Princess Anne unveiled a new national memorial in Liverpool

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

The Princess Royal unveiled a new memorial in the grounds of Our Lady and St Nicholas’ Parish Church in Liverpool to those who fought – and won – Britain’s longest battle at sea: the Battle of the Atlantic. As well as being one of the country’s most important merchant harbours in World War 2, Liverpool served as the headquarters of the Western Approaches Command – from where the struggle to defeat the U-boat was conducted.

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

Our Lady and St Nicholas Parish Church. The Princess Royal wore a blue navy jacket and beige midi skirt. Gold brooch

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  1. Anonymous27/5/23 13:16

    In terms of timeless style and class she is perfect. anna e.

    1. Anonymous27/5/23 15:21

      Agree !

    2. The Princess of vintage.

    3. Anonymous28/5/23 09:27

      The princess of Nachhaltigkeit and no waste!

  2. Anonymous27/5/23 13:49

    Beautiful exquisite jacket, simply combined with off-white skirt and blue shoes.
    Princess Ann has definitely class.

  3. Anonymous27/5/23 14:40

    She is to be admired and commended, the Princess Royal inherited her late Mum’s work ethic, too bad she didn’t inherit the throne.

  4. La princesse Anne est élégante dans cette veste croisée portée sur une jupe écrue ; les chaussures bleu-marine sont judicieusement combinées ; délicats les bijoux mais j'aimerais bien savoir ce que représente la broche ?!

  5. Anonymous27/5/23 15:44

    The way she stands there with her hands on the back and her legs not together is not very regal (6th picture). And still wearing (black) gloves on a sunny day in spring. Leave the gloves at home or if you are afraid of germs when shaking hands of other people wear white gloves. She could also put a little bottle of handgel in her bag and desinfect her hands on her way back.

    1. Anonymous27/5/23 21:29

      I agree about the gloves.

    2. Orangemily28/5/23 02:06

      You aren't wrong about the stance, but it is 100% EXACTLY how her father used to stand. She was her father's child!!

    3. Anonymous28/5/23 09:28

      When you look long enough, you will find something to complain

    4. Anonymous28/5/23 17:20

      I know we may not give comments on the BRF. But if one of the other European Queens or Princesses should stand like that you will be the first to make comments that they have not a good posture and that they should keep their legs together. And what about her hair ? It is as bad as Maxima's and I am not talking yet about all the comments Victoria must hear about her hair. I think Princess Ann's hair is not in good condition either. Maybe she should try all the "good" recommendations which has been described already on this blog.

    5. Anonymous29/5/23 03:40

      The gloves are totally weird. Almost 30C outside and she wears black gloves?


    6. Anonymous29/5/23 04:30

      The gloves have nothing to do with sanitation; do you know how sore you hands can get shaking everybodies hand; her mother wore gloves, why not Anne. Princess Anne is standing at ease that is why she has her hands behind her back; a military thing; respectful and showing interest.(Tabby)

  6. P.S. En regardant mieux la jupe, je remarque qu'elle comporte des plis creux, ce qui apporte une touche plus élégante !

  7. P.S. En regardant mieux la jupe, je remarque qu'elle comporte des plis creux, ce qui apporte beaucoup plus de classe à sa tenue !

  8. I don't like the design of the blazer, old-fashioned in my view.

    1. Anonymous28/5/23 09:29

      That is timeless elegance

    2. ad 09:29 timeless elegance is not the main argument for me, I prefer contemporary elegance. It is possible to find that, believe me. We could read recently about pink suits "boring", what she is wearing is 50s boring clothing. She has a body shape, which allows much better than that.

  9. Anonymous27/5/23 16:43

    I couldn't agree more.

  10. Anonymous27/5/23 18:03

    The Princess Royal is perfectly attired for the occasion in her navy and cream--and she looks so lovely and elegant. Her pearl neckalce is beautiful. The Princess is such an admirable lady. I love the last photo--she looks so happy and touched. It is such an endearing photo of her.


  11. Anonymous27/5/23 18:25

    She looks good here, totally her style, and off course we all know about her work and dedication to the crown.
    When i commented about Victoria getting a uniform, forgot to mention Princess Anne, her hair had been in this style for ever, but it suits her and her personality, i find a pity that Victoria is also going for the uniform at her age.

  12. The Princess Royal is a no-nonsense, no-frills, class act, in my opinion. Her dedication to duty is surpassed by none. Her style has been formed over many decades of service, and it suits her. In today's post, I think she is lovely and very well attired. I love the navy jacket with the off white skirt, which coordinates perfectly with her necklace and earrings. I wish we had a closer look at the brooch and what looks like a tie clip on the lapel of her jacket.

  13. Always like to see posts about the Princess Royal. Smart but unexciting outfit. Like Anon 15 44, I wish she would ditch the black gloves. Plenty of other colours available. Ask Queen Maxima!

  14. Anonymous27/5/23 23:18

    At least for me, it is not really important if something is fashionable or not, vintage or not, 80's or 50's style or not, uniform or not. The main thing is, if the person looks good in it or not. And Anne looks good in this outfit, overall harmony of forms and colours, very attractive skirt length for her, good shoes. Hair and (mostly black) gloves are simply a given.

  15. Anonymous28/5/23 01:22

    She Pss Anne looks great. I like this outfit. css

  16. This is a lovely Navy and white ensemble, I particularly love the Navy jacket. The Navy accessories look splendid. Her jewellery looks fabulous, especially love the pearl necklace, beautiful.

  17. Anonymous28/5/23 09:26

    She has some old fashioned clothes on, nothing special but the dark blue looks good on her. (Lina)

  18. Anonymous28/5/23 10:03

    We love princess Anne

  19. Merci de nous avoir montré un agrandissement de la broche où il me semble voir trois ou quatre petits diamants montés sur la plus grande partie qui me ferait presque penser à un coquillage ?!

  20. Anonymous29/5/23 02:42

    Princess Anne looks wonderful as usual and also want to mention the fantastic red strappy sandals (and dress) of the women next to her.

  21. Anonymous29/5/23 04:20

    Such a lovely person; she looks excellent, she has class and style down to a "t"; no frumpy granny fashion (Tara)

  22. Anonymous29/5/23 09:48

    From what I have read in good books, the genuine ROYAL look, at least in Europe, should be above fashion, and the late Queen was a perfect example. She declared that she was always perfectly dressed because she wanted to set a good example. However, I do think Princess Anne’s black gloves are stuffy and her shoes very dated, so that her look is matronly. She has a lovely figure and abundant hair, so much going for her……..what can I say?
    🌞 Virginia

  23. Anonymous29/5/23 13:06

    Can someone please dress this woman and do something about her hair?? Tacky, unstylish and OLD!

    1. Anonymous29/5/23 18:53

      Is that what you have written about Queen Elizabeth? Princess Anne is in her 70's, she would not look good with short hair, or a bob, or anything else. This is who she is, a non-fussy sort of woman. Please refrain from complaining about her hairstyle. Agnes PS: You forgot a house rule, you did not leave your name.

  24. Anonymous29/5/23 13:14

    Her hairstyle hasn't changed in fifty years. And this outfit she's wearing just misses the mark, especially the shoes. Old and frumpy. Too bad, with all her money she should hire a fashion consultant to show her off at her best, not her frumpiest.

  25. Anonymous29/5/23 18:51

    How wonderful to see The Princess Royal, Anne! She never, or hardly ever makes a fashion mistake and this time is no exception! She looks just right for a woman her age, from hair, clothing, bags, and shoes! Agnes

    1. Anonymous30/5/23 07:15

      A woman of her age ??? I am a couple of years older than she is and I wouldn't wear her clothes nor do my hair like that. She can have all her money and don't say I am jealous, I have enough money and I live in a beautiful house and I can buy all the fashionable things I like and go regularly to the hairstylist.


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