Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Denmark attended a dinner in New Delhi

Crown Princess Mary wore a pink bespoke gown by Danish fashion designer Soeren le Schmidt. Brora gold charm earrings

Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary are making an official visit to India together with a Danish business delegation. On the evening of February 27, the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess attended the Grand Dinner in New Delhi as guests of honour, which was held to celebrate the diplomatic relations between Denmark and India.

Crown Princess Mary wore a pink bespoke gown by Danish fashion designer Soeren le Schmidt. Brora gold charm earrings

At the dinner, representatives from 38 Danish companies were present, as well as Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Environment Minister Magnus Heunicke and Climate, Energy and Supply Minister Lars Aagaard. Crown Princess Mary is wearing a bespoke gown designed by Danish fashion designer Soeren le Schmidt.

Crown Princess Mary wore a pink bespoke gown by Danish fashion designer Soeren le Schmidt. Brora gold charm earrings

Crown Princess Mary wore a pink bespoke gown by Danish fashion designer Soeren le Schmidt. Brora gold charm earrings

Crown Princess Mary wore a pink bespoke gown by Danish fashion designer Soeren le Schmidt. Brora gold charm earrings

Crown Princess Mary wore a pink bespoke gown by Danish fashion designer Soeren le Schmidt. Brora gold charm earrings

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous27/2/23 15:44

    Breathtaking look on Mary including hair style and wonderful smile. The Prince looks very handsome and happy t be visiting India. MR

    1. Agree. Gorgeous dress and lovely couple.

    2. Anonymous28/2/23 10:00

      She is stunning and he is so handsome 🤗 Lovely couple, perfect match !

  2. Anonymous27/2/23 16:08

    CP Mary, so beautiful and natural

    1. Anonymous27/2/23 19:45

      Ha, natural..okay...guess Botox, face fillers, cosmetic tweaks could be considered "natural" Add photoshop and camera filters...

    2. Anonymous28/2/23 07:03

      Agree with Anon 19:45
      The outfit would have been much better if it was graced by a truly natural face albeit a bit wrinkled, rather than one with artificially inflated skin and one semi-closed eye.
      The dress would have been better without the neck wrapping. Maybe a hair-up do would suit it better, revealing fully the one-shoulder element.

    3. Anonymous28/2/23 09:53

      At Anonymous 19:45 - are you describing Catherine the Princess of Wales here not CP Mary ? I think so.
      Lovely Danish CP couple, elegant and worthy.

    4. Anonymous28/2/23 10:32

      To CL. You are offended if someone is attacking Mary but you don’t mind offending Catherine SHAME ON YOU both ladies look beautiful.

    5. @Anon 19:45 : Nobody's perfect, you know; OR, maybe you're the exception.

    6. Anonymous28/2/23 19:25

      Nothing wrong with getting Botox, fillers etc but to attribute Mary's looks to being all "natural" with no cosmetic intervention is being a tad naive. Other royal women also use cosmetic procedures to look younger and again nothing wrong with that. It's just a shame that women, especially well known women in the public eye, aren't "allowed" to age naturally but have to tinker with their looks to remain what society thinks of as attractive. And Mary IS an attractive woman, with or without cosmetic tweeking, with great style and elegance and rarely gets her outfits wrong. It just seems that absolutely no criticism of Mary, no matter how slight, is ever allowed without her fans thinking she's being attacked. And yes, Deadeggs, NO ONE is perfect, not you, me or even Mary and that's just being human.

    7. Anonymous1/3/23 00:21

      Well i think these ladies are under great pressure of appearing flawless whenever they are in public with a hundred cameras constantly taking their pictures in all angles. They have to look happy, all smiles, etc … anytime.
      Unfortunately aging hits anyone, we - ‘mere mortals’ 🤪 - are ok to have our bad and good days looking, they can’t. Hence they might need botox and tons of make up to help looking younger, prettier … that’s life. I don’t think we should comment how they look with help or not of botox.
      All royals ladies are pretty and attractive in different way, their own way, we also have our preference for one or another, no need to take side …

    8. Anonymous1/3/23 09:45

      YES, elegant dressed
      - always ..... but NO, CP Mary 50+ is not natural, either in terms of her face or in her appearance. She has changed a lot on both parts, which can be seen on
      various videos. CP Mary is more a movie star look a like type than classic HRH royal in the year 2023. Unfortunately, they resemble scenes from a Netflix series.
      - Charlotte

  3. Anonymous27/2/23 16:53

    She ALWAYS gets it right when it comes to style. Handsome couple!

  4. Anonymous27/2/23 17:05

    Hmm…it’s an interesting dress but I’m not sure the colour is all that flattering to CPMary. I also think that the earrings and the hair ornament do not compliment each other at all. Overall this outfit is a No from me. (V.M.)

    1. I agree about earrings and hair ornament - they are competing with each other, and also with an already interesting shoulder design in the dress. It´s too much which brought me to the conclusion that the earrings need to go.
      I like the dress, it looks fantastic on her. The colour is not my favourite, but it is different and somehow looks alright in the Indian context.

    2. Anonymous28/2/23 08:11

      Totally agree with "anonymous"

    3. I tend to agree with both of you. Perhaps the earrings were a gift from, or compliment to, the Indian hosts in style but they do not suit her together with the busy neckline and hairpiece. Just too much. I too do not think that colour suits her even if it is a beautiful dress stylewise.

  5. Anonymous27/2/23 17:12

    I love the style of Mary's dress (not so much the color, though I note that it is the same color as all the red clay that is found in India), but what I really like are the flowers in her hair. That is such an Indian thing to do, and therefore a lovely connection to her host country's traditions.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous27/2/23 18:27

      I forgot to mention: The earrings are another thoughtful nod to her host country. Very much in the Indian style. Lovely.
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous28/2/23 09:57

      The style of the dress is very feminine and gracious, lovely touch by the flowers in the hair. Yes the colour of the dress is a bit dull, but discreet. Suppose the point here is not to be flashy with red, etc ..
      Another good choice from the Crown Princess!

  6. Anonymous27/2/23 17:21

    This is a very nice dress. I like it. Love the flowers in her hair.


  7. They look so happy. Mary looks gorgeous and Frederick looks very stylish.

  8. Anonymous27/2/23 17:44

    Mary is so beautiful. He chose well.

  9. Ravissante dans cette robe qui épouse à merveille ses courbes ; sublimes boucles d'oreilles ainsi que sa bague que je vois en diamants/rubis ? Petit effort chez Frederik dans ce costume porté sur une chemise bleu pâle avec une jolie cravate violette !

  10. Anonymous27/2/23 18:40

    Wow, stunning look. Love this dress on her, although that material around her neck looks a bit off. her hair are beautifully styled and love the flowers in her hair.
    They both look great and engaged at what they do.

  11. Anonymous27/2/23 19:45

    What great gown and earrings. CP Mary looks stunning. css

  12. Anonymous27/2/23 20:02

    Mary is so beautiful! She has a great figure and excellent posture!

  13. Wow. Love Princess Mary’s bespoke (or tailored to measure) gown by Soeren Le Schmidt
    Love the fall and line of the skirt.
    And as Anon 9:13 mentioned, the colour is the same as the red clay found in India.
    Congratulations to the designer. He is a youngish 35 year old Danish citizen.
    Married with two young kids (twins).
    He is a well known creator of wedding and red carpet dresses.
    I’m sure we’ll see the dress again for another occasion worn by Mary but perhaps with a retouch or two just to make it a little different.
    Some interesting reading on this designer can be found on……….
    The interview includes some photos of his work.

  14. Would love to see the menu for this Grand Dinner in New Delhi.
    Can anybody help?

  15. Anonymous27/2/23 20:48

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous27/2/23 22:03

      Once again this copycat “cherry” doesn’t like a dress. How interesting for the rest of us to read your pointless comments….

    2. Anonymous28/2/23 10:04

      At Anonymous @22:03 - people can have different opinion, please respect and accept various ideas.

  16. Anonymous27/2/23 20:57

    Fabulous dress and hair ornament. Not so sure about the earrings. I know they are Indian in style and a nod to her hosts but I would have preferred pearls or coloured stones.

  17. Anonymous27/2/23 21:02

    The color of the gown is terrible.

  18. Anonymous27/2/23 21:33

    @20:48, you aren’t Cherry that would be me. I truly wish that the administrator would remove your comment. I do have my own Cherry Blossom account, however is on my old IPad, so I can’t access it from this one. It is not normal to stalk and use other bloggers nicknames, and make ridiculous and grammatically incorrect comments.
    Love Mary’s dress, the movement and fall of the skirt is fabulous, the top part fit her like a glove,I also love the unusual color. She looks fabulous.

    1. Anonymous28/2/23 07:31

      @Cherry, the real one, you are so right. That fake "Cherry" copycats other's nicks and makes only rude and negativ comments, full of errors. I was attacked by her many times and therefore I chose to comment only without a nickname. That person must be very disturbed, so sad for her and for us.

    2. Anonymous28/2/23 09:16

      Cherry, we, regular readers of this blog, recognize your way of responding. Couldn't it be that this "new you" has the same first name and thus has no intention of harming you? Maybe if you sign as Cherry Blossom, you can see if the "new you" does the same and then you know that the signing as Cherry is being done on purpose? Just an idea ...

      btw: I always value you to the point, honest comments


  19. She looks very pretty! I love the style of the dress but not the color and I think her hair is very pretty!!

  20. Anonymous27/2/23 22:34

    We’ve seen CP Mary wear this dress before. I think it’s very feminine and light in design. The color is very flattering on Mary. Love the flowers in her hair. I wonder if the earrings were locally sourced ?
    They both look like they are thoroughly enjoying themselves!

  21. Anonymous27/2/23 22:43

    dress is amazing, colour is beautiful and so natural, princess is very elegant looks stunning,

  22. Anonymous28/2/23 00:25

    Beautiful!!! Mary looks so lovely in this elegant gown. Her choice of hairstyle with flowers and her earrings are very much a nod to India in style and design. Would love to know more about the earrings because they are so pretty. She has had several earrings from Amrita Singh, an Indian jewelry designer--perhaps this is another pair for her collection. Frederik is looking very handsome.


  23. Beautiful, elegant gown, fits perfectly. Love her hair and makeup. The choice of jewellery is perfect.

  24. Anonymous28/2/23 03:15

    Love the style of this rewear (not so much the color) as well as the earrings and flowers in her hair. Trying to figure out the right party so I can put flowers in my hair 😂

  25. Anonymously @ 20:48, no you aren't Cherry, as I said on my comment above @ 20:23.

    1. Anonymous28/2/23 11:00

      Dear Cherry, the regular readers wouldn't confuse this troll's comments as yours, still it was annoying. Usually, I'm a silent reader, but I would like to take this opportunity to say that I appreciate your comments very much. They show a great sense of style (which I envy you for), a sharp eye for details, plus they are always polite and respectful. Thank you for upholding the values on this blog. Best wishes. Rina

  26. Anonymous1/3/23 12:57

    Not an easy colour to wear, is a strong non descript, potentially draining colour but she does, and looks lovely!


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