Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited Øvresetertjern

The Norwegian Scout Association and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s annual fundraising campaign Speideraksjonen

On March 23, 2023, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited Øvresetertjern on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Norwegian Guide and Scout Association’s annual fundraising campaign Speideraksjonen.

The Norwegian Scout Association and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s annual fundraising campaign Speideraksjonen

The Norwegian Scout Association and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) are collaborating for the 20th year in a row on the Scout campaign. Thousands of Norwegian scouts participate in the annual fundraiser "Speideraksjonen".

The Norwegian Scout Association and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s annual fundraising campaign Speideraksjonen

The Norwegian Scout Association and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s annual fundraising campaign Speideraksjonen

The Norwegian Scout Association and the Norwegian Refugee Council’s annual fundraising campaign Speideraksjonen

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  1. Anonymous23/3/23 20:49

    Love the coat nice and warm. The air must be brisk. Nice for them to be outside. css

  2. This is splendid, the royal couple appearing at this fundraiser. Glad to see everyone rugged up.

  3. Anonymous23/3/23 21:55

    Outdoors in poor weather, hiking boots and smiles suits this couple so well. Good for them.

  4. Virginia Dogwood23/3/23 22:03

    Princess Mette Marit wears a toboggan so well. Most people don't look good in them. Cold, but looks like fun.

    1. canadian fan23/3/23 22:51

      What does it mean to "wear a toboggan"? I always thought that a toboggan was a type of sled.

    2. Anonymous24/3/23 02:59

      I believe they meant toque

    3. Anonymous24/3/23 16:11

      In Norway we call it lue means beanie.

  5. Anonymous24/3/23 04:01

    Toboggan is a winter hat and has its origin in the south of the USA. It is not just any other winter hat that is referred to as toboggan; it has to be a knit hat. It is also important to point out that toboggan, to New Englanders and a majority of northern USA, is a wooden sled.

    In some other regions, a toboggan hat is also referred to as a beanie, snookie, Sherpa, watch cap, or burglar hat. We can all agree that there is a regional difference to the name and meaning of a toboggan, but we can all agree it is a type of a hat

    1. Anonymous25/3/23 02:19

      Well, no, we can't all agree that because a lot of us were unaware of that meaning. The most common use of the word means a wooden sled.

    2. Anonymous25/3/23 22:01

      Anonymous 4:01, thank you so much for the very interesting explanation of “toboggan”. I never knew it referred to anything except a sled. I love learning new tidbits of knowledge from this blog.

  6. Par ce temps très froid, tout le monde a su se vêtir et se chausser comme il se doit ; Mette Marit a l'air bien courageuse !

  7. Anonymous24/3/23 14:14

    In such cold temperatures, the couple look well dressed for the occasion and such a delight to see them again! Edwina

    1. Anonymous24/3/23 20:29

      It's not very cold in there, looks like it's already a bit above freezing point. A mild foggy weather, typical for the early spring in Scandinavia.

    2. Anonymous25/3/23 13:56

      Stella it depended some parts of Scandinavia spring is a month away. I have 1,5 meter of snow outside. Today it's -4°C tomorrow -9° and on Monday -11°C. The weather in Oslo also go up and down. Today they have 4° on monday -4°. Scandinavia is big with a lot of different climate.

  8. Virginia Dogwood24/3/23 17:10

    Pardon. I am American and some of our phrases and names for items tend to be different from those in European countries.

  9. Anonymous24/3/23 22:13

    On voit que le chien est mal à l'aise, qu'il a froid, sa queue est rentrée. Ce type de chien ne doit pas être sorti par si grand froid.

  10. Anonymous24/3/23 22:44

    I really admire these young royals. Certainly amongst my favourites of their generation.



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