Queen Maxima attended a fire fighting drill at Gilze-Rijen Air Base

Queen Maxima attended a briefing about the implementation of firefighting operations of the army

On March 30, Dutch Queen Maxima attended a fire fighting drill of the Defense Helicopter Command (DHC) at Gilze-Rijen Air Base. The training was conducted with a Chinook Transport Helicopter of the Squadron 298. The Queen first attended a briefing about the implementation of firefighting operations of the army.

Queen Maxima attended a briefing about the implementation of firefighting operations of the army

Queen Maxima then took part in a training flight of a Chinook helicopter where a fire bucket was filled and a fictional area was extinguished.

Queen Maxima attended a briefing about the implementation of firefighting operations of the army

Queen Maxima attended a briefing about the implementation of firefighting operations of the army

Queen Maxima attended a briefing about the implementation of firefighting operations of the army

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  1. Anonymous30/3/23 17:43

    She needs to have a plan for her hair. It will get even more thinner with age, she needs to stop bleaching it and return to her natural brunette hair and a much shorter hair style.

    1. Anonymous30/3/23 21:30

      It is very sad that a Dutch fashion site on Queen Maxima has a poll about her hair ( and the disapproval of it).It shouldn’t have come this far.

  2. Anonymous30/3/23 18:13

    Actually looks better here than she has on the last few visits km

  3. Ce n'est pas vrai ; je ne vois pas le besoin que certains éprouvent pour parler des cheveux de Camilla dans cette situation particulière ?

  4. Pardon, j'ai cafouillé parce qu'énervée par tout ce que nous pouvons lire sur les cheveux de Maxima ; il faut reconnaître qu'en certains occasions, elle n'a pas besoin d'être super bien coiffée comme ici !

  5. She should be embarrased to be seen with such unkempt hair.

    1. Anonymous30/3/23 23:54

      She's at home in The Netherlands, doesn't seem to care what her "subjects" think. For shame! |Melanie|

  6. Anonymous30/3/23 21:28

    It doesnt look any better, just because it's a windy day. It looks unwashed, thin, and in need of a cut. cj

    1. Personally I don't like her hair styling on most occasions. However I already pointed out several times that her hair styling results from a choice for an extensively layered cut, rather than the "quality" of her hair. It is totally in contradiction with traditional criteria for a "nice styling", but accepted as trendy at least by a minority of contributers to the blog and probably in the NL. Let's be honest her choice is a difficult one, incl for dying. The supporters of a "hair cut" are numerous here for several royal ladies. I feel sure she is giving adequate care to her hair with good products, since it looks sometimes very well kept.

  7. Anonymous30/3/23 22:51

    Commendable of Maxima to don the necessary garb for her visit but yes, her hair is disastrous. A hairdresser could have helped her with a style that would have dealt with the helmet as well as the windy conditions. Sadly the years of bleaching her hair has damaged her hair terribly--would be nice if she would begin to work with hair professionals to recondition her hair and help it get healthy again.


  8. The Queen does such wonderful work, she is very motivated and enjoying her visit.

    1. Anonymous31/3/23 17:27

      Pffff. This isn’t working. This is making fun visits.

  9. Anonymous31/3/23 01:09

    This is different. Good look .css

  10. Anonymous31/3/23 02:52

    Where are the diamonds?!

    Just joking. Great purpose of visit. I don't really know what to say about her hair anymore. Product (gel, mousse, hairspray) could have held it into place along with a tight ponytail. I've started to think that perhaps she's trolling all those who criticize her hair because she knows this will make them so annoyed.


    1. Could be !! I think she just thinks she can go ahead with her choices, until... criticism might come from home.

  11. Anonymous31/3/23 07:39

    What is she doing there?
    Seems to me more a kind of visit the King could make.

  12. Anonymous31/3/23 09:20

    Looking at all the comments on her hair again I can only say: hurray to all of you who have a great hair look after wearing a helmet!!

  13. Anonymous31/3/23 14:17

    “She should be embarassed”, “For shame!”… Sounds like some people can’t wait for Maxima to be forced to walk in public humiliation. And why?? Because of her HAIR. Right.

  14. Anonymous31/3/23 14:51

    Speaking from experience, so many females in the military and law enforcement wear helmets and do not look as disheveled as Maxima does. If I would wear millions dollars worth of diamonds one day (not speaking from experience) and I would spend time to apply make-up I sure as heck would take time to have decent looking hair. Suzie Q


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