Queen Silvia and Crown Princess Victoria held a diplomatic reception

Queen Silvia in Newhouse Halifax jacket, Crown Princess Victoria in Acne Studios printed satin jacquard midi dress

Queen Silvia and Crown Princess Victoria held a diplomatic reception for ambassadors from Tunisia, Pakistan, Argentina, India, Dominican Republic and Kazakstan. Newly-appointed ambassadors and their spouses are given the opportunity to meet members of the Swedish Royal Family at a reception that traditionally takes place at the Royal Palace.

Queen Silvia in Newhouse Halifax jacket, Crown Princess Victoria in Acne Studios printed satin jacquard midi dress

Swedish Queen Silvia wore Newhouse Halifax Jacket
Newhouse Halifax Jacket

Swedish Crown Princess Victoria wore Acne Studios Tie-neck Gathered Printed Satin Jacquard Midi Dress
Acne Studios Tie-neck Gathered Printed Satin Jacquard Midi Dress

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  1. a personal opinion : Victoria might soon look older than her mother, because of her hair styling and unflattering dresses.

    1. Anonymous1/2/23 15:13

      Agree, and I wonder why Victoria doesn’t have a more up to date stylist. I think it’s a known fact that Victoria herself isn’t that interested in clothes. She’s so beautiful and pretty and in leisure wear she always looks at ease and fantastic! Ac

    2. Anonymous1/2/23 16:38

      You’re so right with your comment; she can do much better. Time for a new stylist
      Millie .

    3. Anonymous1/2/23 18:12

      its ok if she want to style her hair in bun. however, there are 101 ways to style a bun, pick one for each day

    4. Anonymous1/2/23 22:05

      Agree. The dress is dreadfully boring. I want the pussy bow fashion to disappear ASAP

  2. Queen Silvia's blazer and skirt are pretty, but I think the gold bow at the neck is too much, and detracts from the beauty of her bow brooch. CP Victoria's dress is, in my opinion, shapeless, drab, and old-ladyish. Her earrings, as best I can see, are very nice.

  3. Anonymous1/2/23 15:42

    Splendid outfit and hairstyle for Victoria, totally todays business smart wear.

    1. Anonymous2/2/23 07:02

      Where do you live? National Geographic might want to do an expose on this unexplored new society.

  4. Awful, Victoria. How old are you? This looks like an old lady who´s working beyond her retirement age, in a library, in the 70s. Dull and frumpy beyond belief. Please don´t go down that path, with glasses attached to a golden chain around your neck.
    Looking at the equally awful model photos, I don´t even know what appealed to her.
    Silvia looks better, but she didn´t need that golden ribbon bow either.

    1. Anonymous1/2/23 17:39

      Vanessa, lol 😂😂

  5. Silvia a grande allure dans ce blazer que je pourrais associer à un pantalon ; Victoria pourrait être mieux conseillée car sa tenue n'est pas du tout à son avantage ; il n'y a que ses boucles d'oreilles bleu-marine qui soient belles ; je crois me rappeler qu'elle possède ce même modèle dans une couleur vert tendre !

  6. Anonymous1/2/23 17:42

    That dress hangs like a ugly sack of potatoes, no style, color, please throw in the thrash.

  7. Queen Silvia's suit is gorgeous, this looks so chic and stylish. It looks she has changed her hairstyle somewhat, it looks great. Victoria's dress looks to be 70's 80's style, I saw a photo elsewhere it looks to be more vintage and quite nice on her.

  8. Both outfits pleasant, business like but unexciting. CP Victoria's outfit is okay but think her mother has the edge.

  9. Anonymous1/2/23 21:38

    Both RL look great. css

  10. Anonymous2/2/23 00:49

    Why must Princess Victoria be interested in clothes? She always looks good and is well-dressed, which I find quite sufficient. Everything else is very time-consuming, even if you have a stylist, and she has probably chosen a different path. I find her lack of vanity very appealing. She has more to offer, great.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous3/2/23 13:00

      Thank you Virginia

    2. Anonymous3/2/23 18:31

      @ Virginia. Like they say in French "l'un n'empêche pas l'autre".


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