Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Florence in Italy

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Prince Albert and Princess Charlene visited Florence, the capital of Italy’s Tuscany region. The Prince and Princess firstly visited the headquarters of The Andrea Bocelli Foundation. In the evening, the couple visited an exhibition at Palazzo Vecchio that includes six portraits of the Prince's mother Grace Kelly created in the 1950s by artist Silvano 'Nano' Campeggi.

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Thereafter, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene attended a charity gala and dinner at Palazzo Vecchio, hosted by Consul Alessandro Giusti. The gala organized by the consulate of the Principality of Monaco celebrated the 160th anniversary of the presence of Monaco's consulate in Tuscany. Part of the proceeds of the event will go to The Andrea Bocelli Foundation and The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Princess Charlene wore crew-neck jacket and trousers by Emporio Armani, and tulle and sequin long sleeve a-line gown by Akris

Princess Charlene wore Akris Tulle and Sequin Long Sleeve A-Line Gown
Akris Tulle and Sequin Long Sleeve A-Line Gown

Princess Charlene wore Emporio Armani Crew-neck jacket with zip in gradient checked jacquard fabric and trousers
Emporio Armani crew-neck jacket and trousers

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  1. i like the jacket n trousers, its so Charlene. The evening gown not her favorite, she should have opted for less glitter. Hair needs a redo. Good to see her supporting Albert and happy too.

    1. Anonymous14/4/23 08:14

      Agree, the jacket n trousers are perfect for her, she is looking very beautiful.

  2. Anonymous13/4/23 12:31

    Charlène's evening dress is extravagant, very chic. I am not so sure about her Armani pantsuit. She always wears very expensive and most of the time very chic outfits. She is the royal that spends most on clothing, 750000 euros
    last year - as one could read. Well, prince Albert obviously is very
    generous and rich.

    1. Anonymous13/4/23 21:15

      Wow 750K! All those designers in France and Italy can give her these outfits for free. The royals in Monaco can do whatever they want

  3. Nice ! I like almost everything about her look, jumpsuit & evening gown, in spite of its daring originality. But not the evening hair styling. I always prefer a face a bit surrounded by hair, which makes it softer.

    1. Anonymous14/4/23 16:26

      I don't think, it's a jumpsuit. A jumpsuit is a one-piece, this is a pantsuit made of a jacket and a pair of trousers. A "deux-pièce".

    2. Anonymous14/4/23 16:32

      To Anon. Ms. 21:15: 750000 euros/2022 - this is, what one can read. But if you think that haute couture houses in France or Italy can give her her luxury clothing for free, you should talk to them. Maybe they listen to you. Neither you nor anybody else outside this luxury world knows, what is given for free or paid for.

  4. Anonymous13/4/23 13:07

    J’ai vu une autre tenue, un tailleur pantalon rose pâle, très beau et chic.
    Concernant la robe du soir, le devant monte trop haut…

    1. Anonymous13/4/23 14:34

      Je suis d'accord avec vous Vanessa concernant la robe du soir.

  5. Anonymous13/4/23 14:10

    The first outfit is shapeless, rather boring in style, and looks like something one would wear to a gym. The black dress is nice, but personally not fond of the shear sleeves, takes away from the dress. Edwina

  6. Anonymous13/4/23 14:34

    Charlene’s style is very much her, and good for her.
    Not something I find particularly attractive and stylish but each to their own.

    1. Anonymous14/4/23 01:53

      I would agree, AA. Not my choice of outfits but I think the trouser suit looks smart and comfortable and appropriate for the event. Not sureabouttheevening gown at all

  7. Anonymous13/4/23 14:46

    Time for some highlights, she does look lovely though! Fitzhugh

  8. Anonymous13/4/23 15:11

    I am a big fan of Charlene but I think this was a miss. The day outfit was ok but the evening outfit and hairstyle did nothing for her. The black dress is shapeless, black is not a good color for her and her hairstyle is not nice. I like her short hair but nog like this

  9. Anonymous13/4/23 15:22

    Not crazy about the evening dress: it's too shiny for me, it looks too plastic and the fabric of the sleeves creeps up. I agree with MaryT's comment about the haircut: the overall look could look softer with a different haircut. The pantsuit is no doubt comfortable to wear, but somehow it looks 'a bit too old' for PC and some colour (either in a brooch or scarf) wouldn't go amiss to lift up the overall look in my opinion

    1. Anonymous15/4/23 06:11

      Brooches are for older people, as a rule. It's alright to forgo color.

  10. Anonymous13/4/23 15:49

    So lovely to see both HRH togehter; Charlene should be more self-confident; She has absolutely no reason to get behind Caroline (the "would like first lady); Charlene is the FIRST LADY!!!

    1. Anonymous13/4/23 18:19


    2. Anonymous13/4/23 20:16

      Nobody has asked her to get behind Caroline - for someone who would allegedly like to be First Lady (a non-existent title in Monaco) Caroline sure does disappear for months on end. Perhaps what Caroline "would like" is for her sister-in-law to pitch up a bit more and do the job properly.

    3. Anonymous15/4/23 06:20

      Stop comparing Charlene and Caroline. Caroline was born royal, Charlene married into it. Of course it is easier for Caroline. Charlene has also had health issues in addition to being a mother, which should be a priority for her. Both women are representing Monaco, and Albert is a lucky man to have their support.

    4. Anonymous17/4/23 17:37

      Why is it of course easier for Caroline? She was brought up thinking she would play the same kind of role as Princess Antoinette not having to step up to be a de facto first lady.

      Of course, Charlene should recuperate her health but spare me being a mother - she could do that and work. She's been married over a decade and been part of Albert's life for nearly 2 decades - the job shouldn't still be as difficult as she seems to find it.

  11. Anonymous13/4/23 15:58

    Robe AKRIS jolie mais ARMANI pas flatteur cet ensemble. Jolie Charlène qui reprend le dessus !

    1. Anonymous13/4/23 17:07

      Je suis d'accord avec vous, Charlène reprend le dessus et cela fait tellement plaisir à voir ! ! !

  12. Mon choix est vite fait ; Armani remporte la palme pour cet ensemble dont la veste blousante flatte joliment la silhouette de Charlène ; ce n'est pas le cas pour le modèle d'Akris que je trouve trop guindé !

  13. Anonymous13/4/23 17:21

    Gorgeous gown..and her hair is beautiful colored and styled this way. She is such a beautiful person.

  14. Anonymous13/4/23 18:44

    I'm not a fan of either outfits. The colour of the day outfit is good, the pants are okay, the jacket would have looked better if it was more of a proper tailored jacket. The night outfit is a disaster for me - it so shiny that it looks cheap, also the arms just accentuate Charlene's big arms. I'm also no longer into her hairstyle - something off about it lately.


    1. Anonymous16/4/23 11:52

      In the palace Instagram account there was a photo where the Armani ensemble also had a "normal tailored jacket" (blazer type) on the trouser suit shown in the photos on this site. That seemed quite nice - and appropriate as gentlemen were wearing business suits. The photo was taken out-of-doors in front of a church.

  15. Anonymous13/4/23 19:35

    I am usually a big fan of Armani but this jacket is not good. I was thinking it must be a one pice. Great color, great pants and I would have preferred a short jacket without the drawstring or open as on the model.

  16. I am not a fan of any of the outfits the Princess wore. The green velvet gown, in the 3rd picture I love, not sure if its a dress coat? regardless its beautiful.

  17. Anonymous13/4/23 22:16

    I'm meh about both outfits. I like the Armani trousers but the jacket looks too much warm-up or athletic jacket. Styling the whole look with heels didn't work for me because of the jacket. The evening dress would be great except for lacking something to make a defined waist and the wonkiness of the fabric of the sleeves (had they had some elasticity that a fabric like tulle cannot give they would have looked so much better). My biggest no-no is her evening hairstyle--the sides are too short and don't have enough volume to offset the off-the-face look of the hairstyle. What I am excited to see is what Charlene will wear to the coronation!


    1. Anonymous14/4/23 06:56

      Un espoir pour Armani…Charlène a été vu à Milan..La 1ere tenue est signée Armani.

    2. Yes, Janet. I'm waiting also but not only for Princess Charlene but the other royal ladies also. Hope the fashion show doesn't outshine the Coronation 😁

  18. Anonymous14/4/23 16:56

    Liker her fashion choices without schnickschnack. e.

  19. Anonymous14/4/23 21:12

    The tan two piece outfit is nice, but don't care for the waistline of the jacket. The black gown is a bit blend maybe a necklace or bracelet would have given it a little pop, OMO . css

  20. Anonymous28/2/25 01:12

    Charlene chooses to present herself in a straightforward manner with regard to her royal status. It would be nice to see a fun side once and a while. I would also have her only soften her hair style a bit. She is the First lady and despite being ill she looks healthy and relaxed now. I followed Caroline in my teens who was so popular but I wish she had blocked the sun more since she looks older than she needed to.


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