Queen Margrethe attended 'Ukrainian Evening' charity concert at the Royal Theater

Queen Margrethe wore a floral print silk and tulle maxi dress. First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. Pearl earring and pearl necklace

On May 23 and 24, the Embassy of Ukraine in Denmark and a number of volunteer Danes organized a big charity event, the two-day gala concert named "Ukrainian Evening" at the Royal Theater. Queen Margrethe of Denmark was present at "Ukrainian Evening" charity concert at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen.

Queen Margrethe wore a floral print silk and tulle maxi dress. First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. Pearl earring and pearl necklace

Queen Margrethe wore a floral print silk and tulle maxi dress. First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. Pearl earring and pearl necklace

125 Ukrainian artists, scattered by the war all over the world, participated in the concert to present the Ukrainian culture. All ticket revenue will go to the foundation of the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska to help the Ukrainian children.

Queen Margrethe wore a floral print silk and tulle maxi dress. First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. Pearl earring and pearl necklace

Queen Margrethe wore a floral print silk and tulle maxi dress. First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. Pearl earring and pearl necklace

Queen Margrethe wore a floral print silk and tulle maxi dress. First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. Pearl earring and pearl necklace

Queen Margrethe wore a floral print silk and tulle maxi dress. First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska. Pearl earring and pearl necklace

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous25/5/23 12:05

    Beter underwear would have made u huge difference to Margaret's dress.

    1. Anonymous25/5/23 17:31

      And I would think also help support her back.

    2. Anonymous26/5/23 07:06

      @ Anon 12:05 The underwear specialist has spoken again ! She is an old woman for Christ sake. Leave her in peace.

    3. and also agree that she would need back support. I think she lost some weight due to the surgery. And a good bra is not negligeable or an unappropriate idea even for an elderly woman, above all for someone who can easily get what is best.

  2. Anonymous25/5/23 13:48

    I cannot like this dress. The "Little house on the prairie" vibe continue in Scandinavian royal families. For an older person this kind of dress doesn't suit. A plain fabric with a long narrow skirt, long sleeves and classic jewelry is the best solution.

  3. Anonymous25/5/23 13:49

    So happy to see her back after her surgery. Lovely summer flowers on her dress.

  4. Anonymous25/5/23 15:16

    Queen Margarethe looks frail and delicate post-op, but she is a trooper to get back into the swing of things. Being occupied with these formal matters is good for the mind, but she shouldn't rush it.
    Under the circumstances, her simple gown is lovely, and the silver accessories makes it look less like bedime attire and even a little boho trendy.
    Nice to see her in action again.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. Anonymous25/5/23 16:07

    A nice spring dress, even though she looks pale. Delicate fabric and fine details. But she appears frail. Here in Denmark there's a lot of speculation about her health issues. Amy

  6. Anonymous25/5/23 16:26

    I can't put my finger on what it is about this dress. Is it the print on this particular fabric (maybe if it were a more flowy fabric)? Is it just too much print? It isn't terrible, but something is off. However, I'm happy to see her back at her duties after surgery.

    1. Anonymous26/5/23 08:22

      This gown could be decades old, quite honestly. The style screams 1970s. If I found out it was resurrected from moth balls, it would not be a surprise.

  7. Une très jolie robe aux motifs estivaux ; sa barrette à cheveux bijou décorative est bien harmonisée à ses boucles d'oreilles mais son collier à double rang me semble superflu !

  8. Anonymous25/5/23 18:34

    As from photos of another recent event, Margarethe, looks tired, and frail. To undergo major back surgery at her age is not always a good thing to embark upon.

  9. Anonymous25/5/23 21:27

    The Queen of queens in a tender silk summer dress with beautiful red poppies (?); love it!

  10. Anonymous25/5/23 22:03

    It’s quite a pretty, summery dress but I think the colour accentuates just how pale she is. The light coloured necklace doesn’t help either. I hope she can take some more time off to recuperate from her surgery. (V.M.)

  11. Anonymous25/5/23 23:00

    Pretty summery evening dress from HM--such a treat to see her out and about. I like that she has chosen to wear a new gown--perhaps her surgery has caused her to lose weight and she needed a new dress or maybe she just wanted to wear something new after all she has been through--whatever, the reason I like it. The remebrance poppies dominating the design could have been chosen with care and purpose. It looks like she enjoyed this artistic evening too. I do agree that she does look more frail but from we have been told about her surgery and recovery period she has undergone a real ordeal. Regardless, I love that she is back featured on this blog again!


  12. How wonderful to see the Queen back on deck! Well done to her. The summer dress looks pretty, love her addition of pearls.

    1. Anonymous26/5/23 10:01

      đź‘Ť glad to see Her Majesty back and smiling …

  13. Anonymous26/5/23 16:19

    I like this dress on her and for this occasion. Those who think a pushup bra would be the right thing for her - also to support her back :-))) - well, maybe in an alternative reality?

    1. Anonymous27/5/23 08:43

      Proper underpinnings do not equate to pushup bras. Undergarments are made with various types of support in mind. Conversely, some offer no support at all, but provide modesty. I think you understood what the other comments were referring to.

  14. Anonymous26/5/23 20:13

    I'm not going to comment on an 83-year old woman's body. If I look like that in 50 years, I take it! The dress might not be the most flattering, but she wears it with such elegant and grace that it looks great. It also suits her personality. Good to see her out and about, especially in this theatrical setting.

    I also love the blue gown with the yellow embroidery the lady wears in the first picture - it's stunning!

  15. Anonymous26/5/23 21:04

    Q Margrethe looks very nice today. css

  16. Anonymous28/5/23 05:42

    QM looks fresh and delightful, as always. Do we know the gown is new? It appears a tad short, and the loose bodice could be caused by a gown that used to fit before she lost weight due to surgery/health issues.

    I am wondering why her flower bouquet is purple & yellow. So often it seems the bouquet matches the colors of what the royal ladies are wearing. S.M.

  17. Anonymous29/5/23 15:18

    Queen Margrethe could wear a paper bag and still look fabulous. She is always the picture of elegance and just beautiful. We’re both the same height (5’11), and have the same birthdays (April 16).


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