Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako's official visit to Indonesia

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako welcomed by President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo

At the invitation of President Joko Widodo, Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako are making an official visit to the Republic of Indonesia from June 19 to June 23, 2023. The Emperor and Empress were welcomed by President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo, with a state ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Bogor. The imperial couple arrived in Indonesia on Saturday.

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako welcomed by President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako welcomed by President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako welcomed by President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako welcomed by President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako welcomed by President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako welcomed by President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo

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  1. Anonymous19/6/23 14:10

    Empress Masako looks her usual impeccable, elegant self this time with a lace top showing. I like her bumper hats. Love the muted colors of the first lady Iriana´s outfit. Traditional Indonesian fabric skirt and lovely top.

    1. Anonymous19/6/23 21:28

      Absolutely agree, they are both lovely, classy ladies.

  2. Anonymous19/6/23 15:07

    Love the first photo, it shows hers pearls, lace blouse, and the magnificent quality of the fabric and workmanship. I especially like the contour of the collar. She looks beautiful. The Indonesian first lady has a beautiful coat, so modern but keeping with tradition. Love the fabrics.

  3. Always nice to see the Emperor and Empress out and about but her ensemble leaves me feeling sad. Nothing seems fit and not a touch of style anywhere.
    Dressed as she is, the Empress must be dying from the heat.
    This is a region that has high humidity - averaging around 80% all year round. The ground temperature at the moment is towards the 30° celsius. Looking forward to the turnout for the state dinner and other official occasions.

  4. Particulièrement élégant le couple impérial ; légèrement améloré le look de Masako qui est délicieuse dans ce gris bleuté ainsi que toutes ses perles ; quant à Naruhito, il doit avoir une belle collection de cravates afin de choisir pour être en harmonie avec la tenue de son épouse !

  5. Anonymous19/6/23 16:52

    I find the length of the skirt too long. But I'm so happy to see them, i believe, for the first time without masks!
    Question, we always comment on the traditional/classy /old fashioned Japanese fashion. But actually when or what's the beginning of "this" fashion, the real traditional clothing are kimonos, so when did the royal ladies move from kimonos to western fashion? After the war?...and then never updated the court with a new sewing patron? (Ok, this lady sentences is a bit shaky)
    The craftsmanship is indeed impeccable, but a new model will be welcome as well.

    1. Anonymous19/6/23 20:35

      Really good question! I'd like to know as well especially, why they seem to be stuck in one outdated style of western fashsion. As I've said before it is possible to dress more modern while being respectful, regal, and dignified.


    2. "I find the length of the skirt too long." so do I.

  6. Anonymous19/6/23 17:20

    Lovely look for Masako--the pale blue is a marvelous color for her. Excellent tailoring and craftmanship, gorgeous silk fabric, and beautiful pearls. So wish she would try a pillbox or other hat style that would show off her pretty face more but obviously that is not in her comfort zone. Also glad to see her venturing out on a state visit--perhaps we will see her travel more.


    1. Anonymous19/6/23 20:25

      Agree on everything you say. Just want to add that it's so lovely to see the Emperor and Empress enjoying themselves this much.

  7. Glad to see the Empress laughing. Her skirt, however, is really too long this time.

  8. Those huge sprays of orchids! Wow.

  9. Anonymous19/6/23 19:28

    The pale blue of the suit with the styling on the collar, to the hat with matching trim, lace blouse and pearls was simply exquisite. Masako was beautiful as ever. First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo was also beautiful in her lovely outfit.

  10. This outfit looks lovely, though the skirt seems a tad long. Love the single strand of pearl earrings, very elegant.

    1. Anonymous19/6/23 21:42

      I agree…the skirt is too long. (V.M.)

  11. Anonymous19/6/23 20:31

    Why do the hats have to always be down past her eyebrows?! I know she doesn't want to appear taller than her husband (eventhough, obviously, she is! Japan needs to get over it), but there's no reason she can't switch it up a little bit and wear a short in stature "pillbox" hat on the crown of her head, or even a really nice headband-style hat occasionally. Good grief! It's really getting to be a little ridiculous.


    1. Anonymous19/6/23 21:46

      I wonder if it’s a question of comfort and familiarity that makes her choose the same style over and over? We know that she has suffered from anxiety in the past and perhaps she wants to stay with the tried and true. I agree though that it would be nice to see a pillbox or headband for a change, and to show off her beautiful hair. ((V.M.)

  12. Anonymous19/6/23 22:40

    Masako could use the same images over and over, just photoshopping the color of her suit. As deadeggs said, it is sad. A group of dusty men has no business deciding

  13. Anonymous20/6/23 00:22

    Empress Masako looks great. She is all smiles and happy to be there IMO. I am glad she is doing so well to travel and do visits to other Countries. css

  14. Anonymous20/6/23 01:21

    Without sounding corny! I say the one thing the Empress wears well, is her smile! Her whole face lights up!
    It’s so good to see her on an official away visit. A sign I hope of her developing confidence! And maybe she’s been informed that she has a small group of royal watchers on this blog,wishing her well! You never know!
    I love the soft tone of the suit and hat. I wonder if we’ll be treated to a tiara event ! Bea

  15. Anonymous20/6/23 08:36

    Son encantadoras pero no me gusta el traje de Masako. Pasado de moda y mal hecho.


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