The Grand Ducal Family attended the 2023 Octave Religious Ceremony

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Felix, Princess Claire and Prince Louis

On May 14, 2023, Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles, Prince François, Prince Felix, Princess Claire, Princess Amalia, Prince Liam and Prince Louis attended the traditional pontifical mass at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg that was held as part of 2023 Catholic Octave celebrations.

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Felix, Princess Claire and Prince Louis

The Octave is one of Luxembourg's major annual religious celebrations. It starts on the 3rd Sunday after Easter and closes with the Octave Procession on the 5th Sunday after Easter.

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Felix, Princess Claire and Prince Louis

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Felix, Princess Claire and Prince Louis

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Felix, Princess Claire and Prince Louis

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Felix, Princess Claire and Prince Louis

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Felix, Princess Claire and Prince Louis

Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles, Prince François, Princess Amalia, Prince Liam

Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles, Prince François, Princess Amalia, Prince Liam

Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles, Prince François, Princess Amalia, Prince Liam

Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles, Prince François, Princess Amalia, Prince Liam

Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles, Prince François, Princess Amalia, Prince Liam

Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Charles, Prince François, Princess Amalia, Prince Liam

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  1. Canadian fan14/5/23 20:08

    Grand Duchess Maria Teresa looks wonderful!

    1. Anonymous14/5/23 23:40

      Yes, she does. The white blouse is very flattering. She looks young -
      good hairstyle and colour. And isn't little Charles lovely? Stéphanie's light blue coat suits her well.

    2. Anonymous16/5/23 02:48

      I love her white top! Very pretty!

    3. Anonymous16/5/23 20:46

      She should have worn this for Alex's wedding!

    4. Anonymous17/5/23 14:13

      I agree.

  2. Anonymous14/5/23 20:38

    I don't think the lady's of Luxembourgh is getting it right. I don't think a pantsuit to this religious ceremony is the best choice. Princess Claire looks like she is leaving on a cruise liner. And Maria Theresa... I really don't get the sleeves of that blouse. I think they should take notes from the British royals on how to dress to church.

    1. Anonymous14/5/23 23:52

      You would say: "I don't think the ladies ... are getting it right". Well, P. Claire's outfit isn't quite appropriate for a church service. But MT looks good and so does Stéphanie.

    2. Anonymous15/5/23 01:26

      Leave British fashion for British!

    3. Anonymous15/5/23 04:32

      Interesting perspective on the need for a certain dress code in church ; but in general continental Europe has less formality required, and a more open definition of what is elegant. And if you’re royal you get to set the fashion standard and lead new trends! It’s a long time in most of Western Europe since it was seen that ladies are required to wear dresses! - AnnaLise

    4. Anonymous15/5/23 05:05

      I agree. They are clearly not into fashion, each public appearance is a disappointment

    5. Anonymous15/5/23 06:27

      Anonymus 20:38, Those who cannot give advice on clothing are the British royals themselves. Come on… Irene

    6. Anonymous15/5/23 07:19

      @ Anon. I do not think they should take notes from the British on how to dress to church. 1. The religion is different. 2. In Catholic church people do not have to dress up to go to mass or another religious ceremony. As long as you are descent it is OK. 3. The princes of Luxemburg like to keep it simple.
      About fashion : I don't like Maria-Teresa's blouse. There must be better solutions. I do like Stéphanie's light blue coat. Claire's pants are probably made of linen which wrinkles very much. Even if you iron it before you leave one trip by car is enough to have wrinkles again. But those details don't matter any more these days.

    7. Anonymous15/5/23 07:28

      I don’t think that they should take notes from the British Royals, most monarchies nowadays dress more like their subjects, and they all look perfectly appropriate. Whether you agree with their taste is another subject. In my opinion with the exception of the Princess of Wales, the rest are not exactly the epitome of style, now if you like dress coats & over the top hats you’ll probably find them to your liking.

    8. Anonymous15/5/23 15:17

      Unlike the Windsors who seem to attend church only on ceremonial occasions, the Nassaus are devout, regular churchgoers. Therefore getting dressed for church is not as much of a big thing for them.
      No offense, but I don't want the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg emulating the Windsors at all. On any matter.

    9. Anonymous15/5/23 16:06

      Guess what - dressing for church in the UK doesn't involve looking like the royals on the few public occasions they are photographed. People even wear jeans to church! And we even have Catholics!

      And it is untrue that members of the BRF only attend church on ceremonial occasions.

    10. Where did you get the idea from that the BRF only attend church on ceremonial occasions.
      The BRF are regular church goers, especially the late Queen Elisabeth II.
      There are over 5 million Catholics in the U.K.

    11. Anonymous15/5/23 20:11

      The older, mostly dead Windsors went regularly to Church. With the exception of the King, I think it's stretching it to say that that the Wales, the Tindalls, the Yorks etc are regular church goers. Kate didn't even bother being Confirmed until she had to out of necessity in preparation for her wedding to William. Meghan was unbaptized till her wedding. Harry has admitted that he is not a believer.
      Outside of christenings, weddings, the odd funeral, and the obligatory Easter and Christmas show walk for the photographers, nope. I don't believe the younger ones bother.
      Which is why they all pull out the stops fashion wise when they do bother!

    12. Anonymous15/5/23 22:24

      You don't have to be either confirmed or baptised to attend church.

      Do you know for a fact they don't attend church or is it just a gut feeling?

    13. Anonymous17/5/23 03:04

      Your grammar may not be perfect, but I do get your point. Those of us who grew up in Europe and are of Christian upbringing will be surprised at anyone (never mind a royal) wearing pants to a religious event. Whist the Brits shouldn’t give anyone advice on appropriate Christian behaviour (given the percentage of British royals who cheated on their spouses despite wedding religious commitments), there a certain level of “propriety” linked to church and religious events attire. One is expected to follow “best Sunday dress” rules. Which does not include pants, any pants, no matter which designer created them. Pants are deemed “inappropriate” for proper church attire, regardless of Christian stream. All to say MT could have chosen a dress.

      Having said that, this is one of MT’s best outfits in quite some time. Had it been for a different event, I would have like bed it.


    14. Anonymous17/5/23 12:22

      CH - I grew up in Europe and live in Europe. Your ideas about church attire are extremely old-fashioned. In fact, what you are describing is what we see from the BRF.

      As to the sanctimonious judgement on their behaviour during their marriages they are not alone amongst royal families (or indeed, the general population).

  3. Belle combinaison du noir et du blanc mais à la place de cette sorte de cape, j'aurais opté pour un petite veste/boléro qui aurait moins tassé la silhouette de Maria Teresa !

  4. Anonymous14/5/23 21:09

    Nice color coordination of Grand duchess and princess Claire.

  5. The GD MT looks lovely, this outfit is very becoming. Her hair looks fabulous, love the cut and style. The few pieces of Lightner look perfect.

  6. Anonymous14/5/23 23:22

    Well, this is a very stylish outfit of GDss Maria Teresa, she looks lovely. Pss Claire looks very nice to. I also like the HGDss light blue dress. simple and stylish. The two little Sweethearts are the best surprise. css

  7. I love GD MT’s blouse. It is unusual, fresh and crisp. I think her black pants are respectful and modest for a religious ceremony. Princess Clare looks fine but she’s brave wearing white pants with young kids.

  8. Anonymous15/5/23 02:50

    I don't care for the sleeves of GD MT, but in my opinion, is het best look in months.

    1. Anonymous15/5/23 11:42

      Totally agree!

    2. Anonymous15/5/23 15:17

      I agree. I love her blouse.

  9. Anonymous15/5/23 06:14

    At least the neckline is a little higher!

    1. Anonymous15/5/23 16:29

      I think GD Maria Theresa looks like a choir boy in this outfit !!

  10. Anonymous15/5/23 06:53

    Interessante la blusa di MT con il lato interno delle maniche a formare una specie di cappa.
    Non mi piace l'outfit di Claire, sembra il comandante di una nave da crociera. Bello il celeste di Stephanie, le si addice.

  11. When I first saw the photos, I thought that the family were at a small village church on the CĂ´te d’Azur.
    Then I read the text and ….NO ….. they were attending a traditional religious service in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Luxembourg.
    The gents are all wearing a suit and tie but for the ladies, it seemed to be a dress down occasion.
    Princess Stephanie could be the only exception but it is difficult to see exactly what she is wearing.

  12. Anonymous15/5/23 08:20

    Hereditary duchess at her best but corduroy at a ceremony … I can’t believe my eyes

    1. Anonymous16/5/23 17:02

      Anonymous 08:20. It doesn't matter that a young boy is wearing corduroy or jeans or whatever. The way you are dressed doesn't count in the Catholic church. As long as it is descent. What I don't like is that he is dressed like during Winter. It is time to wear Spring and Summer outfits, although it is still very cold and rainy sometimes.

    2. Anonymous16/5/23 18:11

      TO 23.08:20 Yes, I agree. Corduroy trousers - not the right thing for a rather solemn religious ceremony - simple dark blue trousers would have been better. Of course it doesn't matter for your "redemption". (or the prayers or God).
      He could have worn that type of rather casual trousers for his visits to nursery homes etc. I suppose Stéphanie chooses his outfits.
      Why she took the baby to the procession - he should have stayed in his bed. Well, I suppose, she wanted to say to the Luxembourgeois:
      " Look, now I have given you two boys - after that long period of waiting. I have fulfilled my role and the expectations of the country".

  13. Anonymous15/5/23 11:38

    The Grand Duchess looks great, the outfit is perfect for the procession. I am shocked about Guillaume's wife, she is such a neglectful attention seeker. How on earth could she take the baby without a hat into the hot sun?

    1. Anonymous15/5/23 16:03

      Oh don't be so ridiculous - neglectful attention seeker?!

    2. Anonymous15/5/23 17:39

      What on earth is a "neglectful attention seeker"? Stephanie de Lannoy is many things, but most definitely not an attention seeker. The very idea is laughable!

    3. OMG. Is Luxembourg in the middle of the Sahara desert?

    4. Anonymous17/5/23 06:57

      Another stupid comment.

  14. So many trousers/pants lately for GD Maria Teresa. I haven't seen her in a dress or skirt for quite some considerable time. The sleeves of the blouse are - yet again - wrong for her. Princess Claire might have taken a too casual approach to the whole thing while HGD Stephanie dressed rather conservatively.

  15. Anonymous15/5/23 15:21

    I don't understand lovely Claire's outfit. This is not a boating expedition on the Med.

    Stephanie looks lovely but I am a little annoyed with her for bringing a 7 week old infant out like this in bright sunshine with no covering. I understand wanting to show the people her latest beautiful progeny but seriously? He seemed a little cranky and upset and I am not surprised. Why not simply show little Francois briefly on the balcony?

    This is the best I have seen MT look in a while. Top is very elegant.

    1. Anonymous16/5/23 04:36

      Why are you so judgmental?
      There is nothing wrong with bringing a baby to this event, babies fuss sometimes and that is just natural, I am sure that if he had cried indoors, they would’ve walk out just any regular parents. There is no wonder why these people always in the limelight get fed up with all the know it alls. If she had left him home, I am sure some of you would’ve something to say as well.

    2. When my baby was 7 weeks old I also took her everywhere, it's just the most practical thing to do if you don't have or don't want a nanny. Maybe she had a blanket or baby hat with her, we can't tell from the pictures.

    3. Anonymous16/5/23 08:03

      Yes, I think you are right. One shouldn't bring a baby of hardly 7 weeks to a church service. But I think she wanted to show her new-born to the public. Well, the baby should have been in his little bed.
      Her light blue coat looked elegant. I think, British royals often dress in a very formal way when they have grand religious ceremonies - it's a mixture of state and religion, like the Commonwealth Day etc. pauline

    4. Anonymous16/5/23 11:51

      I live in Luxemburg and can confirm that Stéphanie, Charles and François only joined at the end oft the procession. They hadn't been neither at the church nor during the whole procession.

  16. Anonymous15/5/23 15:32

    Compare Maria Theresa's choice of clothes at the Coronation of King Charles to all the other royal ladys. Her pantsuit was lovely, but not dresscode for the coronation. So was het choice for the Mass.. Lovely, but not dresscode for the Mass.

    1. Anonymous15/5/23 17:27

      Do not compare GD Maria Teresa with the other royal ladies. I wonder if the BRladies should come to a ceremony in the rest of Europe and the dresscode was no hats and pants are allowed, how many would take this into account ? Once again you British should stop that every Royal lady in Europe should copy your style. Like a blogger said leave British fashion to the British and the rest of fashion to the European Royals.

    2. Anonymous15/5/23 22:29

      Hell of an assumption that the comment you are replying to was made by someone British. Ladies of the BRF have attended events in Europe and dressed perfectly acceptably - including no hats. Not sure what you mean by no pants allowed - what occasions are you referring to?

      Why should the British be restricted to only British fashion? Why can't European royals wear British fashion should they want to?

    3. Anonymous16/5/23 07:10

      @ Anon. 22:29.You don't even read carefully my comment. I didn't say "no pants are allowed" I said just the opposite "pants are allowed". I didn't say that European royals cannot wear British fashion. Everyone can wear what he or she wants as long as it suits the wearer. You don't have to be surprised of my comment. I give you some examples : 1) The Belgian royal family receive comments that they can't organize a garden party just because the idea of a garden party is different from those organized every year at the U.K. 2) Because in Luxembourg and Belgium and other European countries royals and civilians don't go to church every time with hats and all dressed up they should take notes from the British royal family. 3) The fact that we have no coronation in Belgium and Spain. These countries are following their history, just like the British are following theirs. Especially for Belgium I know they have to follow what is written in the Constitution.
      And then you are surprised about my remarks. I don't like you are twisting the words of someone who dares to give answers to the comments of those who what happens in the U.K. must be the role model for Europe.

    4. Anonymous17/5/23 07:03

      @Anon 15:32 There is no dress code for Mass. What are you talking about? Everyone is dressed decently.

    5. Anonymous17/5/23 12:27

      Anon 7:10 - you need to read your own comment carefully.

      You said "no hats and pants" - they are joined together by "and".

      You did say that British fashion was for the British and European for the Europeans.

      No word twisting going on at all. And I don't believe that the UK royals are the role models for the rest of Europe.

  17. Anonymous15/5/23 16:09

    All the ladies look lovely - I really like MT's look especially the blouse. Stephanie looks great - love this shade of blue. Claire's outfit is probably my least favourite but even so I think she looks smart.

  18. Anonymous15/5/23 17:06

    I don't understand why Maria Teresa gave up dresses and skirts. Even at her own daughter's wedding, she wore a trouser set, and at the coronation of Charles III. too. I read somewhere that she had an operation - joint replacement, but in such cases it is more convenient to wear a skirt than pants. Maybe she thinks she looks better in pants, but I don't think it's true, because she has a short corpulent figure.

    Regarding the dress code at Catholic Masses. As a Catholic, I can say that there are no rules about what to wear to church (only that it shouldn't be too sexy). But MT is the Grand Duchess, she represents the family, the Grand Duchy. She should be an inspiration to others. She doesn't have to deal with demanding political tasks and negotiations like, for example, our lady president, so dressing properly is the least she can do.
    I also pay more attention to my outfit when I stand in front of my students. The role of leaders in communities or in the state is to cultivate taste and inspire.

    1. Anonymous15/5/23 20:14

      Very well stated Stephanie! But I think MT looks lovely. I have read that she has a medical problem with her knees and legs, which might explain the ubiquitous slacks.

  19. Anonymous15/5/23 17:33

    They are dressed well and appropriately for the occasion. It is lovely to see the family together. And it is especially nice that the children are taken to church from a young age and grandma takes the hand of the little prince. That is what being a family is all about, fussy babies included. This family is relaxed, shows the love for one another and part of the community. The GD is wearing something that suits her. she may not like the look of her legs so is more comfortable in pants

    1. Anonymous15/5/23 20:48

      Amen! None of the Royal families are ideal, but the obvious love and closeness that the Grand Ducal Family share is worth all the high fashion glamour in the world. They love the Lord, one another, and their countrymen and it seems the feeling is mutual.

      No backstabbing, no press leaks, no messy interviews. No tell all books.

      The tiny but prosperous Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is very fortunate to have this family.

    2. Anonymous15/5/23 22:34

      Well, government reports about bullying, interviews complaining about mothers-in-law, spouses being refused titles because of parental disapproval, unplanned pregnancies...

      No judgement here and they seem a perfectly pleasant and close family but I wouldn't say they are any better than other royal families (in the plural and not just the one to which you are alluding)

  20. Anonymous15/5/23 17:41

    Claire's linen slacks are wrinkled, the red shoes look rather frumpy and the outfit itself makes Claire seem rather zaftig.

    1. Anonymous16/5/23 07:20

      Linen slacks always wrinkle. We call it "luxurious wrinkles".

    2. My mother had a friend who was quite a "snob".
      When she wore a linen dress or skirt, naturally there would be creases. Her reply to any negative comment was, “yes but they are classy creases”.
      You can’t get more snobbish than that.

  21. I think Maria Teresa looks great here; the lady with the wrinkled linen suit - not a brilliant choice; Stephanie: very traditional and nice-looking,more hit than miss this time, I think she just threw on whatever fit best without giving much thought to it, good enough for me as she's two small kids.


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