Queen Mathilde received activist Jennie Vanlerberghe at the Royal Palace

Queen Mathilde wore a floral print silk crepe de Chine dress by Red Valentino. Sima Samar and Annie Matundu Mbambi

Queen Mathilde received participants of an international peace conference at the Royal Palace. Among her guests were Jennie Vanlerberghe, women's activist and founder of Mothers for Peace, Sima Samar, former minister of Afghanistan, and Annie Matundu Mbambi, President of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in Congo.

Queen Mathilde wore a floral print silk crepe de Chine dress by Red Valentino. Sima Samar and Annie Matundu Mbambi

Queen Mathilde wore a floral print silk crepe de Chine dress by Red Valentino. Sima Samar and Annie Matundu Mbambi

Mothers for Peace, together with the city of Ypres, is organizing an international peace conference titled "Women at the Peace Table" that was held in Ypres, Belgium on June 17.

Queen Mathilde wore a floral print silk crepe de Chine dress by Red Valentino. Sima Samar and Annie Matundu Mbambi

Queen Mathilde wore Red Valentino floral print silk crepe de Chine dress
Red Valentino floral print silk crepe de chine dress

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  1. Que je suis ravie de voir la reine Mathilde porter cette robe imprimée fleurie sur laquelle elle a rajouté judicieusement une fine ceinture de couleur rouge comme ses talons ; si je me trompe pas, c'est madame Annie Matundu Mbambi dans un ensemble/turban dont le bleu-roi domine jusque dans ses chaussures ; elle est magnifique !

    1. I agree with your comments.

  2. Anonymous17/6/23 13:45

    The first lady in the bright blue outfit looks outstanding!

  3. Anonymous17/6/23 13:49

    Queen Malthilde took out of her dressing room all her old summer dresses. I like her a lot in this Red Valentino dress. Lucky we have such good weather and a lot of sunshine so that she can wear one oldie after the other. Even her accessories are the same she wore when the dress was new.

  4. Anonymous17/6/23 14:51

    I really like this dress. Very pretty, very summery, nice shape. I am even ok with the ruffle across the shoulder as it is shorter on Queen Mathilde than on the model. Length is also better on the Queen than on the original. Always had a soft spot for red shoes. Beautiful look.

    1. Anonymous18/6/23 11:59

      Totally agree. Beautiful, style, pattern and shoes.

  5. Anonymous17/6/23 16:07

    Queen Mathilde looks very pretty in this dress. I like the design and red flower pattern. The lady on the far left is magnificent in the vibrant blue…just gorgeous all around.

  6. Anonymous17/6/23 17:33

    Love this dress and Mathilde looks wonderful. The lady in the beautiful cobalt blue is wearing a stunning outfit.


  7. The dress is very pretty and feminine. I love the addition of red shoes, lovely. The lady in left side of photo, her blue dress is gorgeous, she looks fantastic. The lady wearing the pale blue jacket and silk scarf also looks wonderful.

  8. Anonymous20/6/23 00:51

    Q Mathilde looks nice in this dress. I just don't care for the capelet. css


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