The Greek royal family attended a memorial service for King Constantine

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

On February 18, 2023, Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Prince Pavlos, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia, Princess Tatiana, Princess Irene, Princess Alexia, Prince Nicholas and Prince Constantine-Alexios attended a memorial service held on the occasion of the completion of 40 days since the death of King Constantine II of Greece.

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

The service was officiated by the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Mr. Ieronymos and took place in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens. The late King's family, friends, former classmates and associates, businessmen and politicians were present at the service. Tomorrow morning a trisagion will be held at the King's tomb at Tatoi royal cemetery.

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Queen Anne-Marie, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal, Princess Maria-Olympia

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  1. Anonymous18/2/23 19:57

    Memorial service already! Didn't they just have his funeral a few ago

    1. Anonymous18/2/23 23:07

      It’s the Greek Orthodox tradition to pray in memorial for a deceased loved one on the 3rd, 9th & 40th days after their funeral. The most common one held as a service is on the 40th day. The 40 day mark commemorates Jesus Christ’s days on earth between Resurrection Sunday and His Ascension.
      Another reason to enjoy this sight- learning about other cultures and traditions.

      My only fashion comment for this type of service is how dignified they all look and what a comfort to Queen Anne-Marie and the rest of King Constantine’s family to have loved ones around each other.

    2. Anonymous18/2/23 23:44

      In the orthodox religion the first major memorial service is done at 40 days after the funeral

    3. Anonymous20/2/23 20:17

      "Another reason to enjoy this sight- learning about other cultures and traditions."

      Yes! I learned something new today. Thank you.

  2. Queen Anne-Marie, has such a dignified and elegant presence. How lovely she looks, her pearl 3 strand necklace offsetting her mourning outfit, beautiful. They appear to be a close-knit family, I'm sure they have been a wonderful support network for her at this time. Queen Sophie looks very elegant. The family all look appropriately dressed.

    1. Anonymous19/2/23 11:43

      Annemarie is since 1973 not a queen anymore. So let's speak about the former queen

    2. Anonymous19/2/23 18:12

      Her present title is (since 1973): Her Majesty Queen Anne-Marie of the Hellenes, Princess of Denmark.

    3. Perhaps the comment about the correct title being ex Queen is a bit unnecessary especially given the circumstances. I imagine most people on this site know that the Greek royal family is not a ruling monarchy.

    4. Anonymous19/2/23 21:53

      Well, if you don't want to call her a Queen, then at least call her Princess of Denmark, which she remains.

    5. @AnnieM : I agree with you, the family is in a period of sorrow.
      They are in mourning.
      Maybe we could have a keyboard battle about titles etc. on another occasion.
      For me, whilst Anne-Marie is still alive, she will always be
      “Her Majesty Queen Anne-Marie of the Hellenes, Princess of Denmark”.

    6. Anonymous20/2/23 20:22

      I don't know what your problem is. Still being called a Queen in this situation, imo, is no different than a former US president still being referred to as "Mr. President," or a retired professor still being addressed a "Professor," by colleagues or students. It's sign of respect and curtesy.

    7. Anonymous21/2/23 13:01

      Anon 20:22, in my country a former president will always be called "Mr/Mrs president". But the ruling president is called "The president of the republic". (Elina)

  3. Anonymous18/2/23 23:07

    It is usual Greek Orthodox practice to hold a memorial service 40 days after death.

  4. Anonymous19/2/23 01:44

    Thanks for explaining to us non Greeks.

  5. Anonymous19/2/23 05:18

    Thank you to the previous commenters for the explanation of this Greek Orthodox tradition. What a lovely service and the family members are dressed very well.

  6. Bien-sûr tenues de circonstances pour ce service commémoratif où nous voyons beaucoup de dignité !

  7. Anonymous19/2/23 19:07

    Ex Queen look wonderful. She was born to be queen . Marie Chantal is in a better mood than at the funeral where she ignored her mother-in-law and was mean to her husband. She is so fake and thinks she is important.

    1. Anonymous19/2/23 21:39

      Is it really a fact that Marie Chantal actually ignored her own mother-in-law and her own husband at her father-in-law's funeral?

    2. @Anon 19:07 : If this is the case, you should sell this "stuff", sorry information, to the gutter press. They'd pay good money for this information, especially if you could throw in a few photos. Go for it.

    3. Anonymous21/2/23 21:32

      19/2/23 21:39 watch It .IMO it looks like ignoring

  8. Lovely to see the family turnout for what was surely a moving occasion. Queen Anne Marie looks so elegant and dignified. Nice to see the support from the Spanish royals, including King' Constantine's two nieces.

  9. Anonymous19/2/23 21:56

    Everyone looked great. I don't really understand Pss Irenes dress?, but this is her style. I must say today's dress from Nina was great. This is in MO the best she ever looked. css

  10. Queen Anne-Marie, is looking so much better. I know she had just lost her husband and her grief was there for us all to see, at the funeral.

  11. I'm amazed that nobody has commented on the fact that some people at this service were smiling. At the funeral serice there were bloggers who couldn't understand why certain members of the family were smiling. .

    1. Anonymous21/2/23 06:59

      He has "reposed" meaning he's "in a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility." I'm sure there's hope and comfort that they'll see him again.

  12. Anonymous21/2/23 07:14

    Lovely to see all for the 40 days. I wonder if they made kolyva in remembrance? I am also curious as to the lack of head coverings for the ladies. At least in the GOC Archdiocese of America it's a personal choice from parish church to parish church but my understanding was that in the "old countries" it was more traditional to wear one's head covered. Hmmm...

    1. But times are a changing 😀


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