Queen Sofia attended the Sophia Awards 2023 Gala in Houston

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

On May 17, Queen Sofia of Spain attended the Sophia Awards 2023 Gala at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. The Queen handed out the awards to singer Gloria Estefan, producer Emilio Estefan, art curator Mari Carmen Ramirez and businessman Ignacio Torres for their achievements and contributions in improving the ties between the United States, Spain and Latin America. The awards are granted by The Queen Sofia Spanish Institute in New York.

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

Queen Sofia wore a rose pink lilac silk cape gown, and pearls and silver necklace. singer Gloria Estefan and producer Emilio Estefan

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  1. Cette couleur parme pleine de douceur va divinement bien à la reine Sofia ; magnifique collier de grosses perles avec un pendentif en diamants sur lequel un rubis a capté mon attention !

  2. Anonymous19/5/23 11:06

    Beautiful.....I love the understated elegance of her gown and necklace! Fitzhugh

  3. Anonymous19/5/23 11:17

    Lovely colour dress on Sofia, but the design does not compliment her figure. Love the pearls

    1. Anonymous20/5/23 08:22

      Any woman of her age prefers dresses, trousers and tunica's that are not too tight. She does not feel the need to draw the attention to her her figure. She often wears wider trousers and tunica's too. She looks fine and elegant and beautiful.

  4. Anonymous19/5/23 11:30

    Such a lovely dress! But the necklace is too heavy for the delicate style and colour of the dress; the dress is delicate lilacs of early summer, and the necklace is a heavy mid-winter blob. - Ellie

  5. Anonymous19/5/23 11:42

    I love queen Sofia's dress. Because of the flashes it is very difficult to see the real color. I hope it is lilac like in picture n° 1, 7 & 8. The necklace is wonderful.

  6. Anonymous19/5/23 12:06

    Meine Güte, das Perlencollier mit dem prächtigen Anhänger (Diamantpavee und Cabochonrubin?) ist breathtaking, das Kleid spielt hier nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. Fabelhaft!

    1. Anonymous19/5/23 17:44

      Do agree, the dress is the canvas for the collier, without the ruffles would be nicer...

  7. Anonymous19/5/23 12:22

    Q. Sophia looks great - royal. A royal lady.

    1. Anonymous19/5/23 17:42

      It is Sofia, by the way ;)

  8. Anonymous19/5/23 13:37

    A very beautiful dress in a lovely color. It is a bit too big across the shoulders but that is a minor thing. The pendant is gorgeous!

    1. She inherited the pendant from her mother, Queen Frederika of Greece: https://royaltygr.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/frederika-exoria/#jp-carousel-108

    2. Anonymous21/5/23 09:18

      Federika of Hanover, not from Greece.

    3. She was from Hanover, but she married the King of Greece. Calling her Queen of Greece was not incorrect.

    4. Thanks for the link @Chryssanthi.
      Interesting photos.

  9. Anonymous19/5/23 14:51

    She looks fantastic. Love the color and the ruffled tiers-just a lovely spring/summer dress. Her hair and light makeup also look nice.

  10. Sweet Mother of Christ, what a stunning necklace that is! I also like the dress, the colour in particular, but I think it lacks a bit of a nice shape.

  11. Anonymous19/5/23 15:54

    Too many ruffles for my personal taste.

  12. Orangemily19/5/23 17:04

    Holy Mother of Pearls, Batman! (I know they aren't "Mother of Pearls" but it went with my phrasing.) That necklace....is just IMPRESSIVE. We're assuming...it's real, right? From her personal collection or the Family treasure trove? That's a lovely shade of lavendar on her, but as some others have said, it's fairly shapeless for a woman that has a very nice figure. Gloria has always had a soft spot in my heart--so I'm happy to see her converge with one of my favorite senior royal women!

    1. Anonymous19/5/23 20:08

      About gloria, i like her too since the 80ies...

    2. Royal Warren(t)21/5/23 12:25

      I always like to see those beautiful Spanish pearls worn and Sofia's ruby pendant looks wonderful dangling beneath those pearls. She looked lovely in her evening gown.

    3. Not Spanish: see above my comment: they belonged to her late mother Queen Frederika of Greece and they are (probably) of russian 'descend"

  13. Anonymous19/5/23 17:54

    Wonderfull dress,

  14. Anonymous19/5/23 18:54

    To Anon 17:42 Thank you for the correction. Everybody knows that Q. Sofia or Sophia of Spain is meant!! She is Greek, and her Greek name is Sophia. Sophia means "wisdom" in case you don't know. I could write her name in ancient Greek - but it's not possible with my keyboard.
    Why don't you sign your post? Anything to hide?

    1. Anonymous19/5/23 22:26

      Σοφία Μαργαρίτα Βικτωρία Φρειδερίκη (her names).

    2. Anonymous19/5/23 22:33

      Greek is not only an "ancient" language, It is used in Greece nowadays, obviously.

    3. Anonymous20/5/23 08:33

      In Spain she has been called Sofía de Grecia, Reina de España, (Sofía of Greece, Queen of Spain), not Sofía of Spain.

    4. Anonymous20/5/23 11:59

      Darling Pauline, so angry again, have a nice time!

    5. Anonymous20/5/23 15:23

      To 22:33 What a clever remark. Who wouldn't have known that there is modern Greece with today's inhabitants speaking the Greek of today. I was referring to ancient Greek which I had studied when I was young.

    6. Anonymous20/5/23 16:01

      To 11:59 Thanks for your poisoned "friendliness". No courage to sign your post?

    7. Anonymous21/5/23 17:40

      My pleasure, dear

  15. This is a very pretty, flattering gown, the color is soft and becoming. The pearl and ruby necklace may be a little heavy, but it is really beautiful, gorgeous ruby and diamond pendant, the perfect length. The pearls are of substance, wonderful size and luminous, excellent quality. Her pearl earrings look lovely.

    1. 100% agree. The necklace a little too heavy?......yes.
      But if you’ve got it , wear it.😀
      Reminds me of one of Jane Mansfield’s legendary quotes, ….
      “most women don’t know what to do with what they’ve got.”

  16. Anonymous20/5/23 03:43

    Lovely dress, probably she read the post from a few days back, when someone was asking for an statement piece and not so many little, sweet neckless that's she favors, well, here we have a serious (and fantastic) piece.
    I believe i read somewhere she changed her name from Sophia to Sofia, anyone knows about this?

    1. She adopted the Spanish spelling of her name, yes. Either way, it's a romanization of the Greek spelling.

    2. Anonymous21/5/23 09:24

      Her real name is Σοφία, not Sophia or Sofía.

  17. Anonymous20/5/23 07:40

    Beautiful gown, flattering color on Sofia, and one stunning necklace! Sofia looks elegant and regal.


    1. Anonymous20/5/23 23:18

      Agree. I like the pearl necklace and don’t mind the pendant but not together… too heavy, certainly on the delicate dress.

    2. Anonymous21/5/23 02:07

      Yes, beautiful jewellery, but too heavy on this dress.

  18. Anonymous20/5/23 23:51

    Great look for Q Sofia. This gown is very beautiful, the color is very becoming


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