Belgium's King and Queen attended the annual Founder's Day Parade

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

On June 8, 2023, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde attended the Chelsea Pensioners annual Founder's Day Parade at the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. As the day's Guest of Honour, the King of Belgium was invited to review the parade of Chelsea Pensioners. The Royal Hospital Chelsea is a retirement home and nursing home for some 300 veterans of the British Army. King Charles II founded the Royal Hospital as a retreat for veterans in 1682.

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde visited the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London. Queen Mathilde wore a leaf printed cape dress

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  1. Anonymous8/6/23 16:23

    lol....Despite Mathilde looking a little like a tree :) , I do like the idea and style of this outfit. The dress and the capelet with the leaf motif are quite pretty on their own, as a set. The hat makes it look too theatrical - like a stage costume for a forest - and the leaf corsage - even though I realise that it was presented as a gift/tribute to her from the veterans since some of them are wearing them too - inadvertently adds to that image even more. But the dress fits her very nicely and if the capelet is removable, I'd like to see what the dress looks like without it, with the leaf print underneath.
    It's nice to occasionally see a playfully interesting and well cut outfit like this. And it's perfect for Spring.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous8/6/23 19:28

      Better looking a bit like a tree than looking boring and always dressed the same way. At least Queen Mathilde is showing some initiative by wearing clothes adapted for her visit to the Chelsea hospital. Pictures on other sites are showing a lot of guests who are present to look at the parade.

    2. Agree 100%. Nicely said.

    3. Anonymous9/6/23 09:04

      The outfit does kind of resemble a ficus! I love the rich green color with her coloring, but I agree that it seems a bit not right. Maybe if the hat and gloves went missing, it might be more modern.

    4. Anonymous10/6/23 07:36

      Since it was a formal visit of King Phillippe and Queen Mathilde the queen was dressed formally with hat and gloves. Besides the lady that accompanies QM has also a hat. In the public at the time of King Phillippe's speech there are also women with hats (picture n°10)

  2. Anonymous8/6/23 16:54

    Queen Marhilde is wearing a very lovely, elegant and fresh summer dress today. Her accessories are chosen very well. I wonder who the lady with the red hat is ? Can't see her face. I find it an odd custom to attached a bunch of leaves on peoples clothes. Lucky there are leaves on Queen Mathilde's dress too so one cannot see eventually stains of the real leaves. Maybe they are taking the opportunity to visit their daughter CP Elisabeth who studies at Oxford university. I think since Elisabeth is in the U.K. the queen (and maybe the king too) is visiting her regularly incognito. With the Eurostar it is not far.

  3. Anonymous8/6/23 17:08

    I think she looks great today.

  4. Original but nice for a summer occasion

  5. Orangemily8/6/23 17:52

    The King and Queen of the Belgians look LOVELY here. I'm assuming the pensioners gave the Queen her corsage, otherwise, that's a very large albeit appropriate accent. The greens look great on Mathilde. I could also see Maxima wearing almost this entire outfit from head to toe.

    1. Maxima would rock this outfit but you know the feathers in her hair would be twice as big and her gloves twice as long, lol, the bigger the better for Max!

  6. Anonymous8/6/23 18:23

    HM looks beautiful.I always think she looks better in structured designs. The touch of green to honour the day,is a lovely.Bea

  7. Pour cette occasion particulière, Mathilde porte une tenue blanche et vert tendre très rafraîchissante mais quand je vois les gants, je ressens un coup de chaleur. La dame coiffée d'un chapeau rouge a l'air élégante mais il est dommage de ne pas mieux voir son visage !

  8. Anonymous8/6/23 19:05

    Love the fresh approach of the dress the Queen is wearing. Not too over the top, yet lovely and fits her well. The whimsical hair piece is equally as nice.

  9. Anonymous8/6/23 19:13

    On the website of the Belgian Royal Palace I saw more pictures of King Phillippe's during his speech. And guess what ? The lady with the red hat that accompanies Queen Mathilde wears red sandals very similar to the ones Queen Maxima was wearing yesterday. It looks like more people like those high closed sandals.

  10. Anonymous8/6/23 21:32

    Lovely dress and green is a good color for the Queen. The capulet gives good balance to her body. I wonder if the dress can be worn without it.

  11. Anonymous8/6/23 22:15

    This is a lovely outfit by the Queen elegant. Mary

  12. Anonymous8/6/23 22:15

    This is a lovely outfit by the Queen elegant. Mary

  13. Anonymous9/6/23 05:59

    Mathilde looks wonderful! I love her outfit--it is beautifully designed to reflect the other name of Founder's Day, Oak Apple Day. What lovely touch on her part to honor her hosts and the special day.


  14. The Queen looks lovely, very elegant. I love her outfit. She looks very engaging and happy.

  15. Anonymous9/6/23 09:55

    This is a WOW dress for Queen Mathilde ... love the shoes, too ... very well chosen ...

  16. Anonymous10/6/23 09:39

    Style n art! Love the colours, concept….outfit!


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