Infanta Sofia's confirmation took place at the Church of Aravaca in Madrid

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia’s confirmation took place on May 25, 2023 at the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady of Aravaca (Iglesia de la Asuncion de Nuestra Senora) in Madrid. King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor, Queen Sofia, Jesus Ortiz and Paloma Rocasolano were present at the confirmation service. Infanta Sofía will attend UWC Atlantic College for the International Baccalaureate program. Infanta Sofía will start her program in August 2023.

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore a Petunia fuchsia jumpsuit by Cayro. Princess Leonor wore a Rosary flower dress by Polin Et Moi

Infanta Sofia wore Cayro Petunia jumpsuit
Cayro Petunia jumpsuit

Princess Leonor wore Polin Et Moi Rosary Flower Dress
Polin Et Moi Rosary Flower Dress

Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Ibiaska Lilac Blouse
Hugo Boss Ibiaska Lilac Blouse

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous25/5/23 16:19

    What beautiful summer looks for the whole family. I especially love Sofia's jumpsuit.

    1. Anonymous25/5/23 21:49

      Me too. I think she looks wonderful here. It’s a great colour for her and an excellent fit. (V.M.)

    2. Metoo ! if allowed to say so.

  2. Adorables toutes les deux mais j'aime particulièrement la combinaison de l'Infante Sofia de couleur fuchsia !

  3. Anonymous25/5/23 16:59

    Lovrly fuchsia colored jumpsuit, but this one maybe not so suitable to wear to an event in a catholic church..... . just sayimg.

    1. Anonymous26/5/23 00:27

      Agree! Totally inappropriate to wear to an event in any church. Eva

    2. Anonymous26/5/23 15:22

      I think, it is quite refreshing and why not? e.

  4. Anonymous25/5/23 17:35

    Lovely colors, the family in is coordinated without overdoing it.
    I don't live there jumpsuit, but she looks comfortable and happy

  5. Anonymous25/5/23 18:20

    Sophia's outfit was rather odd to have flesh showing on the midsection for a confirmation (photo 5). The oldest daughter forgot to wear a slip (photo 7). Very tall children, though the King is quite tall. Edwina

    1. i don't think women wear slips now days unfortunately. we have seen it with princess of wales when her dress was blown by the wind a couple of times.

    2. missy is right in her statement, also about "unfortunately" ? Few people would object to this reality nowadays . A lining needs to be fitting perfectly, otherwise better not to have any.

    3. Anonymous26/5/23 12:12

      That was a string...

  6. Infanta Sofía’s jumpsuit is lovely and suits her tall, slim figure very well. It’s interesting to see the sisters develop their sense of style which seems to be quite different with Leonor being more girly and conservative and Sofía being quite fashion forward. I did wonder if the cut out area in Sofía’s jumpsuit was appropriate for a religious ceremony though.

    1. Anonymous26/5/23 00:30

      Claro que no es apropiado para una iglesia y menos para recibir un sacramento.

    2. Anonymous26/5/23 14:48

      True 👍

  7. Totally inappropriate--not to mention that the droopy, extra fabric in the bodice makes her look like an 80 year old granny whose "chest" has sunk to her waistline. She is a very lovely young woman who needs to quit trying so hard to get attention. She's getting plenty of attention, but it is for all the wrong reasons. DIQ

    1. Anonymous25/5/23 20:23

      Don’t forget anyone can read this blog, even these young girls. For sure on a girl’s confirmation she’s allowed to stand out and be a bit special, don’t you think?! I’m pretty confident that she’s wearing what’s appropriate for this occasion as we can assume the royal family is very well guided! - and she looks delighted and her family looks proud. - AnnaLise

    2. Anonymous25/5/23 20:37

      What a nasty comment !!

    3. Anonymous25/5/23 22:13

      So glad that the queen of Spain and her mother in law consulted you …they look great

    4. Anonymous25/5/23 22:16

      This seems a bit harsh. No idea what the current ‘dress code’ is in churches in Spain but I cannot imagine that the royal family would not know what is and is not acceptable. And I definitely disagree that the Princess is an attention seeker

    5. Agree with you DIQ!

    6. Anonymous26/5/23 00:33

      Also agree with DIQ. The outfit is improper for any church, temple or any other religions site.

    7. Anonymous26/5/23 01:17

      Oh stop that stupid comments " nasty" or bit harsh". Everyone sees differently .

    8. Anonymous26/5/23 01:21

      Of course I agree with you DIQ. I wonder that people who comment on this site didn't see that or... maybe they didn't want to see that.

    9. Anonymous26/5/23 08:55

      @DIQ The top of Sofia's jumpsuit fits as it was designed to. If you had bothered to look at the advertiser's pictures, you would have noticed that. For a long time, it has been an unwritten rule here that we don't critique children's attire except to make the generic pleasant comments--there is certainly no need to be cruel. That's quite an assumption, assuming that she is attention seeking. What a thing to say! Aside from it being Sofia's special day and having the right to wear a more special outfit, you have nothing else to base your nasty comment on.

    10. Anonymous26/5/23 10:24

      Envy is a disease.

    11. I also disagree that the princess is an attention seeker.

  8. Hoy no ha sido el día de las mujeres de la familia Borbón. Incomprensible que la Reina y la Princesa calzaran alpargatas en esta celebración. Tampoco el cut out en el mono de la Infanta Sofía parece lo más acertado para recibir un Sacramento. En fin, me ha resultado decepcionante. En España les están lloviendo las críticas...

    1. Anonymous25/5/23 23:19

      España es un país aconfesional, yo por ejemplo soy agnóstica, osea que la religión es un acto privado. Yo no conozco a nadie que se confirme hoy en día, Letizia también es agnóstica, le debe estar repateando el tema y a las chicas también.

    2. Anonymous26/5/23 00:39

      La religión será un acto privado para ti, pero no es así para la familia real. Hay reglas de decoro que se tienen que seguir en todas las ocasiones aunque tú no lo quieras. Uno se viste diferente en la playa, en un jurado, para asistir al circo y para asistir a una iglesia, especialmente para recibir un sacramento.

    3. Anonymous26/5/23 10:38

      El decoro de quién? Porque la gente va a misa en pantalones cortos, las novias co escotazos y la invitadas má sé que te estás inventando, guapa!!

    4. Anonymous26/5/23 10:41

      Anon 00:39...pues será en tu pueblo, porque lo que es en Madrid... parecen circos las bodas..

    5. Anonymous26/5/23 12:15

      And now, in english please :)

    6. Anonymous26/5/23 16:09

      Anon 12:25... aprende castellano ó español, es el idioma más hablado del mundo y además hablamos de la familia real española, chata, ¡Que tengas un buen día!

    7. Anonymous26/5/23 17:59

      Anon 12:15..¿Desde cuándo no se puede escribir en español? Lo que nos faltaba, hablamos de la reina de España y ¿tenemos que hablar en inglés? A ver si os culturizais y aprendéis algún idioma, que no sois el centro del mundo. No todo el mundo habla inglés, aprende tú castellano.

    8. Anonymous26/5/23 19:10

      @Anonymous 26/5/23 12:15
      Use the possibilities of your computer system to translate in English if you don't understand another language. Besides the blog is not exclusive for English speaking people. I see regularly comments in French, sometimes in German, also in Italian so why now criticizing the Spanish.

    9. Anonymous26/5/23 20:19

      Ach ja, so viele sprechen spanisch? Träumt gerne weiter… It‘s a question of Höflichkeit

    10. Anonymous27/5/23 08:56

      @Anon 12:15 You sound very entitled. Use Google translate like everyone else.

    11. Anonymous27/5/23 11:14

      08.56 i am, my love

    12. Anonymous27/5/23 11:21

      08.56: not important enough …

  9. Uh, the see-through dress of the Princess of Asturias is quite unfortunate. For a catholic confirmation the look of Infanta Sofia seems as equally as unfortunate because of the bare midsection of her jumpsuit. Otherwise, the fresh and summery colours worn by all the family are very cheerful.

  10. Anonymous25/5/23 19:58

    They all look good, but not for a religious ceremony. Looks like they are on their way to a polomatch.

  11. Anonymous25/5/23 20:13

    Infanta Sofia needs to be careful, she has bad posture... As for the outfit, it suits her well, especially at the back

    1. Anonymous26/5/23 12:16

      Could you explain please, bad posture?

  12. Anonymous25/5/23 20:36

    I love the colour and Sofia looks great. But while I'm usually not very conservative, I don't think this is the right outfit for a church/religious ceremony, especially when you're part of the royal family and thus in the spotlight. It'd be much better if that little midsection piece was closed - at least for this occasion, otherwise she can of course pull this off! Letizia's look is predictable, but lovely and I like Leonor's dress. Maybe I prefer the lighter shoes on the model a tiiiny bit, but that's nitpicking.

  13. Anonymous25/5/23 21:35

    The younger sister outshines them all, as is right in this occasion.
    Love her daring jumpsuit.

  14. Anonymous25/5/23 21:45

    I find both Infantas to be inappropriately dressed to enter a Catholic Church. Lovely colors and smiles MR

    1. Anonymous25/5/23 22:13

      Times change and they’re are two catholic queens who saw it as appropriate

    2. Anonymous25/5/23 23:14

      Two Catholic Queens? Sofía is Greek Ortodox and Letizia is agnostic...she must be against this and you can see It. This is a private things, Spain has not a institutional religión.

    3. Anonymous26/5/23 15:27

      I am confused, queen sofia converted, i thought?

    4. Anonymous26/5/23 20:20


  15. Anonymous25/5/23 22:22

    Love the colour coordination of the outfits. My favourite is Princess Leonor’s red dress which is spoiled a little by the clumsy espadrilles. I know. I know. National shoe of Spain etc as we’ve been told before but still not elegant with this dress. The Queen’s outfit is lovely and Infanta Sofia looks youthful, happy and confident.

  16. Anonymous25/5/23 23:04

    Nice outfits on everyone. Did the Catholic Church change rules? no white for the Confirmation. css

    1. Anonymous26/5/23 08:53

      White? In what century?

    2. Anonymous26/5/23 09:03

      I was confirmed in 1980 (I believe) and no one wore white. We did wear a white stole that we each decorated. My children, nieces and nephews confirmations were very similar.

    3. to css: this event is the confirmation, and is not to be confused with First Holy Communion, where there might be white dresses involved. Confirmation takes place much later in life, mostly around the age of 16.

  17. I al really shocked by what they were for a religious ceremony. I cannot believe this and to be honest they should not have gotten permit to go in to the church like this.

    1. al= am, were =wear

    2. Anonymous26/5/23 05:01

      Well, Iris, we all know times have changed & anything goes, even in a church of any denomination. I just long for the day when the centre parts & long droopy style-less hair are gone; the centre part does not look good on a lot of females who wear it. |Melanie|

    3. Anonymous26/5/23 08:55

      The churches in Spain allow anything, almost anybody goes to church.

    4. Anonymous26/5/23 09:07

      What should they have worn? I am wondering if you object to one or all of their outfits.

  18. Anonymous25/5/23 23:24

    Sofia looks gorgeous!!! What a beautiful color and style for her--she is wearing the pantsuit as well as any model. Leonore and Letizia also look marvelous. Leonore might want to add a lining to her dress because one of the photos is a bit revealing with the sun shining through the skirt of her dress--but she does look beautiful. Letizia looks so good in pink--its a wonderful color for her. She too might consider doing something about an undergarment as that same photo shows a fashion ooops with her top and trousers. Can't see much of Queen Sofia but I do like her pink jacket--very pretty. KFel certainly looks like a proud father and is quite dapper here. The Spanish royals are such a good-looking family!


    1. Anonymous26/5/23 17:12

      Most beautiful Royal Family!

  19. I love Queen Letizia's mothers suit she looks well groomed, suits her perfectly. Queen Letizia looks splendid, lovely to see a rewear of this gorgeous top, love it. The pants are a great fit, love the shoes. Queen Sofia looks beautiful, the jacket is stunning. The royal sisters both look beautiful. Lovely photos.

  20. Anonymous26/5/23 00:49

    Nice outfits on all three, rather surprising for me that they chose them for such an important religious occasion. I understand the Spanish royals do not feel the same religious allegiance as other royal families, however I would say if anyone would show dressed up this way in our church for this type of event, they would be considered inappropriate. Seems anything goes though in Spain.


    1. Anonymous26/5/23 21:22

      The state of the Spanish Catholic Church is the same as pretty much the rest of Western Europe...very sad.

  21. Anonymous26/5/23 01:12

    It does not matter whether religious ceremony in church or not in church, the outfit of Sofia's looks terrible from the front . Exactly what DIQ said.
    I don't think any of them looks really elegant.

  22. Anonymous26/5/23 01:20

    A great day for young Sofia. Beautiful girl. Even in stills she comes across as lively, with an energetic spirit. Her pantsuit is a lovely color.
    The rest of the family is color coordinated and everyone seems happy and proud.
    Cultural differences vary by country. This is most likely standard fashion for 16 year old girls in Spain.
    Holding people to rules and antiquated standards is one of the reasons why organized religion attracts fewer members as time goes by.

  23. Everybody looks great, but gosh, this doesn't look like what I've worn when confirmed, or at a confirmation. I guess we were more formal 30 years ago. They're all very casually dressed, and good for them, they all look happy!

  24. Anonymous26/5/23 08:11

    1. All the family is looking very good
    2. I love Infanta Sofia's jumpsuit. Good color, interesting shape.
    3. Catholic church has no longer rules how to dress when you enter a church. As long as you are descend.
    4. I didn't know one can do confirmation in a catholic church later than the age of 11-12 years old. Since Sofia is older, maybe one can do it now as an adult too ??. Habits change so quickly these days.

    1. Anonymous27/5/23 09:10

      The children have been getting confirmed in the 10th grade in the US, or age 16, for a very long time now. One can always be confirmed as an adult.

    2. Anonymous29/5/23 20:35

      In the French catholic church, we get confirmed when we are in the 10th grade or 11th grade at the latest. I assume it is the same in Spain. First, we do the first communion when we are in the 3rd grade, then the second communion in the 7th or 8th grade, and the last step is the confirmation.

  25. Anonymous26/5/23 08:40

    As a Catholic, I can say that the right outfit for church should not reveal cleavage, thighs or stomach. But Infanta Sofia's jumpsuit is still within the rules. Although I would avoid the exposed belly. I think this jumpsuit calls for a different type of figure - one that has more feminine curves. Sofia is still a teenager, I can imagine that in about 5-1O years the overalls would fit her better.
    And I agree, espadrilles are for less formal occasions in my opinion. Last week I attended my niece's confirmation in the Catholic Church. It is one of the biggest celebrations for a Catholic, all the young people wore formal clothes, boys in suits, ties, girls in pumps and dresses, almost as dressed as guests for a wedding.
    Royal family or not, sometimes the non-royals are dressed better than the royals.

    1. Anonymous26/5/23 10:25

      Stephanie, in Spain there are no rules, brides wear whatever, they reveal cleavages.. can go to mass in shorts , if not body would attend.
      Actually very few people goes to church.

    2. Anonymous26/5/23 16:23

      To anonymous 10:25
      1. The ladies from the Spanish royal family are dressed nicely and appropriately for the event, although I would prefer a different - more festive outfit. But that is a matter of free opinion.
      2. May I ask, in Spain can I come (as a tourist) in shorts to a mosque, an orthodox temple or a synagogue?
      During my travels, I visited many temples, synagogues and mosques, because they are beautiful architectural monuments. I have always covered my body adequately to express my respect for other religions and the feelings of believers.
      I am sad that there is not enough respect for the Catholic religion and believers, especially from non-believers or "agnostics". Some are able to enter a temple - a sacred place for believers - as if they were going to a beach bar. Sad and sometimes offensive.

    3. Anonymous26/5/23 18:35

      Stephanie, in Spain people think that body is not a shame, being a Catholic, maybe because we have suffered to many invasions from other religions, so everyone is welcomed, clothes are not importante, respect is other thing. Obviously you can't get in in a mosque in shorts, yes in a Catholic church in Spain, we want to Mark the difference.

    4. Anonymous26/5/23 21:13

      Just because a person can wear "whatever they want" to church doesn't mean they should. I am not a stickler, but anyone who shows up for Mass flashing cleavage like Anon:10:25 rude or an idiot. I don't care if "very few people go to Church. That's their decision, good luck.
      But if you do decide to enter the house of the Lord show some respect. Or stay the %$# away.

    5. Anonymous27/5/23 04:25

      I agree with those that say clothes are not important. We have to evaluate ourselves and think, why do we go to church? To hear the word of God, to fellowship with other believers, and encourage one another in faith. Having said that, I don’t think it is a good idea to keep people away from church because of the clothing they have on. The church is nothing without the human aspect. Jesus himself didn’t keep those whom society deemed unworthy away from himself - He professed that he came exactly for these people.
      He also called on believers to love one another, keeping others away from church doesn’t show love at all.


  26. Anonymous26/5/23 12:38

    They look wonderful, all three of them. That bare midsection is just a tiny triangular space within the overall midsection. I also think sure she has a slip on, about the length of a mini skirt, which is OK. Within the church no see-through possible anyway, not even for that last section below mini skirt length.I am very convinced that the Spanish Royal Family knows and follows all the rules of appropriateness, if any, that are applicable for this case, much better than fashion blog commenters, so if something is inappropriate, then it is the tone of indignation here and there :-)

  27. Anonymous26/5/23 21:20

    Not only do I find the Infanta's pink jumpsuit extremely ill-suited for the occasion, it does not fit her body well at all. Sofia is not a little child but I cannot believe her mother or grandmother(s) didn't try to advise against this strange getup, for her Confirmation-of all occasions.
    Was it so impossible to find a lovely dress? Perhaps in ivory or white or peach?

  28. Anonymous27/5/23 09:57

    One thing that has been missed -- if Sofia had worn a dress, she would have shown far more skin than she is showing in the jumpsuit. I understand why the cutout is problematic for so many, but keep in mind how covered up she actually was. Leonor and Sofia also each wore their school uniforms when they made their First Holy Communion, not white dresses and veils. There may be a different level of formality for them than any of us realize. The formality of dress varies from church to church and diocese to diocese. Some countries are more conservative than others. I have had parish priests that are more casual about such things because they want to encourage our youth to come to mass, to be confirmed, and most of all, want them to stay active Catholics. They understand that clothes are not what is important. Then there are the priests that are rigid in their thinking and youth ministers that can't communicate with the youth they are preparing for confirmation. They simply end up pushing the kids away from the church. If the focus is more about what the families are wearing than the sacrament, priorities have become mixed up. For example, I still don't understand what is wrong with espadrilles and why they don't belong in church. I don't care at this point. I think people just want to find something to complain about. The entire family looks fine. I am going to trust that the cutout was acceptable with their particular church. Congratulations to Sofia on her confirmation.

    1. Thank you @anon 09:57!

    2. Anonymous27/5/23 11:19

      09.57 Bravo, agree with you!

  29. Anonymous27/5/23 16:46

    Sophia is a beautiful young woman wearing a lovely outfit that fits her well. I find it neither offensive nor provocative. Not being acquainted with the religious protocol or current customs in Spain, I am not qualified to comment on whether her outfit is acceptable for the occasion or not.

  30. Anonymous28/5/23 21:38

    When I grew up First Communion and Confirmations dresses were all white. I feel a few of the old Traditions should be kept and left alone. Sadly today no one seems to uphold the old and some only force the new on people if they like it or not. It seems it is their way or no way. Wonder how this will end? I strongly believe Society is the loser and so are our children and grandchildren. May God be more forgiving. css

    1. Anonymous1/6/23 13:19

      I did my First comunión in 1978 and white was forbbiden, we made It in our normal clothes because the priest thought that those dresses were expensive and not everyone could afford them and marked a class difference...


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