Queen Letizia attended the board meeting of The Student Residence

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

On June 27, 2023, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the annual meeting of the board of trustees of The Student Residence (Residencia de Estudiantes). The Residencia was founded in Madrid in 1910 by the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios. The objective of the Residencia was to complement university education by providing an exciting intellectual and living environment for its members.

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

The highest governing body of the Residencia is chaired jointly by the Minister of Education and Vocational Training, and the Minister of Science and Innovation. The King is honorary president of the institution.

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

The Residencia is one of the most prominent cultural centres in the city of Madrid. It hosts concerts, conferences and exhibitions. In 2015, the Residencia de Estudiantes was awarded the European Union’s European Heritage Label because of the significant role it has played in the history and culture of Europe.

Queen Letizia wore a new beige, natural ribbed halter top by Massimo Dutti. The Queen wore white trousers by Carolina Herrera

Queen Letizia wore Massimo Dutti Ribbed Halter Top
Massimo Dutti Ribbed Halter Top

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  1. Anonymous27/6/23 21:44

    The cut of the Massimo Dutti top is not suitable for a lady with the title of Queen.

    1. Anonymous27/6/23 23:42

      I know, right?! How could she possibly show her shoulders and arms like that in the summer like it's 2023. Sheesh.

    2. Anon 21:44, isn't it really annoying that she looks so good in it? She should wear a knee long coat dress, would be much better, yeah.

    3. Anonymous28/6/23 09:43

      @Anon 21:44 , please let us know: was the late Queen Elizabeth II ill advised when wearing shoulder free for her first official photo as queen? https://people.com/thmb/PnQPk62HhU0Er1lwNU3oMTzbLEc=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(929x339:931x341):format(webp)/queen-elizabeth-4-f2d4826a937349208f86eb0a4682d488.jpg

    4. its Spain, they could wear ripped jeans to a church service and fit in well. i think the sleeveless raises eyebrows on her bcoz her arms are very toned slim

    5. Oh my God. I think we should ask Helen, our blog master to remove this "non Queen like" photo. Maybe also photo N°3.. Let's keep some Royal dignity in this blog.

    6. P. the original30/6/23 08:50

      Yep, you're right.
      A medieval armour would have looked so much better on Q.Letizia!
      When will you learn a few fashion basics?
      This is a fashion blog, after all.
      If you are so alien to contemporary fashion, you should shift your attention to something else.
      I bet that if you visited Empress Sisi' s clothes collections, you would find them too modern to your taste!

  2. Anonymous27/6/23 22:04

    Nice pant and color. The top does not do her any favors. css

    1. Anonymous27/6/23 23:41

      Agreed. Nice outfit but the top made me wonder if she had a boob job. It's probably just other undergarments and the style of this particular top. I very much like her earrings also.

  3. Gorgeous!! Absolutely GORGEOUS!!

  4. Anonymous28/6/23 01:41

    The color combination is perfect and looks very fresh, but indeed because of my the fabric if the top, the breast are gets very prominent, but she had s great body, so why not.

  5. Anonymous28/6/23 04:13


  6. Anonymous28/6/23 09:16

    Love this outfit - elegant and young.

  7. Magnifique Letizia avec madame la ministre de l'Éducation et de la Formation professionnelle qui porte un chemisier rose pâle simple mais très rafraîchissant !

  8. P.S. Pardonnez-moi mais la dame précitée est Diana Morant, ministre des Sciences et de l'Innovation !


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