Spanish King and Queen attended the opening of the 9th edition of CILE

Queen Letizia wore a new Iliana lila dress by Cho Atelier. Queen carries a new pantone bag by Olivia Mareque. Alexandra Plata

On March 27, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the opening of the 9th edition of the International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE) in Cadiz. The congress and related events will take place from March 27 to 30 in Cadiz. It is held every three years in the countries of the Spanish-speaking community.

Queen Letizia wore a new Iliana lila dress by Cho Atelier. Queen carries a new pantone bag by Olivia Mareque. Alexandra Plata

Queen Letizia wore a new Iliana lila dress by Cho Atelier. Queen carries a new pantone bag by Olivia Mareque. Alexandra Plata

King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited two exhibitions, and attended a session on Spanish language and the challenges of it.

Queen Letizia wore a new Iliana lila dress by Cho Atelier. Queen carries a new pantone bag by Olivia Mareque. Alexandra Plata

Queen Letizia wore a new Iliana lila dress by Cho Atelier. Queen carries a new pantone bag by Olivia Mareque. Alexandra Plata

Queen Letizia wore a new Iliana lila dress by Cho Atelier. Queen carries a new pantone bag by Olivia Mareque. Alexandra Plata

There was a busy agenda on the first day of this hispanic summit, which will bring together more than 300 experts from the Spanish-speaking world including academics, writers, linguists, journalists, publishers, teachers and scientists under the slogan "Spanish language and miscegenation.

Queen Letizia wore a new Iliana lila dress by Cho Atelier. Queen carries a new pantone bag by Olivia Mareque. Alexandra Plata

Queen Letizia wore Cho Atelier Iliana Lila Dress
Cho Atelier Iliana Lila Dress

Queen Letizia wore ALEXANDRA PLATA Multicolor Earrings
ALEXANDRA PLATA Multicolor Earrings

Queen Letizia carries OLIVIA MAREQUE Pantone Bag

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous27/3/23 18:20

    She looks lovely in this colour although I think the shoes and bag colour should be matching.

  2. This Queen is always stunning. this dress is gorgeous. long hair is en vogue for middle aged women, beautiful.

    1. Anonymous27/3/23 19:38

      Again the "middle aged"women, where is it coming from?

  3. I really like this dress!! Love the color and the bodice interest.!! She looks so pretty!!

    1. Anonymous27/3/23 23:13

      I agree, she looks fantastic. Love this dress, from the color to the style. She looks like the epitome of spring.

  4. Anonymous27/3/23 19:26

    Lovely tender colour of very feminine dress.
    Q. Letizia looks great,

  5. Beaucoup d'élégance dans cette robe dont le croisé du corsage est très féminin sans parler de la douceur de la couleur pastel ; très jolies boucles d'oreilles que je crois avoir déjà vues !

  6. Anonymous27/3/23 19:40

    Sono d'accordo con tutti, splendido abito, colore, capelli e accessori!

  7. Anonymous27/3/23 19:51

    She looks lovely. Just wish she'd switch up her eye shadow color.

  8. Not a colour the Queen often wears but she looks great in this dress.

  9. Anonymous27/3/23 21:02

    I usually find Queen Letizia very well and tastefully dressed but I do not like this dress at all. The combination of WWII draping and puffed sleeves is jarring and the dress is too long.

    1. agree with you yhats just how I feel.

    2. Anonymous28/3/23 08:47

      Spain was not in the WWII war, the style s the classical in the South of Spain, mainly Andalucía, where the designer comes from, and she is in Cádiz.

    3. Anonymous28/3/23 08:56

      I agree, spot on

    4. Anonymous28/3/23 10:42

      Anon 08:47. This style was last very popular in the 1940s, hence the reference to WWII. At these time materials were cheap and dresses looked droopy.
      This dress is also droopy. Due to the draping the fabric hangs around the hips and all the way to the hem. In my eyes that is not an elegant look

    5. Anonymous28/3/23 10:43

      It is a quite typical 80s style, even the colour.
      anna e.

    6. I agree totally. There is something 1980s-dowdy about the outfit. The lenght, the knot-front, the puff sleeves, the too matchy accessoires. This is a rare miss of Queen Letizia.

    7. Anonymous28/3/23 14:16

      Anonymous 8.47, I believe that what was meant here was the style of the dress, which is clearly inspired from the WWII era. This is not a history blog so your comment is so irrelevant

    8. Anonymous28/3/23 14:39

      80s?? 40?? Can you make your mind? This is not a history blog, not culture one, because of that people say so lots of nonsense, one should travel and know culture of other places, if no you can end Up saying nonsense.

    9. Anonymous28/3/23 14:43

      Anon 1416:...not a history blog, indeed, WWII at 80s...LOL...🤭

    10. Anonymous28/3/23 14:53

      the Style of the dress is a custom from Sevilla, your comment is so irrelevant and ignorantant , kilts...a design of the 50s...LOL..

    11. Anonymous28/3/23 17:43

      Agree to the 80s style, i thought alexis in „Dynasty“ (the original series), but nevertheless she looks lovely. e.

    12. Anonymous28/3/23 18:43

      @14.39 No need to be so unfriendly!

    13. Anonymous29/3/23 13:08

      Unfriendly? Still not ashamed of saying that WWII 1985???🧟..singing..with The Culture Club...

    14. Anonymous29/3/23 14:45

      Yes why so agressive an 14.39? Why this harsh tone? People have different points of vue, that is what this fashion blog is about. …

    15. Anonymous29/3/23 16:05

      Points of what?? Get a book, please!! Haven't you assist to school?? What a shame!!

    16. Anonymous29/3/23 23:12

      Nobody said WW2 was in the 1980s - read properly.

  10. Anonymous27/3/23 21:40

    What a great looking dress the color is very nice. The earrings are stunning. Maybe for this dress they should have been Diamonds only? Q Letizia can carry it off splendidly. css

  11. I love this dress, the design, is unusual, the color, gorgeous. The fit is perfect. Love the color shoe choice. The bag is divine. Her earrings give a splash of color. She looks beautiful.

  12. Anonymous27/3/23 22:12

    I think she looks great. What a surprise new spanish designer in her closet and a color not very usually used by the queen. I usually read that the dresses or skirts of the queen are too long… I am from Spain and here , and I think in france, italy… the fashion is midi dresses not short skirts anymore. You can see the model and here it is mucho lore elegant and trendy. We find short skirts unfashionable. But probably depends on different trends and different cultures of fashion. Kisses. Just wsnted to let you inow as well as skiny pants are not fashin but wider legs pants.

    1. Anonymous28/3/23 06:40

      The last trend in Western Europe is shorter skirts again, lower heels and the pants are becoming straighter again. During the last 3 years it was not the case clothes became longer and wider. Now it is slightly changing. Well you know how it is in fashionland. They change constantly and are trying to sell better than the year before, etc...

    2. Anonymous28/3/23 11:07

      Anon 06:40..this is not a "fashionable" or "on trend" dress, It is almost a custom dress from Andalucía, the South of Spain.

    3. Anonymous28/3/23 17:10

      @Anon 11:07 In my reaction to Anon 27/3 22:12, I didn't refer particularly to Queen Letizia's dress but to fashion in general. Better read carefully what Anon 27/3 22:12 road and maybe then you will understand my answer to her better.

  13. Anonymous27/3/23 23:02

    Q Letizia is dressed ok, though the slit showing a lot of leg and the low cut bodice are not very well suited for a day occasion. The earrings are interesting, and the hand bag is nice, should have coordinated the color of bag with the shoes.

    1. Anonymous28/3/23 05:13

      Where do you see the low cut? There isn’t anything showing that shouldn’t be shown. I often wonder why some tend to find anything whether is accurate or not in order to make a point, that only makes sense in their head, there is nothing revealing about this dress bodice, if the POW ( for example) wears something similar, they find it perfectly acceptable.SMH!!

    2. Anonymous28/3/23 08:45

      It is a design to morhers to first communions, so very appropriate even in a church at midday, at least in Spain.

    3. Anonymous28/3/23 08:49

      Spanish Style, you should see how women dress for a day event in the South of the country.

  14. Anonymous28/3/23 01:16


  15. Anonymous28/3/23 02:02

    Beautiful look for Letizia! Love the color on her. I'm OK without the matchy-matchy accessories because Letizia often wears a neutral shoe. The earrings a really nice choice, adding color to a her lavendar/lilac dress.


  16. Anonymous28/3/23 06:26

    Lovely dress. However the skirt is not falling good, it is pulling up because of the draping. The model doesn't have that problem. I love the handbag, the beige shoes are not matching very well with the rest.

  17. Beautiful dress, love the color, and accesories. Her hair, as usual, is beautiful.

  18. I know that nowadays some stylist said to do not match shoes with hand bag, but in this case I think it would look better. But all look it's great, this new dress is quite amazing.

  19. Anonymous28/3/23 14:22

    This is a lovely dress, but as above, I think she should have changed the handbag to the same colour as her shoes. The earrings are to die for, I would love to have a pair. The colour of the dress is also very pretty but I don't like this colour on the queen, but I cannot put my finger on why.? ~MS~

  20. Preciosa, Letizia está preciosa. El vestido es muy bonito y le sienta maravillosamente bien. El color es dulce y primaveral y los pendientes se ven encantadores.
    Me divierte mucho ver a toda la banda gazmoña inventar defectos que no existen: la raja que apenas se abre, el escote que no enseña nada, los zapatos no sé qué, jajaja, pobres...

    1. Anonymous28/3/23 20:39

      Me divierte leer como Angie nunca puede respetar opiniones que no son las suyas y las llama estúpidas una y otra vez... Angie, hay varios lectores de este blog que comparten la misma opinión que la tuya, pero estos lectores nunca menospreciarán . Simplemente háganos saber lo que piensa de la ropa de la Reina y no discuta ninguna opinión si no es la suya (que sorprendentemente nunca tiene comentarios críticos ni constructivos... 'nadie es siempre perfecto, ni siquiera su reina ... nobody's always perfect, not even your queen as well as my Spanish knowledge)

    2. Anónimo, no me confundas con alguien como tú. No he llamado a nadie estúpida. Discutiré lo que quiera, sólo faltaría. Los comentarios críticos no son obligatorios (para algunas, sí) y los míos son positivos siempre porque nunca escribo de otras Royals, no tengo tiempo, no vivo en este blog. Tengo otras cosas que hacer.

    3. Anonymous29/3/23 08:26

      Angie, tal vez deberías leer tus propios comentarios cuidadosamente, porque acusas a los lectores con una opinión diferente de ignorancia. Y para que conste, nunca te llamé estúpido, pero te culpo por no ser receptivo a ninguna crítica a la reina Letizia. Nadie te impide hacer comentarios positivos y críticos sobre todos los miembros de la realeza. Aquí te escondes detrás del hecho de que estás demasiado ocupado, pero realmente me pregunto por qué pareces tener tiempo para atacar a las personas que tienen una opinión diferente a la tuya... Queen Letizia's a beautiful woman, but sometimes some of us don't like what she's wearing ... so what? ... as long as the comments are decent, you cannot label others as ignorant and even stupid

  21. Anonymous29/3/23 01:33

    @20:39 Angie's opinions are just as valid as everyone else. Ignoring rules of engagement anchored in basic civility allows some to cowardly infuse ageist comments about her looks, (WWII draping) clothes and hair in a bid to be clever.
    The themes and verse of some 'opinions' have a certain sameness across platforms, as if she is not deserving of her role. Do better! be uplifting!
    PS The blog administrator makes the rules.

    1. Anonymous29/3/23 11:57

      @ Anonymous 01:33
      You are even worse than Angie. You are supposing all kind of things that aren't true. Angie has the right of her own opinion just like every body else, but she and you have to respect the opinions of the others too. And the "WOII draping" is correct, it was fashion during WWOII, I saw it on pictures of my mother, in fact I like it. It is not the first fashion item that is from that period (look at POW). But other bloggers have the right not to like it.

    2. Anonymous29/3/23 13:01

      Anon 11:57...the WWII was not at many people are saying, so they have Lost their common sense??I think you should go and visit Spain and their traditional customes..and then you can speak...making Up things is ridículous sometimes , mainly for people from the country, as saying that kilts comes from seccesión USA...the same..

    3. Anonymous29/3/23 13:04

      And still you insist that a traditional dress from Andalucía has anyting to do with WWII?? Or worst the 80s?? Maybe the contrary , they are older...

    4. Anonymous29/3/23 23:16

      Oh FFS - NOBODY said WW2 was in the 80s.

      And she isn't wearing a traditional dress from Andalucia.

    5. Anonymous30/3/23 08:07

      @ 11:57 Fashion is cyclical. Many of today's styles are an update of fashion that has been around for centuries. This empire waist style of draping can be seen in the period piece 'Bridgerton' which predates WWII, so the first sightings could not have been on someone's Mum at that time.
      Everyone's opinion is valid, but misrepresentation deserves to be called out for people who genuinely do not know the difference. And,...reaching deep into the last century for a misplaced fashion reference was shady at best.

    6. Anonymous31/3/23 16:42

      I didn't say the "FIRST" sightings of that style of drapage was during the period around WWII. I said it was fashion in that period too. My mum was 18 years old in 1940. The pictures I have from her during the war and after the war in 1945 even until 1950 show dresses and blouses with the same drapage on the bodice. Before critizing a comment, read carefully what that comment tells you. I also said that the PoW (Princess of Wales) has clothes that remind of that period. Some hats f.ex. and also the black and white jacket and skirt with the white embroided little flowers she wore with a large dark blue hat is in the Dior style of 1950.

    7. Anonymous2/4/23 06:50

      That was deliberate. Be objective when anchoring fashion to a specific period as it may have been in vogue before and after. It is always best to address what is seen. As for the PoW fashion. No matter how Dior it looks, reports are it was from a Canadian fashion house....frumpy. Peplum, flowers, reverse print, buttons....

  22. Anonymous29/3/23 17:56

    The Queen looks stunning, as ever!!!


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