King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima's state visit to Slovakia, 2nd day

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands are currently making a state visit to Slovakia. On the second day of their state visit to Slovakia, the King and Queen attended a meeting with young Slovaks that was about gender equality and empowering women. The second day coincided with International Women’s Day.

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Afterwards, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima met with the speaker of the National Council Boris Kollár at Bratislava Castle. The King and Queen then visited the ‘The Future is Now’ business forum, where innovative Dutch and Slovak entrepreneurs exchanged ideas on opportunities in the fields of sustainability, health and the circular economy.

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

Queen Maxima wore a grey midi dress by Natan, and Philip Treacy hat. The Queen wore a navy cape coat by Valentino

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  1. Anonymous8/3/23 16:43

    I love this look! The dress, the hat, the overlay…very elegant. The jewelry is beautiful and I love that QM wears brooches. Very sophisticated. I don’t care much for the handbag but overall I give this look a 10.

  2. Anonymous8/3/23 17:59

    interesting outfit for the Queen...with that hat and black cloak she looks like the town cryer...

  3. Anonymous8/3/23 18:08

    Ooh, another lovely outfit and a slightly nicer pair of flat shoes than yesterday. Km

    1. Anonymous25/4/24 16:29

      Ob sie von spitzen Pumps in flachere gewechselt hat ?

  4. Anonymous8/3/23 18:25

    I think the earrings are too heavy a look with the hat. The look is matronly and 1960’s. Simpler earrings (pearls or diamond studs) would have brought the look to this century. She appears weighed down with the hat and the cape. The dress appears to fit too tight and the Queen looks uncomfortable. Im also not a fan of the heavy dark makeup as I believe it ages her years. Love to see them working together. MR

    1. Anonymous8/3/23 19:28

      Agree on your points on HM ‘s clothing: subtility is not her style.

  5. The Queen looks wonderful in this ensemble. The cape is one of the best I've seen. I love how it is fastened with the pattern of the dress peaking through. The black and white checked dress is beautiful on its own and the draping down the side keeps it from appearing too tight. Her hat, shoes and bag are perfect and, last but not least, her earrings and brooch are like icing on a cake. I believe that is the President in the next to last photo and she looks very pretty too! I wish we had a closer look at her brooch. The trip to Slovakia has been very good fashion-wise.

  6. Nouvelle jolie tenue pour laquelle elle a adopté des chaussures qui ont l'air d'être plus confortables que celles d'hier quand on regarde les deux dernières photos ; je trouve que sa cape/manteau est trop envahissante quand on la compare au manteau de la présidente. Pourquoi donc ces boucles d'oreilles que j'aurais vues plus simples !

  7. Anonymous8/3/23 19:47

    She is sitting pigeon toed again. Not how a lady/woman/Queen should sit. She does this a great deal, and yet when she stands/walks, she is not pigeon toed. Do no like the outfit, nor the mess she wore at the gala the previous night, it looked like a cheap knockoff of some designer. The under the lace material was awful, her hair a mess and too much makeup. You can do better QM. No Name = someone

  8. My attention was first attracted to the young man asleep with the gray suit ... he was not correctly briefed ... Maxima looks fine, except the hat in my view.

  9. Anonymous8/3/23 20:08

    The overall style look is very good, but there's too much black, which sends out a very sombre vibe. Would have looked better if she had chosen a different colored coat, such as burgundy, or a dark burnt orange, but nothing too bright.
    - Anon 9:13

  10. Anonymous8/3/23 20:28

    The grey dress okay, but should have been knee length imv. Cape very nice but much too long so that QM looks very big. I would prefer a small hat. All together it looks very heavy and enormous

  11. Anonymous8/3/23 21:18

    The dress itself has a very nice design but as always, too tight and too wrinkled. The cape is too long and together with the big hat it becomes overwhelming.

    1. Anonymous8/3/23 23:48

      Agree on all points. Not a good look for her.

  12. This ensemble looks superb. Love the dress, the accompanying jewels look splendid. The brooch and earrings are gorgeous. The hat suits her beautifully, she looks stunning, perched perfectly on her.

  13. Virginia Dogwood8/3/23 22:36

    I love the hat, shoes and cape. I am not a fan of the style of the dress, although I do like the gray to soften the look. And ladies, a gentle reminder
    to be careful to keep your legs together when seated, whether slanted or not.
    Cameras abound and catch everything. And I would have matched the lengths of my dress and cape.

  14. Anonymous8/3/23 23:04

    This visit is really enjoyable so many nice outfits. Maxima is Tres chic. css

  15. I love the photo on her own the (third last one) stunning. When you look at the whole outfit, not sure just a bit too heavy.

  16. Anonymous9/3/23 00:54

    This is not a chic ensemble. It's run of the mill and the woman is sitting with her toes pointed inwards, like a young child. Noanna

  17. Anonymous9/3/23 06:26

    About the colours: Are you sure that Maxima's hat and cape are black? I would say that they are blue, very dark blue - at least it looks so on my screen. WA's suit is dark blue and when both are in the same photo Maxima's cape seems black but in photos with M alone, blue (photos 4 and 9).
    I have always liked big hats. This is one of the best!

  18. Anonymous9/3/23 06:54

    I think her eye make up is way too dark, it ages queen Maxima !!

  19. Anonymous9/3/23 07:22

    Per un evento di giorno trovo che sia “troppo” vestita: mantello, cappello, orecchini e grande spilla sul vestito. Tante cose belle se però separate, anche se alle mantelle preferisco bei cappotti dritti e puliti.
    Le scarpe non mi piacciono, ma sanno tanto di comodo. Bello il vestito.
    Finora è la presidente che continua a piacermi.

  20. Anonymous9/3/23 08:46

    Maxima at her best... Fantastic

  21. Anonymous11/3/23 18:02

    Maxima, please sit more lady-like, not like a child with their toes pointed inwards. Takes away from the overall look you are trying to achieve. Edwina


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