Dutch Royal Family attended a Tumba Music Concert at Brion Square

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

On Friday evening, the last day of their visit to Curacao, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima and Princess Amalia of The Netherlands attended a Tumba Music Concert on Brionplein (Brion Square) in Willemstad, where carnival celebrations also took place.

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

The concert was held in honour of the late Boy Dap, who is regarded as the king of Tumba, a genre of music and dance originating from Africa. As part of their Caribbean tour, the Dutch royal family will arrive in Sint Maarten on Monday 6 February and next week, they will also visit Sint Eustatius and Saba.

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

Queen Maxima wore a Odia dress by Natan. Princess Amalia wore a mint green kaftan dress by Essentiel Antwerp

Queen Maxima wore Natan Odia Dress Natan SS21 Collection
Natan Odia Dress - Natan SS21 Collection

Princess Amalia wore Essentiel Antwerp mint green kaftan dress with geometric print
Essentiel Antwerp mint green kaftan dress with geometric print

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous4/2/23 15:55

    A teenager dresses to a concert like this!! She needs to be more confident. She has lovely legs, a mini skirt would have worked.

    1. Anonymous4/2/23 17:37

      My thought exactly, Jill.

    2. Very beautiful girl, but ur right that's not a teenage outfit.

    3. Anonymous4/2/23 19:00

      You, a stranger on the internet, telling her to be more confident and show off her body will never make her confident. She is young, this is her first trip, she will find her ground with time.


    4. Wearing a mini-skirt would only attract unwanted comments. She's dressed fine as is. Beautiful hair and she has learned the art of makeup that suits her without being overbearing. We'll be seeing a lot more of her as her parents wisely prepare her for taking the crown one day.

    5. Anonymous4/2/23 21:02

      A mini skirt? I don't think that would be flattering for Amalia. But yes agree she should wear clothing for young girls instead of dresses that are more suitable for her mother

    6. Anonymous4/2/23 22:27

      @Jill: Maybe in Europe, would a teen going to a rockband or pop concert dress as you describe. In the Caribbean, when you are on holiday, this is acceptable dresswear for a western (especially a royal) teenager to attend a jonkanoo or a 'mas' carnival band concert. Seen it plenty of times. Look at how the others are dressed. The world is different everywhere, not only the way you know it, wherever you are.
      - Anon 9:13

    7. I agree that this long dress is appropriate for her for the event, and that a mini-skirt would not be flattering for her.

    8. Anonymous5/2/23 11:03

      A mini skirt?? She's standing up on a platform; that would hardly be appropriate.

  2. Anonymous4/2/23 15:56

    I dislike both dresses, but what on earth was Max thinking when she put on those shoes. I’m sorry but those shoes you cannot wear in an official capacity. It’s almost offensive to wear those. Nice for a walk to the beach.

    1. Anonymous4/2/23 17:04

      Totally acceptable in the Caribbean! Silvia

    2. Their PR said official duties ended on Friday, now their celebrating their wedding anniversary. Maxima's dress is ok but Amalia, perhaps if they exchanged dresses.

    3. Anonymous4/2/23 20:24

      Sorry Silvia, don’t agree

    4. Anonymous5/2/23 01:53

      Her shoes are offensive? 🤦

    5. Anonymous5/2/23 12:47

      Yes, they are… if you meet people as a queen, you dress like one. Not as a everyone else who’s going to the beach or the market.

    6. Anonymous5/2/23 16:47

      @Anon 12:47 Queens are allowed to be normal women too, you know. It's the modern, progressive way, to be as one with your people instead of always being on a showcase pedestal (except in the UK, where class levels still dominate and divide society).
      When modern Queens are off duty, enjoying a carefree evening with their people, they can wear what they want however they like. And yes, some love going to the market and going to the beach, like normal people.
      - Anon 9:13

    7. Anonymous6/2/23 12:55

      Exaggeration about UK society - plenty of other countries have similar social divisions.

  3. Anonymous4/2/23 16:04

    In going back thru the coverage of this tour, it looks like Amalia would just rather be anywhere else. Kim

    1. I agree 100%. That's what i think from the beginning of this tour....

    2. Anonymous4/2/23 17:11

      Agree, she never smiles, and that has nothing to do with posture. She grew up in extreme luxury, people have worse. She's not a natural talent. Both parents look relaxed on this tour.

    3. Anonymous4/2/23 17:36


    4. Anonymous4/2/23 19:59

      It has nothing to do with having grown up in luxury. She is a shy girl, which is perfectly normal and does not mean that she is ungrateful for the privileges she grew up with! She has years of studies & royal practice such as this tour left, so there is plenty of time for her to get more comfortable in her role.
      She is trying to do a good job, just shy & all this criticism certainly won't make her more confident.

    5. Anonymous4/2/23 22:02

      You all know that she is severely threatened with death by the Dutch drugsmaffia and is under constant heavy security? She is unable to attend university or leave the house. Of course she is extremely tense.

  4. Wonderful dress for Maxima. By the way I thought the same as Kim.

  5. Anonymous4/2/23 17:21

    Having read trough the first three comments I would suggest that you concentrate only to the British royals. I'm sure you will be satisfied both their clothes and confidence.

    1. Anonymous4/2/23 19:38

      Well, the British royals wouldn’t wear such basse classe shoes in an official context !

    2. Anonymous5/2/23 20:22

      @Anon 19:38 Which is exactly why many, MANY people consider the BRF as snobbish and snooty and out of touch with reality.
      (And BTW, this event is about the most 'casual official' type as they come. To wear footwear that was any more formal in such a circumstance would be laughable, hilarious and pretentious. Just ask the BRF, lol.)
      - Anon 9:13

    3. Anonymous5/2/23 21:43

      When William and Kate toured the Caribbean not too long ago, they toured standing up in an open land rover. Kate wore a grandmotherly hat and a dress that would have looked good on my 75-year old nan. William wore his tropical duds. A very colonial and tone-deaf appearance, for which they were rightly slammed back home. I much prefer this Dutch Royal Family’s sense of fun, relaxation, modernity and youth.

    4. Anonymous6/2/23 13:00

      William and Catherine were asked to use the open land rover by the authorities - perhaps they should have been less naive about the optics but it wasn't totally their fault.

      Also, as the Dutch weren't exactly sweet and cuddly in their acquisition of Empire would love to know how their former and current territories really feel. Maybe they just have better advisors for their Royals.

  6. Anonymous4/2/23 17:26

    I like the Nathan dress with its strong graphic fabric and big bow. I keep wondering if Amalia would not look good in something on these lines instead of the voluminous pale pastels. She looked so good in her red blouse the other day.

    1. Anonymous4/2/23 22:29

      I agree completely. The Natan dress is perfect for a carnival style event such as this.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous5/2/23 02:40

      Yes. I'd like to see them switch dresses. Max could easily look great in that Caftan, and I think the Princess could carry off the angular stripes and dark colors.

  7. Elégant modèle vert menthe de la robe d'Amalia mais une encolure en V aurait apporté une touche encore plus rafraîchissante !

  8. Anonymous4/2/23 18:03

    No to both dresses and the queen's sandals. Not sure about the kings attire, but at least its a different look than long sleeves and dress pants.

  9. Anonymous4/2/23 18:05

    Mi piace Amalia con questo caftano e boccio le scarpe di Maxima e il viso troppo truccato.

    @ Kim: penso anch'io che Amalia vorrebbe essere altrove e per tanti motivi.


  10. Anonymous4/2/23 18:17

    Yes I thought that Amalia looked like she would rather be somewhere else too. Poor girl. Maybe she should have bought a friend or sister along with her.
    Then the trip wouldn't have been so lonely for her.

    1. She had her mother with her but her mother seemed careless about her during the whole trip. Maxima never involved Amalia in anything. She let Amalia always walk behind her but made sure that she herself was seen and heard clearly. Really bad behaviour from Maxima.

    2. Disagree with Iris. Amalia had her father who cared for her and that seems logical. Should her mother really hold her hand ? Imagine comments if so ....

    3. Anonymous5/2/23 08:57

      Maxima is the more important one as queen, compared to Amalia, so Amalia walking behind makes total sense. I for one believe Maxima draws all attention to herself intentionally on this tour, so Amalia can learn without being too focused on all the time. I think Maxima is the opposite of being self-centered. Amalia was certainly not left alone: in all video footage I saw, Maxima as well as W-A sought regular eyecontact with Amalia. They are making sure she's alright all the time. There's also a former babysitter on this tour (she's a secretary now) who usually sits right behind Amalia at events.

    4. Anonymouse 08:57, that's a very kind and measured post. I agree and think the King and Queen are trying to make the whole thing easy/er for Amalia; Maxima is a pro, she actively chose the role when she agreed to marry W-A, but Amalia had no say in the matter at all whether she wanted to be a crown princess or not. Maybe the role doesn't really fit her temperament or her character and she needs to learn how to do it bit by bit, just like Queen Elizabeth.

    5. Anonymous6/2/23 00:37

      Iris, I think you need to go watch videos of this trip. Maxima is not being careless or ignoring her daughter.

  11. This is the first time, in my opinion, that Princess Amalia has looked better than her mother. The dress looks cool and comfortable and the Princess looks stunning. Well done. Queen Maxima's dress hurts my eyes, to be honest, and the clunky sandals don't improve it one bit.

  12. Anonymous4/2/23 18:42

    Amelia is wearing one of her better ones here. Maxima however, it is awful, sorry for the harsh words..

  13. Anonymous4/2/23 19:02

    One positive thing about Amelia's fashion is that she wears clothes in colours that compliments her hair very beautifully. It is a very unique sort of blonde colour and I don't think it is easy to find clothings that doesn't wash her out. She is amazing job there


  14. Another bad Natan choice for Maxima, and another poor choice for Amalia. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This trip has been a display of Maxima wanting to have the top spot, and of Amalia wanting to be somewhere else. And the king, he just did his own thing.

  15. Anonymous4/2/23 20:05

    We should consider that for someone who is barely allowed to leave the house at home, it might actually come as a bit of a shock to suddenly deal with huge crowds of people every day. And knowing that there are plans to kidnap her might be an additional reason why she cannot just relax while in crowds and so exposed.

    1. But she can go shopping to Madrid, so I think it is not so bad at all.

  16. Anonymous4/2/23 21:05

    I love Maxima's modern dress with the graphic print. It's very suitable for a joyful party in a hot climate. What is wrong with the shoes? They belong to a kind of dress like this

    1. Anonymous5/2/23 10:18

      Slippers as a queen on a official occasion. Really ?

    2. Anonymous6/2/23 13:04

      Not slippers. Not part of the official tour.

  17. Anonymous4/2/23 21:14

    As far as I'm concerned, both mother and daughter look wonderful in these photos. They are both very suitably dressed for the warm Caribbean islands (as those who have been there will know) and seem to blend in and have fun with the local citizens - especially Maxima. Maxima also picked the perfect opportunity to wear a striking and bold (if OTT) Natan creation. It works perfectly for a colourful, energetic, costumed event such as this.
    I'm sensing after all these days, that CP Amalia is an introverted and shy young lady of 19yo, not at all uncommon for many young people of her age, which is all the more reason to cut her some slack as she faces her future. This is only her Freshman tour, and the first time she has ever been on a trip like this. I'm confident that in time, she will find her own unique footprint and style. I think she looks lovely in this green dress, and she seems comfortable and happy to be wearing it.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous5/2/23 04:47

      Agree 100 per cent!

  18. Amalia has dressed coolly and with comfort. She has done amazingly well on this tour. A beautiful young lady. Queen Maxima also look fabulous.

  19. Anonymous4/2/23 21:40

    Not bad but I think she could have done better. css

  20. Anonymous4/2/23 23:02

    The cool mint green color is pretty with C-A’s coloring. Her face is very pretty. Maxima—too much of everything, hard to look at for any length of time.

  21. Anonymous5/2/23 00:15

    They have many visits to foreign countries. Each time they make a flashy appearance, but what are the results?
    For royalty whose wardrobe costs are too high, their domestic approval ratings will drop sooner or later.
    Historically, there have been repeated breakdowns of royal families and the founding of new ones. And now they are nervous about being deemed unnecessary. Is a strategy to cut the number of members the best solution to their worries? It seems a little off.
    Those who prioritize attractions in the limelight will not continue to be more popular than royalty, who steadily perform their official duties even without a media campaign.
    Meghan and Catherine are good examples. Among the women often featured here, Queen Mathilde, Princess Catherine, and Princess Kako are my favorites. They are not only beautiful, but they also seem to have a deep understanding of their mission and work with sincerity.
    I want to see a royal lady’s inner beauty fuse with her fashionable beauty and blossom. I would be happy to see Princess Amalia grow into such a woman and a Queen.

  22. Anonymous5/2/23 02:53

    I, for one, am embarrassed by this community. I assume the comments here are made mostly by women, and women should know better. Some of them have been cruel where Amalia is concerned. She never asked to have this life. It was chosen for her. If she looks uncomfortable with the crowds and attention, it is probably because she is! That is not a fault or being ungrateful for what she has. It is being real. Her clothes and body language tell us she is trying not to be seen. Every negative thing that is said here and elsewhere adds to those feelings. Did you treat your own daughters, granddaughters, or nieces this way? Were you or your sisters or friends picked on like this at the same age? Don't forget to add in the little things like abduction, r@pe, and death threats. She can't even have a normal University experience. She has been accused of not appreciating her life, but she may see it as more of a curse right now. That is a lot of pressure for anyone to be going through. But by all means, lets find fault with her while she struggles to figure everything out.

    1. Anonymous5/2/23 10:21

      It’s a fashion blog, stop teaching!

    2. Wise words anon 02:53, agree in all.

    3. Anonymous5/2/23 23:44


  23. Anonymous5/2/23 07:49

    Reading some of the comments above, I am dismayed at the level of judgment, and the not so subtle attacks on both mother and daughter, all based in some pictures, and the worst part is just women picking other women apart. Wishing this young Princess the best and hope she has enough strength to survive the vitriol of the keyboard warriors and the attacks of the trashy tabloids.
    Moving to fashion, I think they both look good, Amalia’s dress is floaty and romantic and Maxima’s is original and with a very usual color, also love her wedges.

    1. @ Anon 02:53 and Cherry.
      Thank you both for your comments. Refreshing to read.
      I just couldn’t believe the amount of negative comments being dished out by fellow bloggers.
      The royal family is in the Caribbean. They are at a party, a street carnival, a concert. Dress code, is colour, gayness, cool, party time, fun.
      IMO both mother and daughter have well chosen their ensembles.
      Even King Willen has dressed down with his lightweight summer suit.
      Please, give them (especially) Princess Amalia a break.
      Note : Sometimes I wonder if Princess Amalia will throw the towel in and renounce her rights to the throne ☹

    2. deadeggs, I feel the last sentence of your post is premature and hopefully irrelevant. Let's rather think she will get used to fulfilling her duties. I am sure she will get adequate support from her relatives. I also think her fashion choices over the last week were adequate. Starting points can be very hard.

    3. Anonymous5/2/23 20:34

      I don't think Amalia would renounce her rights to the throne. In her 18th birthday biography, she said "I will dedicate my life to the Netherlands."

  24. Anonymous5/2/23 13:43

    Thank you, Cherry and Anonymous 2:53, for your wise comments. I really feel for Amalia, it hasn’t been easy for her despite all the economical and other benefits of her life. Let’s be kind and understanding towards each other and towards the royals too, including those who have suffered so much mentally because of all the hateful attacks and lies that they have felt the need to leave that life behind.

  25. I feel sorry for the girl actually. She carries a bag or camera, I think this time, to protect herself. She is not a very happy girl, it is hard when she has a very vivacious mother also. She would not suit a mini, but a maxi maybe. She is trying to find her way, it is not easy for her. I think there are other issues happening behind the scenes. She was brought back from her University for safety reasons.
    Be kind to her

  26. Anonymous5/2/23 15:50

    To Cherry and Anon. 02:53
    Exactly my thoughts. I was just going to say something similar. I wish to add something. Some bloggers say CP Amalia never smiles. This is not true. I looked at a video yesterday evening at one of the Dutch T.V. posts and on several occasions I saw her smiling at the children and the people of these islands. What I found the worst part is that some of the bloggers called Queen Maxima a bad mother and the Dutch Royal Family "basse classe". Just because they like to dance and to dress like they feel is right for the place or town they are visiting. And that is what the people are expecting of them. There were no formal dinners or cocktail party's or other receptions what so ever. They could dress just like the other people who were at the carnival in the streets.

  27. Anonymous5/2/23 19:26

    Who have appointed as judge and jury over the Queen and Princess. Why do we want them to become or dress like some of us. As a young lady allow her to feel free and comfortable without your negative comments of what you think she should or should not wear. First show her the respect which is due her as a young future leader. It is that kind of pressure some of you put on your own daughters that some of them lack confidence in themselves and end up in mental institutions. Let us first remove the beam in our own eyes before negatively trying to destroy another leader, mother, child, future queen and show them some love and respect. Let us start working on us first and keep our opinions to ourselves. ONE LOVE

    1. Anonymous5/2/23 22:20

      Anonymous 19:26, nothing to add; you’re on point.

    2. Anonymous6/2/23 13:36

      Thank you.

  28. Anonymous5/2/23 21:05

    Amalia looks better than Maxima, but that's not because she looks so fantastic but because Maxima looks so ridiculous. It's a no from me for both dresses.

  29. "And the biters were bitten" (for anyone who is not used to this variation of the English idiom, it means when you criticise something you are doing yourself) The last set of comments criticising some posters (I may be among them, I don't know) for being judgemental are doing the same thing.(including ones from posters I generally agree with)

    Firstly, I doubt very much that Princess Amalia will be a reader of this blog.
    Secondly, I have been impressed at how restrained the comments have been with most people trying to say something positive and without hurtful remarks about her physical appearance but rather how the clothes have suited her. This is definitely NOT the case elsewhere on blogs and in the media.
    The Princess appears to have found the tour challenging and no blame to her. (if you can find footage of the Princess Royal on her early tours in the late 60s you will see that she gained the same kind of response and that she suffered nightmares)

    So, I would say well done to the vast majority of posters here on this and almost all other topics. And thanks to Helen for the massive work she does to keep us up to date with our royals

    1. Anonymous6/2/23 15:36

      She may not be reading this blog, but she has read negative comments about her appearance before, she said so when interviewed by the woman who wrote her 18th birthday biography. Knowing this, one may assume that she might read online comments again and the point that some people are trying to make here: it is one thing to deal with negative comments about yourself when you are 40 or 50 years old, though one doesn't need to be rude about these royals either, but for a teenager these things can be really, really damaging.

      And for a girl like Amalia, where looking at her you can already tell that she is shy and at times uncomfortable with the attention and photographers, so much negativity is not exactly going to help things. Quite the opposite in fact: if you are insecure but go out there nonetheless, then get lots of negative comments on looks etc, the next time you will feel even more uncomfortable putting yourself out there. It's a natural human response.

  30. Anonymous6/2/23 00:40

    Any of you who think Amelia looks miserable, please go watch the videos available on youtube. I believe it's the Royal TV channel. Amelia looks just fine. She engages with those around her and doesn't need mommy to hold her hand.
    She's young and inexperienced. She'll get better at this royal stuff.

  31. Anonymous6/2/23 11:23

    Q Maxima's dress and shoes are perfect for an event in the Caribbean ❣️. It is clear that CP Amalia is not comfortable with being in the limelight and she is only a teenager so why not let her focus on her studies and only participate in protocol tasks at home in the Netherlands.......IMO 🤔.

  32. Anonymous6/2/23 15:52

    Like the queen, the young princess seems to have a strong personality which is reflecting also in her style of dressing and selection of clothes and outfits, and this is a remarkable matter.

  33. Anonymous8/2/23 07:07

    @Annie M, false equivalence, the posters that were “upset” by certain comments aren’t judging the writers, it’s a simple call to civility, a simple reminder that you can dislike their fashion, and still be kind, but the statements about how Amalia isn’t pleased, or how Máxima is not being motherly, and all sort of nonsense and speculation just by looking at some photos, is just plain inappropriate.


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