Queen Maxima of the Netherlands paid a working visit to Utrecht

Queen Maxima wore a khaki gathered silk blouse by Natan. The Queen wore khaki green trousers by Natan

On January 25, Queen Maxima paid a working visit to Utrecht in the context of the mental health of young people. The Queen met with representatives of various initiatives that have been started in Utrecht for and by young people to help them grow up mentally healthy.

Queen Maxima wore a khaki gathered silk blouse by Natan. The Queen wore khaki green trousers by Natan

Queen Maxima wore a khaki gathered silk blouse by Natan. The Queen wore khaki green trousers by Natan

Representatives of three initiatives spoke about what they do for the mental health of young people. For example, GeluksCafés organizes meetings at various locations in Utrecht. Student association VIDIUS, together with Power by Peers, is trying to make mental health a subject of discussion within the support network of students themselves.

Queen Maxima wore a khaki gathered silk blouse by Natan. The Queen wore khaki green trousers by Natan

Queen Maxima wore a khaki gathered silk blouse by Natan. The Queen wore khaki green trousers by Natan

The Queen then spoke with Garage2020 representatives. Finally, Queen Máxima visited BuKoJoU which is a joint initiative formed by neighborhood teams, the KOOS foundation and Jongerenwerk Utrecht. BuKoJoU focuses on young people who feel depressed or depressed and offers them the opportunity to discuss this together and with professionals.

Queen Maxima wore a khaki gathered silk blouse by Natan. The Queen wore khaki green trousers by Natan

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Not sure if that feather duster is the same one we have seen before on another outfit but wether it is or not I feel it should go back on its broom handle and the both the blouse and trousers could be recycled into extra dust cloths. maxima stick to your glorious colours.

    1. 100% Maxima, faults and all. My favourite fun Queen.
      p.s. Happy National Day to our Aussie bloggers.
      Enjoy your holiday and have a nice barbecue (a Barbie).
      Enjoy your summer weather.

    2. Spare a thought for your Aussi Princess Mary.
      She maybe knee deep in snow in Denmark.

  2. Anonymous25/1/23 21:42

    I have to say that this top matches perfectly Maxima's hair. lol

    1. Anonymous26/1/23 17:08

      Spot on! Ladyofthemanor

  3. Anonymous25/1/23 21:59

    Cool style and totally a Queen Máxima outfit, I like it on her. However, as often, her hair needs attention… a brush at a minimum!

  4. Anonymous25/1/23 21:59

    The feathers around her neck look like an extension of her hair !

  5. Anonymous25/1/23 22:26

    No, just no. Hair, a total mess see 1st and 3rd photos especially. The blouse, or neck of it, looks as messy an inappropriate as her hair. Smile is nice.

  6. Virginia Dogwood26/1/23 00:37

    Queen Maxima marches to the beat of her own fashion drum, and you gotta love her for it. The exotic looking necklace would not have been my choice for this meeting, instead maybe for a casual, fun type event. But I love the color of the blouse, pants and shoes. Maybe this look was intended to be "uplifting" for a discussion on depression.

  7. Anonymous26/1/23 02:35

    She looks magnificent!

  8. Anonymous26/1/23 06:58

    Such a lovely face and then such terrible clothes….

  9. Anonymous26/1/23 07:59

    A really nice working suit in modern olive colour and with a "twist " (the collar) and that's Máxima. I have given up on her hair style. In a way I think she is on purpose a bit sloppy with that , which is okay. It must be terrible whenever you leave the house to look impeccable cause of all the photographers of the tabloids that critisize everything. So I see it also as a kind of statement. I don't care what you say I do my hair in the way I want it.

    1. Anonymous26/1/23 19:10

      I think to groom your hair should be a minimum requirement, not every woman is blessed with a perfect mane, but we do our best to look presentable when we go to work. If you have a rol such a Maxima’s with the amount of personnel and disposable cash at your disposal, is just inexcusable

  10. I actually quite like the outfit. It is totally ruined by that messy hair though. It really needed a tidy updo.

  11. Anonymous26/1/23 09:33


  12. Anonymous26/1/23 09:35

    Cette dame prône l'écologie et se promène avec des plumes autour du cou :)

  13. I think this is not a simple take it or leave it situation. The blouse and trousers are fine in my view. If they were hanging in my closet I would use them with pleasure. The feather thing ; Virginia used the right words about it. Regarding the hair, recent pictures showed the difference between her own hair and the use of extensions. I think the choice is easy, but why doesn't she let her hair grow into the extensions scenario. I think her answer would be, she wants both possibilities.

  14. Haut et pantalon subtilement harmonisés mais au niveau de ces plumes, leur support semble composé d'un collier de grosses perles ?!

  15. Anonymous26/1/23 16:41

    Oh dear…she’s had some great hair days lately…what happened here? I really like the outfit (monochromatic with a fun accessory) but wish she’d pulled her hair back into a simple updo, or even a pony tail. (V.M.)

  16. Anonymous26/1/23 19:26

    I think she looks great!
    What matters most to me is the WAY she is wearing what she is wearing: she is comfortable and relaxed and and engaged with her audience and there is no big fuss or attention about the feathers. She liked it, she wore it - end of story. And as someone pointed out above, the hair matches the feathers - which to me is a positive thing - as it downplays any aspirations of grandeur.
    She is on trend with the lovely deep olive colour and the whole outfit fits her well. Love Maxima for being true to her self, and for her ample charisma, intelligence and involvement.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous26/1/23 21:39

      I think the bad hair is a dishonor to the position of Queen of a country. Making jokes about it, or saying it goes with the feathery thing around her neck, are excuses. She should have a little more pride in her appearance, instead of trying to distract from the fact that her hair is a mess most of the time. She has the means, use a hair dresser. She is beautiful, accentuate the natural beauty, use your lavish resources on your hair, rather than Big Bird's neck plumage. jm

    2. Anonymous27/1/23 14:52

      @Anon 21:39 When Maxima needs to put her best foot forward (and her best head forward) in the name of her country, she more than rises to the occasion with perfect coiffure. However these are modern times with modern Queens and modern roles for royalty, which is in danger of irrelevance, unlike 40, 50, 60 or 100s of years ago. Besides being Queen, Maxima is also a smart, 'every day' woman involved with her country's and other global affairs, with the same every day issues of deportment as millions of her country women. To some (perhaps even many) this brings her closer to them, not that she's doing it for that reason. However her hair looks, she is always decently presentable on the outside, and especially on the inside.
      - Anon 9:13

  17. Anonymous26/1/23 20:23

    Nice outfit today. But the feathers are a no. css

  18. Back to terrible hair and odd sense of fashion.

  19. Anonymous28/1/23 01:33

    sigh, another goofy neckline, and bad hair day.


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