Prince Albert, Gabriella and Jacques attended a concert on St. Patrick's Day

Princess Gabriella wore a navy blue wool coat by Jacadi. Prince Jacques wore a tartan coat. Princess Grace of Monaco

On the occasion of Saint Patrick's Day, students from the Prince Rainier III Music and Drama Academy gave a concert at the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco in the presence of Prince Albert, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella. The Princess Grace Irish Library was established in November 1984 by Prince Rainier, in memory of his wife.

Princess Gabriella wore a navy blue wool coat by Jacadi. Prince Jacques wore a tartan coat. Princess Grace of Monaco

Princess Gabriella wore a navy blue wool coat by Jacadi. Prince Jacques wore a tartan coat. Princess Grace of Monaco

Princess Gabriella wore Jacadi Girl navy blue wool coat
Jacadi navy blue wool coat

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  1. Anonymous18/3/23 16:52

    Too dark colors for little children especially Gabriella. The way the coat is styled by the model is so much better.

    1. Anonymous18/3/23 17:03

      Agree !!

    2. Anonymous18/3/23 17:11

      "Too dark colors for little children" - seriously? They've worn bright colors before, but maybe they wanted to wear these dark colors. Goodness, what do people have against dark colors? Some people (even children) like dark colors. Nothing wrong with dark colors. |Melanie|

    3. Anonymous18/3/23 23:42

      For me Princess Gabriella wears the coat better than the model. Gabriella is a lucky clover for Jacadi.

    4. Anonymous19/3/23 07:01

      Just said it should be styled differently !?

    5. Anonymous19/3/23 12:37

      Should the men in the classic dark suits not wear them, I think not, besides I love the black watch fabric! Fitzhugh

  2. Anonymous18/3/23 18:45

    How nice to dee them again. Helping Dad is so nice. I think the coat on Gabriella should be a lighter color OMO. css

  3. Anonymous18/3/23 18:51

    Kids are looking so cute--love Jacques choosing to wear green (especially his green shoes!!!) while Gabriella's coat is great. Can't really see if she too is wearing green though as her coat remained buttoned up. As always, Albert is proud of his Irish heritage, wearing his shamrock tie.


    1. Anonymous18/3/23 22:06

      I would imagine Gabriella is wearing a green dress. Something in line with Jacques' jacket would be adorable. I love her coat as well!

  4. Anonymous18/3/23 19:26

    Ces enfants manquent d’air frais! Ils sont trop pâles!

    1. Anonymous18/3/23 21:58

      What a stupid comment. What does fresh air have to do with the amount of pigment their skin has?

    2. Anonymous19/3/23 13:18

      its the genetic tone of their skin, its like telling someone from south Sudan that they need to lighten up. not right!

  5. Très joli manteau bleu marine porté par Gabriella.
    La tenue est trop sombre pour une petite fille âgée de 8 ans.
    Des collants blancs ou rouges auraient égayé la tenue.

  6. Anonymous18/3/23 19:28

    So herzlich die beiden, Hand in Hand zum dahinschmelzen : ) Ich finde beide sehr edel gekleidet und trotzdem dezent. Das blackwatch Sakko wirkt kindgerecht und sieht so cool aus. Diese Augen und die Mimik von Prinzessin Gabriella wahrlich einzigartig. Die Sakkos vom Fürsten mag ich meistens nicht, er sollte einen anderen Schnitt bevorzugen, oder ; ) je nach *Bäuchleinlage ; ) seine Sakkoabteilung ausrichten. Schön zu sehen, wie sanft die Zwillinge an ihre Aufgaben herangeführt werden.

  7. The children look so sweet, they are growing fast!

  8. Anonymous18/3/23 23:39

    To see the pretty and well-mannered twins is always very pleasant. Both seem intelligent and at the same time compassionate and outspokenly interested in all other people. Today only with Prince Albert, who embraces both lovingly and is there in a fatherly prudent manner.

  9. Anonymous19/3/23 02:43

    It saddens me to see that they seldom smile. The other children in the photos seem happier. Please don’t jump all over me. Go back and research past pictures.

    1. Anonymous19/3/23 11:36

      I agree with you, very often they look very sad.

    2. Anonymous19/3/23 11:53

      Alas, you are quite right

    3. Anonymous19/3/23 13:48

      All children do not smile in photos even though they are happy. When I Iook at photos taken when I was child, no smiles at all. One needs to concentrate when posing for a photo, look straight to the camera etc. It's difficult for a child. It takes time until you learn to smile in every photo..

    4. Anonymous19/3/23 19:19

      I agree with you 100 %. Just compare with the children of CP Victoria, Sophia, Mary of Denmark, and Kate

  10. Trop mignon Jacques dans ces couleurs vert et bleu-marine ; j'aurais bien vu Gabriella dans un manteau rouge avec des collants blancs !

  11. PS Je vais certainement recevoir une volée de bois vert après avoir précisé un manteau rouge pour Gabriella ; j'étais tellement sur ma lancée que j'avais zappé que c'était le jour de la saint Patrick et que le vert est à l'honneur !

  12. Anonymous20/3/23 22:48

    Princess Grace was very proud of her Irish heritage and visited her Kelly family’s place of origin in Ireland with Prince Rainier. I am very glad that Albert continues this connection with his lovely children, who are also beautifully dressed.


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