Queen Letizia received representatives of Atresmedia and Mutua Madrilena

Queen Letizia wore a red frankie cuff detail wool sweater by Hugo Boss, and red leather trousers by Hugo Boss

Queen Letizia received representatives of Atresmedia, and The Mutua Madrilena Foundation at Zarzuela Palace in Madrid. Atresmedia is one of the main communication groups in Spain. The Mutua Madrilena Foundation is a private non-profit foundation established in 2003 by the insurance company Mutua Madrilena.

Queen Letizia wore a red frankie cuff detail wool sweater by Hugo Boss, and red leather trousers by Hugo Boss

Queen Letizia wore a red frankie cuff detail wool sweater by Hugo Boss, and red leather trousers by Hugo Boss

Atresmedia and Mutua Madrilena Foundation joined forces to combat gender violence through the Corporate Responsibility action of both entities.

Queen Letizia wore a red frankie cuff detail wool sweater by Hugo Boss, and red leather trousers by Hugo Boss

During the meeting, the Queen received information from the representatives about the results of the "The 3rd macro-study on gender violence", a research made as part of the initiative "Against mistreatment, Zero Tolerance", which both entities have been developing for seven years.

Queen Letizia wore a red frankie cuff detail wool sweater by Hugo Boss, and red leather trousers by Hugo Boss

Queen Letizia wore a red frankie cuff detail wool sweater by Hugo Boss, and red leather trousers by Hugo Boss

Queen Letizia wore a red frankie cuff detail wool sweater by Hugo Boss, and red leather trousers by Hugo Boss

Queen Letizia wore a red frankie cuff detail wool sweater by Hugo Boss, and red leather trousers by Hugo Boss

Queen Letizia wore HUGO BOSS Frankie Cuff Detail Wool Sweater
HUGO BOSS Frankie Cuff Detail Wool Sweater

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  1. Anonymous15/2/23 18:57

    This is a lovely modern combination. The leather trousers in this wonderful red are top. However I would have put a more voluminous top to it.

  2. Il faut que je reconnaisse que le pantalon en cuir rouge va à merveille à Letizia mais j'aurais bien vu un haut avec plus de légèreté comme un chemisier non boutonné sur un petit top !

  3. I'm not one for leather pants, but this ensemble looks really fabulous. Modern, chic and stylish. The red top looks great, but the shoes are simply divine. The Queen appeared to be in great form, engaging and happy, she has wonderful work ethic. Well done to her.

  4. Anonymous15/2/23 22:30

    I really like the white suit on the lady on the right.
    The blue suit and Letizia´s red number don´t look good. Shape, silhouette, proportions - all off. And I still think that leather pants in general are not for a queen, no matter how well they fit. She can wear them in private but not in her official capacity as representative of her country. A leather skirt is fine if styled formally. Leather trousers cannot be styled formally.

    1. Anonymous16/2/23 04:05

      I totally agree with you.

    2. Anonymous16/2/23 04:51

      Agree !!

    3. Pero en España si piensa la gente que son apropiados, porque también los llevan las ministras y las presidentas de las comunidades autónomas y la gente a trabajar a las oficinas. Representa a la gente del país y lo que lleva la gente del país. Nadie va a trabajar con sombrero y guantes. La monarquía en España está ahí porque es menos cara que un presidente de la República, si no, no estarían, nadie es monárquico, sólo que se respeta el trabajo que hacen, de momento.

    4. Anonymous17/2/23 22:48

      In Spain or anywhere else, this isn’t appropriate for an official environment. Even is she can carry the look and wants to demonstrate modernity.


    5. Anonymous18/2/23 08:53

      CH ..and you actually are...a Spaniard paying taxes in Spain, working for the leather industry in the country.. obviously not.
      The Spaniards are asking for that..so you have no idea about the Spanish history, the role the Monarchy plays ..at all...
      Nobody wants a "Monarchy"..there was a Republic some years ago...why did this Monarchy come back and in what terms...? Get a book!!

  5. Anonymous15/2/23 23:59

    She must like leather pants?. Maybe not so much to be worn for working events. But she Letizia looks good anyway. css

  6. Fabulous shoes and a nice casual outfit but don't think it's sufficiently business like given the men are in suits and ties. The short trousers fro both the Queen and the lady in the blue trouser suit are no where near as good looking as the lady in the gorgeous white suit, far right in the last photo.

    1. Los hombres no pueden usar otra cosa que no sea traje y corbata. En España la gente va a trabajar así, a lo mejor en otros países van con sombrero y guantes.

  7. Fantástica Letizia. Siempre contemporánea, sin salirse de su línea de minimalismo y sobriedad. Y guapísima, además.
    A las españolas nos encanta el cuero, forma parte importante de la industria nacional y la Reina le hace honor. Bien por ella.

  8. Anonymous16/2/23 11:13

    Queen Letizia certainly looks stylish, but somehow the dignity of the crown is affected, which I consider quite unnecessary. The queens Sonja and Sylvia, also commoners, never break this rule, which is why we somehow look beyond their clothing, difficult to define. The monarchies of Europe all have survival problems.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. ¿Es una broma? Letizia no sólo no disminuye la dignidad de la Corona, sino que Ella y Felipe se la han devuelto después de las andanzas del anterior rey, su hija menor, su yerno y también algunos de sus nietos. Se trata de trabajo duro y honorabilidad, no tonterías de ropa.
      Sonja y Silvia son 2 ancianas. A nadie se le ocurre que el cuero forme parte de su vestuario. Busca otras comparaciones. Pero no puedes, ¿verdad?

  9. Anonymous16/2/23 16:31

    @Virginia, why is the dignity of the Crown affected on a negative manner? You think using leather is undignified? so purses , shoes and perhaps belts should also be considered demeaning to the crown? Nobody ever blinks at a leather jacket or skirt, so why are pants different? Queen Letizia is wearing what thousands of spanish women would use on a business meeting, while also promoting the leather industry which is big in the country. I guess that this your personal opinion, but trust me, the monarchies won’t end because the Princess of Wales wears the tightest skinny pants, or Máxima’s “ adventurous” fashion choices.
    Methinks that you really don’t like this woman, since your comments are generally pretty negative,

  10. @ Virginia, do you really think that wearing leather pants will be the fall of the Spanish monarchy? Queen Letizia is a 21st century woman, educated, and invested in the future, she is a woman that was successful by her own merits way before getting married, she is indefatigable in her work for the crown, and has proven to be a great asset for the Royal House. I also find your comment incredibly sexist, would you say that the British Crown is in peril because King Charles wears shoes with holes, his suits are generally wrinkled, he has been photographed with holes in his socks, etc., ? Not to mention behaviors that better be forgotten. It's OK to disagree with a fashion choice, but not to attack another woman for something so mundane.

  11. P. the original17/2/23 19:38

    @ Virginia
    I am truly speechless, are you for real?
    I mean, we are living in a new millennium , do you really want to measure the digniity of an instituiton like monarchy by putting the blame on someone who is so hard-working and flawless just because she chose to wear leather??
    If you judge her clothing like this you should have lived in another century.
    I myself wear high quality faux leather clothes and this is my personal preference.
    Just read the caption.
    This engagement was about gender violence, which unfortunately is an issue in our contemporary world.
    Letizia is perflectly connected to the real world also in her outfits, she is modern, brilliant, not a narrow- minded woman imprisoned in her musty mindset.
    I understand from your words that you barely know other countries out there but ,please, do some kind of Google search or get to know the real world outside before being so judgemental.
    You always claim for freedom of speech for you and what about the freedom of others to express themselves as they like also in their sartorial choices and in the causes they champion?
    As much as I like Q.Sylvia and Q.Sonja, your comparison Is out of place.
    Maybe you relate to them more than to Letizia.
    As far as I am concerned, it is quite the opposite for me.

  12. Anonymous17/2/23 20:18

    Anonymous above 22:30 said exactly the same as I did, nobody attacked her, very strange.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous17/2/23 23:06

      Regardless of the risk posed to the crown or not, this feels inappropriate. If anyone wants to defend her outré outfits, sure, go ahead. But it’s not going to take away the impression most people have of her choice here. It’s not alright for a plethora of reasons, not the least of which is choosing to show off. Imagine if any of the monégasque ladies would have shown up in red leather pants… I can only imagine the comments from the very same who staunchly defend Letizia.

      As long as we don’t loose respect for the others’ opinions, we can all agree to disagree.


    2. Anonymous18/2/23 08:47

      Anon 23:06. CH..what is aproppriate or not mus be told by the people of the country. In Spain leather industry is very important and people want that "the Queen" that "represents" what the people want ( in a parlamentary Democracy)..do wear It. We do not follow the "monegasques" or other royal people and we do not speak about if It is apropiarse or not. So I think that some"people" believe that their opinión is important when they do not pay taxes in that country and know the country , history and the role of the Monarchy there.

  13. Anonymous18/2/23 03:23

    @ CH, speak for yourself! Can you mention the “plethora of reasons” ? Also I think that your example is totally off, The Monaco Royals are the most avant-garde of the whole, and I don’t think anybody accuses them of destroying the monarchy.

  14. Anonymous18/2/23 09:30

    Thank you CH for your comments. I read a great deal in several languages and never say anything lightly. Letizia as a private person is none of my business, her role as queen and nothing else is my focus.
    🌞 Virginia

  15. P. the original18/2/23 10:07

    I think that we all are reading too much into things.
    I remember Queen Letizia wearing nearly the same outfit (red leather pants at the time) at a Barcelona Hospital.
    The only thing which seems to be missing here is a blazer, maybe?
    Come on, let's go ahead in a relaxed mood.
    Have a fabulous weekend, all of you.
    P. the original

  16. @ P, although I agree with you, I still believe that some women participate on these blogs in order to chastise the ones they dislike, to equate wearing a pair of leather pants to disgracing an entire establishment, is not only superficial but also intentionally damaging. These same people never, ever suggested the same when Mathilde has worn the same style, or when Katherine wears those almost painted skinny pants, I personally don't have issue with either but this passive aggressive behavior against other women is just frustrating.


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