Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the Vasaloppet 2023

Swedish Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia and their son Prince Gabriel attended the skiing competition Vasaloppet

On March 5, 2023, Swedish Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia and their son Prince Gabriel attended the skiing competition Vasaloppet in Mora. Vasaloppet (The Vasa-race) is an annual long distance cross-country ski race held on the first Sunday of March. Emil Persson and Emilie Fleten won Vasaloppet 2023. The first Vasaloppet was organized in 1922 and like today, held between Salen and Mora.

Swedish Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia and their son Prince Gabriel attended the skiing competition Vasaloppet

Swedish Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia and their son Prince Gabriel attended the skiing competition Vasaloppet

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  1. Anonymous5/3/23 16:58

    Nothing special here.
    Cherry Blossom

  2. Anonymous5/3/23 17:20

    Brave Sofia, Carl Filip must be so proud. Cheri

  3. Anonymous5/3/23 19:14

    Prince Carl Philip - anything else but handsome??

    1. Anonymous6/3/23 00:41

      I think he is kind of greasy.

  4. I bet Prince Gabriel was thrilled to accompany his parents to this exciting event. They seem like a sweet family.

  5. Anonymous5/3/23 19:27

    I love the winter jacket. Do we know what brand it is?

  6. They are a lovely couple.

  7. Great to see the Royal couple out and about at this event. It must be very cold they are well rugged up. Here in Australia, the first week of Autumn we are in for a 40 degree day and not much better tomorrow, who can figure? so over the summer! Bring on Winter!

    1. Anonymous6/3/23 06:34

      It's still winter here in Scandinavia, we're still wearing our winter gear as temperatures are below zero. March usually isn't particularly warm./Grace

    2. P. the original7/3/23 11:11

      Hi, Ava.
      I have had a couple layovers recently in Norway and yes, it's been very cold, so I think it applies to Sweden as well.
      I love this beautiful couple always smiling and so in love.

    3. Anon .6.34 Thank you, that is amazing you must be getting plenty of snow, below zero. From this end, I can only hope our Autumn kicks in soon, stay warm Grace. x

    4. P. the original. Hi, hello, Yes it must be, stay warm and safe.
      Oh, yes very true, they are such a wonderful couple, lovely to see

  8. Anonymous5/3/23 23:41

    Nice to see them again. What Sofia did not participate this year? Nice warm coat. Only little Gabriel with them today where are Alexander and Julien? Have not seen them in a while, hope the boys are Ok? css

    1. Anonymous6/3/23 06:39

      Sofia's parents live nearby and I read somewhere the whole family was there visiting them./Grace

  9. Anonymous6/3/23 01:32

    The couple look happy enough. The jackets are a bit boring ;even the woolly hats could have been a bit brighter. Great activity skiing (Tabby)

    1. I'd say that the fashion style they are wearing is "Snug & Warm"

  10. She’s in charge of the dog. Often the most hazardous event.

  11. Anonymous6/3/23 05:46

    Why take only one child and leave the other two at home? Strange.

    1. Anonymous6/3/23 16:46

      What’s strange about that?

    2. Anonymous8/3/23 04:32

      To give each child some precious time to be alone with their parents. It’s a good idea.

  12. Anonymous6/3/23 08:34

    Winter Jacket - Mountain Works?

  13. Ravie d'entrevoir Gabriel en compagnie de ses parents, tous bien emmitouflés ; j'aimerais bien voir toute la famille réunie !


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