King Charles and the Queen Consort visited Colchester in Essex

Queen Camilla wore a longline white ivory cashmere cream coat and she paired with a brown wide-brimmed fluffy hat

On March 7, 2023, King Charles III and the Queen Consort visited Colchester to celebrate its city status. Colchester in Essex was awarded city status as part of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations last year. The King and Queen met community groups, volunteers, local businesses, conservation projects and arts organisations.

Queen Camilla wore a longline white ivory cashmere cream coat and she paired with a brown wide-brimmed fluffy hat

Queen Camilla wore a longline white ivory cashmere cream coat and she paired with a brown wide-brimmed fluffy hat

Queen Camilla wore a longline white ivory cashmere cream coat and she paired with a brown wide-brimmed fluffy hat

Queen Camilla wore a longline white ivory cashmere cream coat and she paired with a brown wide-brimmed fluffy hat

Queen Camilla wore a longline white ivory cashmere cream coat and she paired with a brown wide-brimmed fluffy hat

Queen Camilla wore a longline white ivory cashmere cream coat and she paired with a brown wide-brimmed fluffy hat

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  1. Anonymous7/3/23 15:26

    Oh dear, not that old hat. She should have worn a black hat with the black boots and clutch, OR, brown boots and clutch with the old hat.

  2. Anonymous7/3/23 15:44

    The Queen Consort is looking fantastic with her cream coat and brown had. Also like the black accessories (maybe brown would have been better, minor detail).

  3. Anonymous7/3/23 16:05

    I would have worn a black hat.

  4. Anonymous7/3/23 17:25

    Nice coat and hat. I wish she would have matched her purse, gloves, and boots with the color of the hat.


  5. Whose idea was it to decorate her hat with a fur innertube? It is not a new hat I am sure we have seen it before but it brings to mind one of those tube things that little toddlers wear in a swimming pool to keep afloat i. e. I definately do not like it. For the rest she looks reasonably elegant even though the coat does not fit that well.

    1. Anonymous7/3/23 21:58

      Fur inner tube...ha!

  6. The hat is not very pretty, that being said, the color works very well with the coat, which I really like, however it doesn't have a goof fit in the bust area, which could be remedied with good undergarment. Nowadays is trendy to missmatch purse and shoes, but these black boots have a very jarring effect.

  7. The Queen looks lovely in this coat, good fit. I love the hat, it must be warm. The black accessories look fabulous.

  8. Belle allure dans ce manteau de couleur ivoire mais alors, je croyais ne plus voir ce genre de toque à laquelle, j'enlèverais bien la bordure en fourrure ; je pense que cela donnerait un meilleur look !

  9. Camilla's hat is a bit like meat and two vegs.
    It gets a bit boring after awhile. 🙄

  10. Anonymous7/3/23 19:01

    Her new camel colored boots would have looked better with the hat, which I still think looks very good on her!!

  11. Anonymous7/3/23 19:28

    I think this hat is always very flattering for Camilla with the soft “fur” rim.
    This time it matches particular well with the beautiful cream coat.
    Light brown suede boots and accessories would have made it perfect, but perfect is not her style and I respect her for that,

    1. Anonymous8/3/23 03:33

      @Mabel, just curious why should we aspire to be imperfect?

  12. Anonymous7/3/23 19:30

    I like the coat. The boots are fine to, but the hat, is not my favorite, maybe this one need to be retired.? css

  13. Ce n'est pas de la vraie fourrure le lui va bien et on peut dire qu'elle l'a beaucoup porté pas comme Elisabeth qui ne portait jamais deux fois le même chapeau...

  14. Anonymous7/3/23 21:49

    Camilla looks fantastic. Mary

  15. Anonymous7/3/23 23:01

    Well, I guess I am in a very small minority who think Queen Camilla's whole outfit--including her hat--is fabulous. Yes, her hat is one she has had for many years but it works so well with her cream coat here. She looks great here!


    1. Anonymous8/3/23 02:50

      Janet, I'm then also on the minority, i like the hat, looks warm and goes great with the coat. But as mentioned above beige/brown boots and nah would have worked better for me... Only she is one wearing it not me, haha

    2. The hat seems somewhat like a trusted old friend to Queen Camilla. I can understand that, particularly given the nasty weather. And with brown boots it would have been a superb ensemble altogether.

  16. Anonymous8/3/23 01:26

    The hat is a little overwhelming. The outfit is fine; not a fan of the boots, I do like the scarf. I suppose with Camilla ;she isn't Royal and sometimes that lets her down.(Tabby)

  17. I agree that generally the hat and accessories should match; Camilla would have looked really chic with a nice black hat here. I have to say that whatever the "fur" is around the rim of the brown hat, it looks (imo) desperately in need of a refresh. In fact, I think I'd replace it altogether, with velvet.

  18. Get a new dressmaker, the stitching on the front panels is pulled, very shabby.
    This is not good enough for a Queen. Maybe she needs the late Queen's dressmakers, to design for her. She needs to up her style as she is now a Queen.

  19. I’d have thought that at least one of her six “Queen’s Companions” could have helped her to visit a milliner or hatter to compose/create a chapeau that would fit in with her outfit.
    Or at least let one of these "assistants" find something in Camilla's wardrobe to match up with the coat and boots. 🤒

    1. Anonymous8/3/23 15:04

      I posted the same type of response as you, and my post was never seen again, once I hit the publish button. :( no name

  20. @ (no name. I think there may be a bug. I have sent two or three comments through recently which never appeared. However, when I tried again they went through. ???


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