Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel's visit to Australia, 1st day

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel are making a 3 day working visit to Australia (Canberra and Sydney) together with Minister for Foreign Trade, Johan Forssell. On the first day of their visit, The Crown Princess and Prince Daniel visited the National Museum in Canberra. Afterwards, the couple visited the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve to learn about the effects of the 2020 bushfires, and they met with members of the ACT emergency services.

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

Skultuna Glam gold plated earrings, Relier necklace and Relier bracelet. Gianvito Rossi white leather pumps. Andiata blazer

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  1. Anonymous13/2/23 11:10

    Victoria looks beautiful. nice jewellery. however I would have preferred a shorter skirt with less width.

  2. Anonymous13/2/23 11:13

    So excited that Crown Princess Victoria is back here in Australia to visit, it seems like yesterday that she was here. I was born on the day Victoria was christened in Sweden/Svierge in 1977. I have followed her on an everyday daily basis for the past 20 years, I’m excited to see Prince Daniel with her how they interact tomorrow at the Sydney Opera House, I have been extremely concerned about their marriage since February last year! Valentines Day with Crown Princess Victoria in Australia! I am so happy! Victoria 👑

  3. Anonymous13/2/23 11:33

    Probably the dress is really beautiful worn alone, but with the blazer it becomes too long and the two of them together gives a bland look. If a blazer, a pair of suit pants or a shorter skirt would be better.
    Looking forward to seeing more from this trip!

  4. More Royals visiting a hot country.
    Princess Victoria gets a 10/10 from me. Nice summerish suit. Jewellery not over done. Perfect choice for the occasion. No clutch ?
    Daniel is in his uniform again 😣
    At the moment, it is summer in Australia with daytime temperatures in and around Canberra/Sydney at an average 28 °C
    A long, long way to go for just a three day visit. Jet-lag, ten hour time change, climate difference etc.
    Maybe they’ll visit other countries on their way back to Europe.
    Photo N°2 : A beautiful photo of Princess Victoria.

    1. Some additional photos have been added since I posted my comment and it looks like Prince Daniel has changed his uniform. So nice to see him a little more relaxed, not wearing a tie and with a full smile.
      But he sticks to his double breasted style of jacket.
      Princess Victoria's "walk-about" ensemble fits the occasion very well.
      Aren't those Koalas cute.

  5. Anonymous13/2/23 12:43

    Very nice suite or dress and jacket and I love the jewellery. As a minor quibble there is something a bit off with the skirt. It should be either shorter or longer.
    Prince Daniel looks very good but a double breasted jacket for casual? It seems to be from linen or cotton but still has a too formal vibe.

  6. Anonymous13/2/23 12:48

    There is an Empress Masako vibe to Princess Victoria's outfit ! I think it is an unusual length and shape of skirt for her, but it suits her well, though I prefer the more casual outfit, couldn't say why. The soft tones of the straw hat and pretty crossbody bag, probably !

    1. Anonymous13/2/23 14:15

      Yes, well spotted, I agree, the sense of Japanese royal women indeed!

    2. Anonymous13/2/23 16:38

      True, your reference to the Japanese Empress!(concerning the length of the skirt). But it doesn`t look bad. She is looking good in her casual outfit.

  7. Belle allure dans ce look monochrome blanc des premières photos ; bon choix que les boucles d'oreilles harmonisées à une grosse chaîne/ras du cou dans un style moderne ; trop craquante la petite fille qui lui offre un bouquet de fleurs. Pour visiter la réserve naturelle de Tidbinbilla, tenues appropriées pour tous les deux ; je verrais la blouse de Victoria en popeline ; très rafraîchissant !

  8. Anonymous13/2/23 13:20

    I love the last pictures of her out and about in the Outback . Perfect outfit, she just looks lovely in that hat. Love her shirt and bag and… just everything..

  9. Anonymous13/2/23 14:00

    Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, a pleasant couple that pleasantly represents Sweden's culture in the here and now. Enthusiastic about Sweden and sports, and as a family, they are guests who are welcome.

  10. Anonymous13/2/23 14:29

    I like Prince Daniel’s light, summery blazer. It might not be the international casual and sometimes sloppy look, but it is definitely the type of jacket elegant Italian men wear, and why not? He is slim, dapper and is perhaps setting a pleasant example for others.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous13/2/23 17:58

      I agree with your comments on Daniel’s outfit. I find him always well dressed and almost a throw back to another era, in the best way possible. I think he looks very dapper!

      Victoria’s outfits look nice as well but will agree that the shape of the skirt is a bit off. Looking forward to seeing the rest of their visit to Oz!

  11. Anonymous13/2/23 14:31

    Yes I agree that, OK as it looks as is, Victoria's white outfit would look better if the skirt and jacket were slightly shorter especially for daytime. I also agree that Daniel's double breasted safari type blazer looks out of place (too formal) on the bus trip. However I also understand that none of these traveling royals ever know exactly what these local excursions will be like when they're planning and packing for them back in their home country.

    Can anyone explain why the man is burning eucalyptus leaves and branches in a bucket about halfway through the photos?
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous13/2/23 21:15

      For security reasons and other protocol issues they know exactly, down to the minute what is planned but planning what to wear is up to their staff. Ladyofthemanor

    2. Anonymous14/2/23 00:10

      Yes I know that they know weeks/months in advance what their plans will be down to the minute, but my point was that they never know what exactly the event will entail until they actually get there. It may be described before they leave home as, "Meet with and engage a local dignitary with hospitality - 30 minutes" but they don't know whether it will be in a brick house or a hut, if they will have to walk on paved ground or grass and mud all or part of the way to get there, or if there will be crowds of onlookers or just a few people, etc. Sometimes these things make a difference to what they wear, and then to commentators like us who opine based on just a handful of photos.
      - Anon 9:13

  12. Anonymous13/2/23 15:44

    Anch'io come tutti penso che la gonna sia troppo lunga e larga e la faccia sembrare di gamba corta.
    Trovo perfetta Victoria nella passeggiata in riserva e mi chiedo il perché Daniel indossi la giacca, eppure dovrebbe essere un fan delle tenute sportive.

  13. Welcome to Australia, CP Victoria and Prince Daniel. I love the outfit, beautiful, fits perfectly, love the design. The shoes and clutch look splendid. The choice of jewellery suits the outfit. Necklace and earrings look lovely. The brooch is a nice addition. Her casual wear looks perfect. The Royal couple have been lucky with the weather, the next few days drop in temperature, end of week, heat and humidity, weekend will be 40 degrees Saturday, luckily they will be out of here!

  14. Anonymous13/2/23 21:45

    This white combo looks stunning. Also the 2nd outfit slacks, and blouse are very nice. She knows how to dress. css

  15. Perfection! Tant pour le choix judicieux des tenues que pour l'harmonie qui transcende ce couple tellement sympathique et authentique!

  16. Perfection! Tant pour le choix des tenues que pour l'harmonie qui transcende ce couple tellement sympathique et authentique!

  17. Anonymous14/2/23 01:37

    The burning of eucalyptus leaves in the bucket is a “ smoking ceremony”, a traditional indigenous practice. It’s very common to have this done at a lot of public meetings of all types now days. The idea is that the smoke is a “ welcome to country”, a purifying and cleansing process designed to ward off ill thoughts and to cleanse people spiritually and physically. As I said , it’s a very common thing to do and is seen as reinforcement of the deep connection to the land of our Original Australians, the world’s oldest living culture.

    1. @Anon 01:37
      Thanks for the information. Interesting and a nice bit of Aussie culture.

    2. Anonymous14/2/23 14:09

      Thank you Anon 01:37 I suspected that that's what it was as we have a similar ceremonial practice here, but not publicly practiced as often as it should be.
      - Anon 9:13

  18. Wow, am I glad to see the Crown Princess of Sweden in Australia. I just love that family and wish we heard more and saw more pictures about the Nords. You are Welcome in this place, your Royal Highnesses.

  19. Anonymous14/2/23 11:07

    Can't say I find Daniels outfit casual weird when his wife is in casual, and what it is about his twin in the background ;)


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