spring/summer event.
    I miss her OTT jewelry.
    It’s part of the “Maxima” look 😪

  11. En cette période estivale, Maxima a su ressortir de son dressing cette belle jupe imprimée en la combinant au blanc de son chemisier ; même si je la trouve un peu longue, sa silhouette la supporte bien en portant une ceinture marron ; bon choix que ces boucles d'oreilles !

  12. Anonymous14/6/23 13:23

    Crown princess Mary has the same skirt.

  13. Lovely design and colours, suits this naturally beautiful and elegant lady. X

  14. Anonymous14/6/23 16:39

    The hair being a total mess, ruins the entire look. Nice smile, but messy hair makes everything look bad.


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