The photos of newborn Prince Francois were released

Prince Francois his older brother, Prince Charles, is second in line to the throne. Crown Prince Guillaume and Crown Princess Stephanie

Crown Prince Guillaume and Crown Princess Stephanie introduced their newborn son Prince Francois Henri Luis Marie Guillaume two days after his birth. The first photos of Prince Francois were released on March 29. Crown Princess Stephanie gave birth to a son at the Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital (Maternite Grande-Duchesse Charlotte) in Luxembourg on March 27. The boy is the second child of the Crown Princess.

Prince Francois his older brother, Prince Charles, is second in line to the throne. Crown Prince Guillaume and Crown Princess Stephanie

Prince Francois his older brother, Prince Charles, is second in line to the throne. Crown Prince Guillaume and Crown Princess Stephanie

Prince Francois his older brother, Prince Charles, is second in line to the throne. Crown Prince Guillaume and Crown Princess Stephanie

Prince Francois his older brother, Prince Charles, is second in line to the throne. Crown Prince Guillaume and Crown Princess Stephanie

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  1. Anonymous29/3/23 22:08

    Such a lovely baby—looks like his Father! Many congratulations to the couple and the new big brother!

  2. Anonymous29/3/23 22:11

    Lovely photos (V.M.)

  3. Anonymous29/3/23 22:17

    What a handsome boy! A lookalike of his father and his side of the family. I wish them a peaceful couple of months as a family of 4 now.

  4. Aw nice!, there is nothing in this world like the feeling of holding your new born baby. Its a treasured moment, that you never forget. Beautiful photos, darling little one. Congratulations to the Royal couple.

  5. Anonymous29/3/23 22:26

    He is a clone of Guillaume, and just as beautiful as Charles was. I love his eyes.

  6. Anonymous29/3/23 22:27

    What an absolute beauty!!! It is very rare for a newborn to look so gorgeous, alert and with such smooth skin (usually they come out all wrinkly and rather swollen in the face). He was probably born by c-section, sparing him from a lot of hardship but still, gorgeous beyond words. It looks to me that he will steal brother Charles' crown of the most beautiful royal baby. Welcome to the world little one! Sending lots of wishes to the happy family!


    1. Anonymous30/3/23 15:11

      No details of how he came into the world has been communicated. So do not speculate about a c-section or otherwise.
      Beautiful baby his weight has been communicated, I don't remember exactly but it was more than 3 kilo's. Congratulations to the happy family.

  7. Anonymous29/3/23 22:32

    Spitting image of his father ... beautiful cute baby boy ...

  8. Anonymous29/3/23 22:44

    Bellissimo ♥️

  9. Anonymous29/3/23 23:27

    Mother, father and precious baby - so beautiful!
    - Anon 9:13

  10. Anonymous29/3/23 23:34

    What a sweet baby. Congratulations to the family again.

  11. Anonymous30/3/23 00:16

    So cute, lovely pics. Just a special time. Little Prince Charles will seem bigger next to his new little brother. Glad all are doing well.

  12. Anonymous30/3/23 00:25

    He’s so angelic! 👶

  13. Anonymous30/3/23 00:39

    Beautiful family photo with precious little Francois! Hope to see more pics of the family soon.


  14. OMG! What a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations to Francois' parents!!!

  15. Anonymous30/3/23 02:39

    What a sweetheart, and awake for his first big day of introduction, I believe big brother Charles was asleep Best wishes to the family..css.

    1. Anonymous30/3/23 12:54

      Yes, he was. But their cousin Amalia was also awake.
      Romy B

  16. Anonymous30/3/23 07:52

    So so cute! I with him happiness and a good health.

  17. Anonymous30/3/23 08:25

    Beautiful moments. Surrounded by love.

  18. Anonymous30/3/23 08:50

    What a beautiful baby!! . Congratulations to the parents, and thank you for sharing photo's of Prince Francois Henri Luis Marie Guillaume. G & C

  19. Anonymous30/3/23 09:01

    Blessings to the family, and the little Prince.

  20. Quel adorable nouveau né qui est tout le portrait de son papa ; encore toutes mes féliciations à ses parents dont j'aurais voulu voir la première photo en couleurs !

  21. Anonymous30/3/23 09:25

    Congrats to the happy couple. Hopefully Francois will be as cute and joyful as his brother prince Charles.

  22. With a beautiful baby like that, I hope they keep on going until they have their princess. My sister had 5 sons before she got her daughter that she had been waiting for. Congratulation and best wishes to the family.

    1. Anonymous30/3/23 19:08

      :) My mom waited ten years to have me after my two older brothers. The doctor said she probably wouldn't have any more babies but she said, "I'm going to try ... just one more time."


  23. Simply wonderful!💚

  24. Bienvenido a este mundo, pequeño y precioso François. Felicidades a toda la familia.

  25. Anonymous30/3/23 12:10

    They sure do make beautiful babies. Congratulations to my fave couple on the new addition to their family.


  26. Anonymous30/3/23 13:32

    What sweet pictures and what a beautiful boy!

  27. Anonymous30/3/23 15:20

    I never thought another Royal infant would surpass Prince Charles for beauty, but I think his little brother has taken the title. He is gorgeous. Look at those beautiful slanted almond eyes!

  28. Anonymous30/3/23 19:05

    Well, the only thing you can say is, "Awwwwwww." :)


  29. Anonymous30/3/23 19:21

    God bless this lovely family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Anonymous30/3/23 22:20

    He's adorable


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