Swedish Crown Princess and Prince attended a reception in Sydney

Crown Princess Victoria wore a palm floral print silk maxi dress by Acne Studios. State governor Mrs. Margaret Beazley

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel arrived in Sydney on the second day of their visit to Australia. In the evening, the state governor Mrs. Margaret Joan Beazley gave a reception in honor of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel at the Government House in Sydney.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a palm floral print silk maxi dress by Acne Studios. State governor Mrs. Margaret Beazley

Crown Princess Victoria wore a palm floral print silk maxi dress by Acne Studios. State governor Mrs. Margaret Beazley

Crown Princess Victoria wore a palm floral print silk maxi dress by Acne Studios. State governor Mrs. Margaret Beazley

Crown Princess Victoria wore a palm floral print silk maxi dress by Acne Studios. State governor Mrs. Margaret Beazley

Crown Princess Victoria wore Acne Studios Floral Print Silk Maxi Dress
Acne Studios Floral Print Silk Maxi Dress

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  1. Again, her dress is from another Swedish fashion house. ACNE.
    The name stands for “Ambition to Create Novel Expressions”.
    In their publicity they say that the dress has a - high side hem slit.
    With a close look at photo N°2, I think you can just get a peep at the slit.
    The event is called a reception (cocktail party).
    I think Princess Victoria has made a good choice for the occasion.

  2. Anonymous14/2/23 17:50

    Not a fan of florals on dark background but she looks nice.

  3. Liking this dress too as well as the coat and dress worn by Mrs Beazley

  4. Bon choix que cette robe à imprimé fleuri qui lui va à ravir pour cette réception ; c'est vraiment le contraste par rapport à celle de couleur verte portée dans la journée ; ses boucles d'oreilles paraissent en harmonie avec la couleur de sa pochette ?!

  5. Anonymous14/2/23 18:42

    I like the dress very much - colour and fit are both good. The shoulder line really shows off CPV’s toned arms. I would have chosen dressier earrings though. These look more suited to a daytime event. (V.M.)

    1. Anonymous15/2/23 03:37

      I agree. The earrings are invisible, even though they are massive. they add nothing to the overall look, which would need some bling .

  6. Simply beautiful, Victoria!

    1. Anonymous14/2/23 23:06

      Indeed she is! My favorite crown princess. MD

  7. She is making up for the green planting dress. If she has to wear a floral this is the way to go. No pussy cat bows nor frills just simple elegance and mildly formal but still fun. She looks fresh brushed and polished. It really suits her.
    How she manages to look so bright and shiny I don't know. The trip to Australia is about 22 hours and a huge time difference added into it.

  8. Love the gown CP Victoria is wearing, elegant, very becoming. Not a fan of the earrings though,, minor quibble. Our state governor Mrs. Margaret Beazley looks stunning in her ensemble, I like this very much, the colors are gorgeous. Her necklace and earrings are gorgeous.

    1. P. the original15/2/23 09:52

      Hi , Ava.
      This marvellous couple is in Australia now.
      Do you have any chance to see them?
      Let me know.
      I think they are doing really good throughout their trip and I love this cocktail dress from Victoria.
      Daniel is dapper as always but sometimes a bit too formal, isn't he?
      Hugs for you.

    2. P. the original. Hi, no unfortunately, I live out of Sydney now, I was born in Sydney, so roughly near 3-hour trip to visit where the royal couple were. I would have loved to see them. I have been reading great press and coverage of them both, which has been so refreshing and uplifting. Yes, I agree, they have done exceedingly well, the trip has been wonderful. Luckily, we had a few days of cooler weather, while they were here. Today its 40 degrees LOL! thankfully they are both out of here! Take care

  9. Anonymous15/2/23 01:26

    A beautiful dress on a beautiful Crown Princess.

  10. Anonymous15/2/23 08:59

    Can't she ever change hairstyle, even for one single occasion? That hair bun is not flattering at all.


  11. Anonymous15/2/23 13:24

    I love the Golden Bracelet, the rounded linked one. Where is from?

  12. She looks fit and happy, but the hair!

  13. Anonymous16/2/23 00:07

    Always looking good. css

  14. Anonymous16/2/23 08:48

    Don't like the top of the dress. The high neckline to the sleeveless dress looks weird in my eyes. The balance is off. It looks like she has the dress on backwards,.


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