Princess Alexandra attended Giambattista Valli Fall 2023 RTW Fashion Show

Princess Alexandra of Hanover wore a blue duchess satin jacket by Giambattista Valli. Giambattista Valli embroidered heels

Princess Alexandra of Hanover, the youngest daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco, attended the Giambattista Valli Womenswear Fall Winter 2023-2024 show was held as part of the Paris Fashion Week 2023. Paris Fashion Week includes a series of designer presentations and is held twice a year in Paris.

Princess Alexandra of Hanover wore a blue duchess satin jacket by Giambattista Valli. Giambattista Valli embroidered heels

Princess Alexandra of Hanover wore a blue duchess satin jacket by Giambattista Valli. Giambattista Valli embroidered heels

Princess Alexandra of Hanover wore Giambattista Valli Duchess Satin Jacket
Giambattista Valli Duchess Satin Jacket

Princess Alexandra of Hanover wore Giambattista Valli Embroidered Mesh and Bead HeelsPrincess Alexandra of Hanover carries Giambattista Valli Shoulder Bag
Giambattista Valli Embroidered Heels           Giambattista Valli Shoulder Bag

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Alexandra comes across as unpretentious and natural, and it´s not her I would have expected at a fashion event. Her girl-from-next-door look clashes with the fancy and glamourous outfit she´s wearing. She can wear it of course, but her styling and overall polish isn´t on par. You´d expect an equally fancy hairstyle, more make-up and some bold statement jewellery to go with it. I commend her for being true to herself, though. She looks real in a pretend world full of vanity.
    Apart from her silly top and the weirdly curved hemline of the skirt, I even like her outfit.

    1. Anonymous6/3/23 10:16

      ‘She looks real in a pretend world full of vanity’ - she IS and personifies full of vanity, as her siblings.
      They exuberate this feeling anyway.

    2. Anonymous6/3/23 22:17

      Exuberate a feeling? What does that mean?

      I don't get any particular aura of vanity from her - apart from her interest in attending a few fashion shows and some pictures of her in the summer on holiday she is discreet and private. The interviews she has given which are extremely rare she comes across as friendly and approachable.

  2. Anonymous5/3/23 19:32

    PA hasn't yet found her sense of style, she seems to have a petite figure. I think her look would improve if she shaped (plucked) her eyebrows. S.M.

    1. Anonymous6/3/23 01:56

      i think so too, and perhaps a fringe. she looked good with blonde and fringe years ago

  3. This is obviously trendy, she is young and good on her for keeping up with fashion, but I don't like this outfit at all. I don't mind the satin jacket, but it seems big, the sleeves appear too long, or is this the fashion? The shoes and bag are cute.
    I wonder what the price of such an outfit would be?
    Regardless of my old fashioned tastes, she looks lovely.

  4. She is such a cutie pie, and still youthful enough to wear slightly zany outfits like this and get away with it. The pieces are neat and tidy-looking together -- not sloppy, which I think makes all the difference. Alexandra's face looks a bit washed out here -- I would have liked to see a touch of soft pink or very soft coral on her lips, and a bit of eye makeup, to give her features some color and definition. -- Jane

  5. Anonymous5/3/23 23:19

    Uurrrg 😱 it’s ugly and vulgar! Expensive clothes for very little fabric, it’s like wearing a bra under the jacket.

    1. 'wear anything you can pickin the dark'

  6. Anonymous5/3/23 23:25

    The Monaco young royals are so frivolous, they represent rich kids living off their wealth, doing nothing useful but spending time from one fashion show to another. Can’t qualify as good taste their fashion style …

    1. Anonymous6/3/23 06:06

      Alexandra is not from Monaco. Her half siblings are. She is a princess of Hanover (Lower Saxony, Germany).

      The grandchildren of Prince Ranier and Princess Grace work to support themselves. I can't speak of Alexandra though. Fashion varies from place to place. You can rest assured your opinions on their fashion sense would most likely be returned in kind.

    2. Anonymous6/3/23 07:30

      I agree with you anonymous 23:25 5/3/23
      But it is not their fault. It is the fault of those who came before them and the way they are educated.

    3. Anonymous6/3/23 09:17

      Agree !!

    4. Anonymous6/3/23 10:08

      They are so vain! Pity as their grand-parents are highly respectable for their actions in Monaco.

    5. Anonymous6/3/23 11:22

      Actually she is not a princess of Hannover. German Monarchie ended in 1918, so the (former) title is only part of the name: Alexandra, Prinzessin von Hannover. In countries with existing monarchy it might be seen differently.
      anna e.

    6. @Anon 23:25 You seem to have good indepth information on the Monaco family. Impressive. Please tell us more.

    7. Anonymous6/3/23 12:41

      Alexandra is from monaco ( half german Welfenhaus), their halfsiblings are half italian, i suppose. e.

    8. I am german and I dare say in Germany nobody would recognise her when she walked down the street somewhere. She is not well-known and nobody would call her a princess since we abolished monarchy more than hundred years ago (as Anna already explained in her comment).

    9. Anonymous6/3/23 22:27

      Alexandra is from Monaco.

      Who do you mean by the Monaco young royals? The Casiraghis, the Ducruets, Camille Gottlieb are not royal - they are just part of the extended Grimaldi family. Alexandra is not royal really, it's a courtesy title only.

      And as for frivolous - how do you come to that conclusion? Because of the photos we see from time to time? They all have jobs when they don't need to (apart from Alexandra who is still studying), they all actively support different charities, the majority have completed university studies, they are all close to each other, their mothers and their uncle. That doesn't seem especially frivolous to me and I think their mothers can be proud of the children they have brought up.

      Attending a fashion show isn't a sign of vanity.


    10. Anonymous7/3/23 19:09

      @Anon 23:25 you're getting some heat for this comment, but this is so true.

      First of all, everyone can understand that when the princely family of Monaco and their relatvies are mentioned, for the sake of simplicity, we refer to them as "Monaco royals". Yes, we realize that the children of Caroline and Stephanie are not royals, but they do participate in the public life of the princely family. You see them at major events such as the Rose Ball and National Day.

      Second, @Anon 23:25 did not lie. In comparison to other royals the ones from Monaco do appear frivolous. In their few oficial appearances in the principality almost all of them look as if they would rather be anywhere else. You don't hear about any of the younger ones using their incredible wealth and privileges for good.

      Yes, Monaco has no poor or homeless that need help, but there are people in need all over the world.

    11. Anonymous7/3/23 22:09

      Nobody said anybody lied - whether they are frivolous or not is perception not fact. You may not have heard about them using their incredible wealth and privilege for good but I (and plenty of people who follow the Grimaldis) have - as I pointed out in my comment. Therefore, my perception is different - I don't think they are frivolous because I know some facts about what they do and don't do.

      And I stand by my point about them not being royal - they are wealthy privileged but private individuals who make the occasional appearance to support their uncle and mothers. I disagree that they look as if they would rather be elsewhere - again, just a different pov.


  7. Anonymous5/3/23 23:35

    She has turned into a beautiful young woman. The skirt would be perfect somewhat longer. the top is a no for me, it is like she is trying to tell people look at me. I think it is not her style anyway. The jacket and shoes yes. css

  8. Anonymous6/3/23 02:31


    1. Anonymous6/3/23 10:09

      Lol, yes … i wonder too … 🙄

  9. She’s young. Let her take advantage of that. Some of us know how fleeting that is.

  10. Anonymous6/3/23 05:14

    I like the jacket but nothing else.
    I agree that this look is jarring compared to the sweet persona that she exudes. Perhaps she is in a mode of discovery, or changing as she adds years to her life, and is trying out new styles to see how she herself feels in them and to gauge public reaction to how it looks on her, which shouldn't but does matter quite a bit to some people. So from an exploratory perspective, brava to her. Do it while you can.
    I'm all for the experimentation and in the course of it I hope to see other styles that are more congruent to lovely person that she seems to be.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Good point of view. You could almost be talking about Princess Amalia of the Netherlands.

  11. Anonymous6/3/23 06:30

    Princess Alexandra is a lovely and natural looking young lady. She often visits fashion shows./Grace

  12. Anonymous6/3/23 06:40

    The jacket is OK and the tights and shoes. The rest, especially the bra: no.

  13. Anonymous6/3/23 08:42

    Sorry, but she looks dressed up.

  14. Quel drôle de haut qui laisse penser à un soutien-gorge ; à sa place, je mettrais un top à petite encolure en V qui améliorait le style de sa tenue ; j'aime beaucoup ses escarpins brodés mais pas du tout son sac à mains qui peut se porter à bandoulière !

  15. She's so cute and her mama's baby fer sure but I don't care for the jacket and the blouse, if that's what it is. And I think that skirt belonged to her sister. But I usually don't get cutting edge fashion.

  16. Princess Alexandra has a special type of beauty.
    Can’t quite put a name on it. .
    Perhaps one could say a pensive beauty ? ?
    However when I see photos of her, I feel sad as she reminds me of Cinderella who didn’t go to the ball.
    Her outfit on this occasion looks a bit too much of this and that.
    But then she’s at a fashion show and probably wants to appear to be ‘groovy’ like the others in the audience.

    1. Anonymous6/3/23 17:25

      She is what we could call a plain beauty. Pretty, ok-ish, but not charming. Her half-sister, yes.
      That’s my personal opinion, no offence, appreciate everyone has different beauty criteria.

    2. P. the original6/3/23 17:48

      @ Deadeggs
      Yes, that's exactly I feel.
      I can't decipher her face.
      I sense she is there but not at ease, almost not true to herself.
      She wants to be into fashion in a way but she can't embody no fashionable girl.
      The outfit is not flattering per se IMO and it looks even more lifeless on her.
      I like the shoes and bag though.

    3. Anonymous7/3/23 03:47

      Hi, Deadeggs — it is a bit tough to put one’s finger on Alexandra’s look — I eventually realized that to me, she is a “gamine”, like Gigi — a carefree, slightly tomboyish girl whose winsome charm will mature into that of an alluring woman. (But not a femme fatale — she’s a breath of fresh air.) — Jane

    4. Anonymous7/3/23 19:11

      I don't think she has any sort of beauty. She's plain, and that's perfectly fine.

  17. Alexandra fait toujours petite fille qui veut devenir femme...son haut/soutien gorge n'est vraiment pas élégant et l'ensemble un peu bizarre, elle se cherche encore à 22 ans...bon ok ! les filles n'égaleront jamais la mère et encore moins la grand mère...

    1. Anonymous7/3/23 00:37

      Elle a 23 ans presque 24.

    2. Alors encore plus...petite fille à presque 24 ans ! en plus elle est toute petite...combien mesure t-elle ? sa mère et son père sont grands pourtant sans oublier les grands parents maternels...

  18. Anonymous6/3/23 21:46

    When it comes to fashion, the younger members of the House of Grimaldi always seem to be trying too hard. Or at least it seems that way to me. Just because it's designer and expensive doesn't mean it looks like it.


    1. Anonymous7/3/23 19:13

      Perfectly put. Charlotte and Beatrice Borromeo come to mind. They are always wearing designer brands yet almost never look good. On the rare ocasions that they do look refined is when they dress with more simplicity, and more similarly to what royals from other countries wear.

  19. Anonymous6/3/23 23:27

    Her wholesome, peaches and cream looks somehow do not fit the outfit, however I think she is a lovely girl, you never hear about a relationship with her Father.

    1. Anonymous20/3/23 00:50

      Anon 23.27 Why do you feel the need to bring up her father? This is a fashion blog, stick to the topic. Her relationship with her father is irrelevant on this fashion blog.

  20. Anonymous7/3/23 00:03

    Alexandra is a cute young woman enjoying life. I feel sure she is still finding herself in terms of fashion--she is only 23 yrs old. She has plenty of fashion stars in her family but perhaps she prefers to explore what she likes and wants to wear on her own. Am I a big fan of her choices here--no but that's just fine. I think the blue jacket brings out her pretty blue eyes. I think she has nice legs and the short skirt shows off her legs. I really don't like the choice of top but change that out for a solid (as in 100% covering cloth) black top and I think she'd have a really cute look here.


  21. Anonymous7/3/23 09:24

    She needs a stylist

  22. Anonymous18/1/24 03:39

    Homely thing with a pretentious pose—give it up

  23. Anonymous18/1/24 03:41

    Only Charlotte “works”, if you can call it that. Andrea has never lifted a finger in his life and lives off his wife’s wealth. Pierre supposedly runs some businesses that his father started in Monaco? The idle rich, my dears, the idle rich…


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