King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended an event at the Royal Palace

Queen Letizia wore a Marlie contrast pleat midi skirt by Reiss, and pink cashmere sweater. Latouche suede boots. Mauska bag

On February 28, 2023, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain attended the public presentation of the Digital Portal of Hispanic History, created by The Royal Academy of History. The event took place at the Royal Palace in Madrid. The portal will be tthe largest digital environment for content on Hispanic history.

Queen Letizia wore a Marlie contrast pleat midi skirt by Reiss, and pink cashmere sweater. Latouche suede boots. Mauska bag

Queen Letizia wore a Marlie contrast pleat midi skirt by Reiss, and pink cashmere sweater. Latouche suede boots. Mauska bag

The portal will be open to all types of content on Hispanic history, to institutions and specialists who collaborate in its preparation and updating, and to citizen participation through the suggestion and consultation box that will contribute to the improvement of the project. It will be a living work, in a permanent process of revision and updating.

Queen Letizia wore a Marlie contrast pleat midi skirt by Reiss, and pink cashmere sweater. Latouche suede boots. Mauska bag

Queen Letizia wore Reiss Marlie Contrast Pleat Midi Skirt
Reiss Marlie Contrast Pleat Midi Skirt

Queen Letizia carries MAUSKA Rosario medium bag
MAUSKA Rosario medium bag

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Quel régal que de regarder cette élégante jupe fluide à plis contrastés roses et noirs reportée par Letizia ; elle a su l'associer à un délicat pull rose. Son sac à mains est tout à fait à mon goût !

  2. Anonymous28/2/23 15:37

    The skirt is very beautiful but a sweater with a high neck (even if it is not warm in the palace perhaps) does not go well together with this skirt. A blouse and a short jacket in the same pink would have been so much better.

    1. No, en absoluto. En palacio hace mucho frío y en Madrid estamos bajo 0 estos días. El sueter es perfecto, cálido y suave y combina perfectamente con la falda. Nadie lleva blusa, todas las señoran van con jersey/ chaqueta.
      Más papistas que el Papa.

    2. Anonymous28/2/23 17:58

      blouse & jacket - so yesterday!

    3. I agree with you Angie. I’ve been in Madrid in February and with the sun, the daytime temperatures can be O.K.
      But at 7pm. without the sun, it is freezing at 0°c.
      A sweater, coat, and warm clothes are necessary.
      Love the combination of rose and black colours.

    4. Anonymous28/2/23 22:56

      Deadeggs...6C under freezing this morning, we are suffering a cold wave.

    5. Anon 15 37, I agree with you. The sweater does not go with the Skirt. I love the skirt but would prefer a black top for it.
      Anon 17 58, there are some classic combos that are never out of date

  3. Anonymous28/2/23 15:51

    Beautiful Queen.

  4. Anonymous28/2/23 16:09


    1. Anonymous1/3/23 01:45

      Uh--I guess we share the same name. Just to make sure--this Janet finds Letizia's outfit to be very striking and she looks marvelous.


  5. Its fabulous to see this lovely rewear, the skirt is gorgeous, very effective. Love the soft pink jumper. Boots and belt look nice with this skirt.

  6. Anonymous28/2/23 17:55

    The sweater and skirt look nice, but not paired together.

  7. Anonymous28/2/23 18:25

    I also celebrate this couple for their exqusite taste, but most of all because they stand for backbone and work.

  8. Anonymous28/2/23 18:54

    I like the combination, we have seen this lovely skirt a few times with different tops.
    This hue of pink is very flattering,
    Cherry Blossom

    1. Anonymous28/2/23 22:13

      Cherry Blossom, not a fashion comment, but please allow me: some years ago i looked for you because i always enjoyed your notes on fashion and i had some questions to improve my own style.
      Then COVID hit and i knew you are/were a nurse and for months, or even be a year, you were gone.
      Then the other Cherry arrived, but the language, the style the finesse were so different, it was not your.
      Now we "see you" from time to time, and i wanted you to know that you were always on my thoughts.
      I'm always glad to read you, a belated "welcome back" you were missed!
      Btw, also love Anna Karenina

    2. Anonymous1/3/23 00:59

      Thank you Luna for stepping forward, I concur with everything you say. Welcome back Cherry Blossom! You have been missed indeed. I hope you have been well through the past 2-3 challenging years. I am looking forward to reading your fine comments.


    3. Anonymous1/3/23 10:40

      Oh my "Cherry Blossom"! Haven't you seen that the real one got her original photo and name back from her Blogger side?

  9. Anonymous28/2/23 19:03

    Very nice outfit. The skirt must be interesting in motion.

  10. It´s all well put together and somehow still not quite right. I think it´s the wintery styling. I think the skirt looks better with a light top and sandals (on the model) than with turtleneck top and boots (on Letizia). The boots in particular are too heavy for this skirt, although they aren´t chunky as such.

  11. Beautiful Queen and always perfect for the occasion

  12. Anonymous1/3/23 00:47

    Have not seen this skirt in a long while, maybe a blouse would have been a better fit for this event. css

  13. Anonymous1/3/23 01:47

    Just want to make clear that as another Janet--not the one from today at 16:09--I happen to really like Letizia's outfit today. Its striking and quite unique. She looks wonderful too.


  14. Anonymous1/3/23 05:59

    Hi Luna, yes I was busy for a while, fortunately we seem to be getting back to our regular lives. I had a few issues with my gmail account, I still can write on my old iPad under my original nickname, however on the other devices I can only do anonymous and sign at the bottom, and thus there is that one person pretending to be me, honestly it’s a little weird.
    :-) . Hope you are doing fabulously well.
    Cherry Blossom

  15. Anonymous1/3/23 06:47

    It is almost the 7th time she has worn this skirt, with blouses, black, Pink, other sweters ..etc..she has changed the Styles to repit

  16. Anonymous1/3/23 09:08

    Welcome back Cherry Blossom! Cynthia

  17. Anonymous1/3/23 12:50

    She looks wonderful and stylish, only the very slim can get away with this styling and she has!


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