The Countess of Wessex visited Connaught Junior School in Bagshot

Countess of Wessex wore a Custodi double-breasted brushed wool coat by MaxMara, and a Capote wool blend dress by Gabriela Hearst

The Countess of Wessex visited Connaught Junior School in Bagshot, and officially opened the school’s new STEAM Lab, a dedicated space for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths, and attended the school's 60th anniversary celebration. The Countess then visited Leatherwood Hospital in Ascot and officially opened Frimley Health’s new centre of excellence for non-emergency care.

Countess of Wessex wore a Custodi double-breasted brushed wool coat by MaxMara, and a Capote wool blend dress by Gabriela Hearst

Countess of Wessex wore a Custodi double-breasted brushed wool coat by MaxMara, and a Capote wool blend dress by Gabriela Hearst

Countess of Wessex wore a Custodi double-breasted brushed wool coat by MaxMara, and a Capote wool blend dress by Gabriela Hearst

Countess of Wessex wore a Custodi double-breasted brushed wool coat by MaxMara, and a Capote wool blend dress by Gabriela Hearst

Countess of Wessex wore MAX MARA Custodi double-breasted brushed wool coat
MAX MARA Custodi double-breasted brushed wool coat

The Countess of Wessex wore GABRIELA HEARST Capote wool blend dress
GABRIELA HEARST Capote wool blend dress

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  1. Anonymous20/1/23 12:34

    It looks like a comfortable, easy dress to wear. I would have preferred 3/4 sleeves, but that’s a minor quibble. The coat is beautiful. Both pieces are too long, however that seems to be C. Sophie’s style. (V.M.)

    1. @ (V.M.) and others.
      Re the length of the coat and dress.
      I’d say it’s not the Countess’s style but more of a general British style.
      I’ve noted for quite a few years now that the fashion for long skirts, dresses and coats (British style) is not seen in other European countries. Could it be related to their climate?

  2. Countess Sophie's Max Mara coat is gorgeous and the scarf goes well with it. I wish we had a closer view of her earrings. The drop portion might be a sapphire and the stud a pearl.

  3. Anonymous20/1/23 13:46

    I really like this dress. It looks very good on the Countess. It could be a few inches shorter but I assume she is not a tall person. The Coat is gorgeous. Ladyofthemanor

  4. La comtesse Sophie est vraiment une femme charmante pleine de naturel et d'empathie ; élégant son manteau qui pourrait être quelques centimètres plus courts et de plus, ses boucles d'oreilles mériteraient d'être vues de plus près ! Oh, j'oubliais l'adorable toutou dont j'aimerais bien connaître la race ?!

  5. La comtesse Sophie est vraiment une femme charmante pleine de naturel et d'empathie ; élégant son manteau qui pourrait être quelques centimètres plus courts et de plus, ses boucles d'oreilles mériteraient d'être vues de plus près ! Oh, j'oubliais l'adorable toutou dont j'aimerais bien connaître la race ?!

  6. Anonymous20/1/23 16:19

    Cute dog too

  7. Anonymous20/1/23 17:43

    Happy birthday, Sophie. Always smiling and in a good mood. That's how it should be done, dear other members of the royal family.

  8. Anonymous20/1/23 17:48

    Molto bello il cappotto, anche l'abito mi piace, insieme però non ci stanno.

  9. Anonymous20/1/23 17:56

    Very nice,

  10. Anonymous20/1/23 19:20

    This is a great combination and color for her. The dog must be waiting for a treat. css

    1. à Anonyme 20/1/23 19:20
      C'est tout à fait l'impression que j'ai eue car il a posé sa patte droite sur le genou de la dame qui a dû lui demander de "tendre la patte" et pour le récompenser, il a reçu une friandise ; il est trop craquant ; qui pourrait me donner le nom de sa race ?!

  11. This ensemble looks great, the dress suits Sophie. Love the coat.

  12. Anonymous21/1/23 21:00

    Sophie: Happy Birthday, the outfit you wore was quite nice. jj

  13. Anonymous21/1/23 23:53

    Sophie looks terrific! Love the Max Mara coat and the dress is very pretty.



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