Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako received Gombojav Zandanshatar

Emperor and Empress met with Gombojav Zandanshatar and his wife Ganbayaryn Otgongerel

On March 3, 2023, Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako received Gombojav Zandanshatar, Chairman of the State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia, and his wife Ganbayaryn Otgongerel, at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Afterwards, the Emperor and Empress met winners of the Emperor's Cup Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Festival.

Emperor and Empress met with Gombojav Zandanshatar and his wife Ganbayaryn Otgongerel

Emperor and Empress met with Gombojav Zandanshatar and his wife Ganbayaryn Otgongerel

Emperor and Empress met with Gombojav Zandanshatar and his wife Ganbayaryn Otgongerel

Emperor and Empress met with Gombojav Zandanshatar and his wife Ganbayaryn Otgongerel

On March 3, 2023, Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with laureates of the 61st Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival Awards at the Imperial Palace's Grand Hall. The Festival of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has been held nationwide annually on Labor Thanksgiving Day since 1962.

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with laureates of the 61st Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with laureates of the 61st Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako met with laureates of the 61st Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Festival

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  1. Empress Masako looks lovely. The blue and white colors of her ensemble are very flattering. I love the scalloped treatment of her jacket. Her brooch is obscured from view but it appears to contain three pearls, and I'm sure they match her very pretty pearl earrings. I think it is very sweet how the Emperor always wears a tie which compliments his wife's clothing. The Mongolian First Lady's dress is beautiful. The rich green color is lush and the embroidered or appliqued accents are very nice. The bell sleeves are pretty also.

  2. Anonymous5/3/23 00:46

    I absolutely love “Mrs. Mongolian Parliament Chairman’s” entire outfit- luscious deep green fabric, exquisite embroidery, perfect tone of shoes. My western eye would want slightly shorter sleeves but the far eastern look is to have them longer like these. Empress Masako looks great in this beautiful blue and such interesting lines in her suit jacket. I love the deeper shades has been adding to her color palette, it also has seemed to signal those shades (deeper jewel tones/saturated colors) for other imperial ladies in the colors we’ve seen more recently.

  3. Anonymous5/3/23 02:15

    Empress Masako is elegant in blue suits. The interior is also simple and stylish.

  4. Masako a l'air de beaucoup apprécier la couleur bleu-roi qui s'associe très bien avec le blanc de son haut que nous voyons sous l’échancrure originale de sa veste ; j’adore les perles de ses boucles d'oreilles ainsi que celles de sa broche que je ne vois pas trop bien ?! et comme toujours, j’aime voir le soin apporté par Naruhito dans la couleur de sa cravate. Magnifique l’épouse de Gombojav Zandanshata mais j’aimerais savoir si elle porte une sorte de tenue traditionnelle ?

  5. Anonymous5/3/23 09:42

    I really like this colour on empress Masako, so vibrant! It really makes her standout. The neckline is really interesting, not sure if I'm a fan or not but it suits her very well and uplifts the ensemble. Mrs Otgongerel is wearing a more traditional dress, in a gorgeous tone of green. The decorations keep it interesting.

    I really love Empress Masako, she shines every time we see her. She seems so happy since becoming empress, lovely to see.

  6. Anonymous5/3/23 10:43

    Empress Masako's blue suit is beautiful, and Ganbayaryn Otgongerel's outfit is a gorgeous color. The added embellishments increase the beauty of the dress. However, it seems rather long, though that may be her tradition to wear longer dresses.

  7. Anonymous5/3/23 10:50

    Yes, I agree. Masako seems much more relaxed and really happy since becoming the Empress consort of Japan and her husband, the Emperor, is so respectful and considerate towards her - a loving and very dignified couple.

  8. Anonymous5/3/23 18:37

    Love the shade of blue. Very flattering . The shape of the jacket with the white blouse is perfect on Masako.

  9. Anonymous5/3/23 18:49

    The Mongolian Chairmans wife has a very interesting modern design take on the traditional dress. Absolutely beautiful. The Empress looks lovely as always. I’m impressed with the beautiful tailoring of her jacket.

  10. The Empress looks beautiful in this stunning shade of blue, gorgeous two piece suit, love it. The Mongolian Chairmans wife, looks stunning, gorgeous deep green fabric with embellishments tastefully executed. Splendid traditional dress, love her beige shoes.

  11. Anonymous5/3/23 23:46

    Always elegant and classy. css

  12. Anonymous6/3/23 02:46

    The masks bug me to no end, but being adjacent to China gives them a pass

  13. Anonymous6/3/23 02:49

    I have a feeling the Empress would be more comfortable in more modern clothing but the rule makers are not interested in moving into the 21st century.

  14. The woman in green coat looks incredible! Pitty that royals wear their tradicional clothes so rarely.


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