Crown Princess Victoria attended Atlas Copco's 150th anniversary

Andiata Kamille cream wide leg trousers. Andiata top. Crown Princess Victoria wore a Jane cream blazer by Andiata

On 10 June, Crown Princess Victoria attended Atlas Copco's 150th anniversary event in Stockholm. Atlas Copco was founded in 1873 and is one of Sweden's largest companies today. The company has a presence in 180 countries and has a long history of innovation in energy efficiency and sustainable solutions for industry.

Andiata Kamille cream wide leg trousers. Andiata top. Crown Princess Victoria wore a Jane cream blazer by Andiata

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary, employees from all over the world gathered in Stockholm to attend the conference "Celebrating our past – Shaping the future" that lasted for 3 days. The focus of the conference is sustainable solutions and the company's contribution to new technologies.

Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Jane blazer and Kamille trousers
Andiata Jane blazer and Kamille trousers

Crown Princess Victoria wore Andiata Jane blazer and Kamille trousers
Andiata Jane blazer

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  1. Anonymous16/6/23 10:52

    As I see it, too many company oriented events for Victoria compared to charity, health care and so on. Her suit is again one more of those she has trillions of, this looks chic though. C

  2. Anonymous16/6/23 11:52

    Nice dress and I really want it.

  3. Anonymous16/6/23 13:19

    This is lovely! a no too bulky or too square jacket, instead a simple, slim and well fitting jacket. Also good: no collar or bow blouse, just a simple top and I don't really mind that it is the same colour, it is very elegant this way. The colour is fine with her skin and dark hair. If I could wish for something, it would be just a hint of lipstick.

  4. Anonymous16/6/23 16:12

    Great suit--looks marvelous on Victoria. Wish she had added a pop of color with the blouse but the blouse she is wearing gets style points with me because there is no bow or collar.


  5. Anonymous16/6/23 16:36

    Immer diese weiten Hosen!

  6. Elégant ce blazer blanc écru cintrée à simple boutonnage mais je ne peux pas dire que le pantalon soit à mon goût ; belles créoles, chaîne avec un médaillon que j'aimerais mieux voir !

  7. Anonymous16/6/23 18:37

    Beautiful suit on a lovely woman.

  8. Anonymous16/6/23 18:57

    Wondering how many suits she has 🤔 Like this one though. I'm glad she's not wearing a shirt. Prefer simple top under. So if she could change her hair she would get a full pot.

  9. Anonymous16/6/23 21:38

    Very professional, like it a lot. Also great color. css

  10. Anonymous16/6/23 22:31


  11. This outfit looks chic and stylish. The cut/style of the blazer is excellent, but what I like most is the simple blouse, looks fabulous. This pale beige color works well. The large gold hooped earrings and subtle necklace look really good, perfect choice.

  12. Anonymous18/6/23 15:25

    Always all smiles, she seems to have a bubbling personality too ☺️ Definitely a nice future Queen of Sweden!


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