King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended the anniversary event of Casa del Libro

Queen Letizia wore a red coral asymmetric top and coral trousers by Zara. CXC gold earrings. Magrit gold leather pumps

King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended the centenary event that commemorated the opening of the first Casa del Libro. The event took place at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. The first Casa del Libro opened its doors at the Gran Vía building in Madrid on April 15, 1923 and the company currently has 54 bookstores throughout the country.

Queen Letizia wore a red coral asymmetric top and coral trousers by Zara. CXC gold earrings. Magrit gold leather pumps

The company celebrates its centenary with different events throughout 2023. Casa del Libro is the leader in the bookshop sector in Spain, and one of the Grupo Planeta companies.

Queen Letizia wore a red coral asymmetric top and coral trousers by Zara. CXC gold earrings. Magrit gold leather pumps

Queen Letizia wore a red coral asymmetric top and coral trousers by Zara. CXC gold earrings. Magrit gold leather pumps

Queen Letizia wore a red coral asymmetric top and coral trousers by Zara. CXC gold earrings. Magrit gold leather pumps

Queen Letizia wore a red coral asymmetric top and coral trousers by Zara. CXC gold earrings. Magrit gold leather pumps

Queen Letizia wore a red coral asymmetric top and coral trousers by Zara
ZARA Spring Summer 2019 Collection

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  1. Anonymous30/3/23 22:19

    This is good. Minimalist elegant ensemble. Strong colour, suits her tanned skin. Zara, budget brand, and rewear. Amy.

  2. Anonymous30/3/23 22:29

    I dislike this outfit, even the colour is wrong, such a loud shade of red. She can do so much better.


  3. Anonymous30/3/23 22:39

    Everything is red now!

    1. In Europe it’s spring now. So maybe we’ll now see some floral prints and gay colours (let’s hope).

  4. I adore the white outfit on the lady with the yellow belt. It´s perfect (except for the shoes).
    Letizia looks nice, but what happened to her cheeks? Also, I wish Felipe´s tie coordinated better.

    1. Anonymous2/4/23 16:59

      @ Vanesa. Her cheek are made up with brown/orange blush and then they received a final highlight to catch the light. For a gala or a ceremony, it is done frequently that way. (I'm speaking in general and do not mean that Queen Letizia uses this kind of make-up each time) I wish to be prudent and not to offend those who are always thinking their queen has been attacked.

  5. I love this red pant suit and the beautiful Queen Letizia wears it well. The asymmetrical lines add interest. Her hair looks glossy, beautifully coiffed, and darker (might be the lighting). The two ladies in white also look very pretty. And, of course, the very handsome King Felipe looks dapper in his dark suit and pinkish tie.

  6. The colour and style of the Queen's outfit are both fine but it definitely gives me Star Trek vibes as does the outfit of the lady in white on the left of the line up. The line up itself is quite amusing King Felipe literally head and shoulders above everyone else.

  7. Anonymous31/3/23 01:05

    Good look for Letizia. Red or dark orange is a good color for her. I also like the white pantsuit from the lady on Felipes right side, css

  8. She always looks great and elegant, and her hair is so beautiful and shiny. The other 2 ladies are also very well dressed.

  9. Anonymous31/3/23 10:14

    Very elegant outfit! I am all for the sleek, less is more look. On my screen the red is more towards brick color and not loud as someone commented. Queen Letizi rocks red.

  10. I like this outfit on QLetizia, it's a strong color that once again she complement very well whit hand bag and shoes. This time I would prefer to see KFilipe with other tie, don't need to macht exactly with his wife, but in my opinion they look so nice when they are cordinated.

    e.g.: normally I prefer not comment underage or even adults that appear on the images, even if they have public position. But in this case, I need to say that both ladies in white looks very good, I prefer the one with yellow/green belt (I think is Ana Pastor), however I would like to change her shoes :)

    1. Anonymous31/3/23 13:47

      Meritxell Batet, the President of the Congresos of Deputies.

    2. Thank you for the correction Anonymous 13:47

  11. Cette couleur orange lumineuse convient bien à Letizia ; la dame dans son tailleur/pantalon ceinturé de vert est vraiment très jolie. Quant au roi, il est bien habillé ; comme d'habitude, rien à redire !

  12. Anonymous31/3/23 14:30

    Non essendo molto alta credo che queste tuniche lunghe non siano adatte a Letizia, però
    il rosso è il suo colore. Bello come sempre Felipe.

    1. Anonymous31/3/23 17:11

      1,70 is not tall?? How tall are you?

  13. Anonymous31/3/23 17:12

    The Queen: what a great outfit, as ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. This is a lovely ensemble, its great to see this rewear. The Queen looks very stylish and chic, a very elegant outfit. The orange color suits her, she wears it beautifully. I love the gold accessories shoes and clutch, in this instance they work in well with the ensemble.

  15. Este es un conjunto vitamínico, muy primaveral, moderno y original, aunque no es nuevo. Además, de precio muy popular. Los complementos elegidos son excelentes. Otro acierto para la Reina.


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